15 Alaska Admin. Code § 65.990

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 15 AAC 65.990 - Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise,

(1) "bulk sample" means the quantity of resource mined, gathered, taken, or otherwise accumulated as a specimen for the purpose of testing and analyzing the ore body before its development;
(2) "consolidated business" means a corporation or group of corporations having more than 50 percent common ownership, direct or indirect;
(3) "department" means the Department of Revenue;
(4) "development expense" includes expenses paid or incurred after the determination that a deposit of mineral or ore is shown to exist in sufficient quantity and quality to reasonably justify commercial exploitation;
(5) "exploration expense" includes those expenses incurred for the purpose of ascertaining the existence, location, extent, or quality of any deposit of ore or other mineral paid or incurred before the beginning of development of the mine or other deposit;
(6) "gravel" means a mixture of small stones and pebbles or pebbles and sand that will pass through a three-inch, and be retained on a No. 4 United States standard, sieve;
(7) "mining operation" means a business enterprise associated, directly or indirectly, with developing, removing, extracting, moving, or taking from the earth, water, or under water, metals, ores, minerals, asbestos, gypsum, coal, and any other mineral deposit, including the treatment processes described in sec. 613(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 613(c)(4)), and such treatment processes normally applied by mine owners or operators to obtain a commercially marketable product, but not including the extraction or production of oil and natural gas, marketable earth, quarry rock, sand, gravel, or the harvesting of trees or other natural living, organic resources;
(8) "mining property" means each separate interest owned by the taxpayer in each mineral deposit in each separate tract or parcel of land;
(9) "person" means an individual, trust, estate, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or group or combination of these acting as a unit;
(10) "place" means each geographically separate mining operation not aggregated with another;
(11) "prosecute" means to begin to carry on, to undertake, or to institute an action;
(12) "sand" means separate grains or particles of disintegrated rock, easily distinguished by the unaided eye, and that which are finer than gravel and coarser than dust but not large enough to constitute pebbles;
(13) "marketable earth" means peat and topsoil;
(14) "quarry rock"
(A) means rock or stone that is extracted from the earth for the purposes of being crushed and processed into aggregate that can be used for construction purposes, including road building;
(B) does not include coal.

15 AAC 65.990

Eff. 8/9/86, Register 99; am 2/20/2022, Register 241, April 2022

Authority:AS 43.05.080

AS 43.65.060