15 Alaska Admin. Code § 55.370

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 15 AAC 55.370 - Applying production tax credit certificates against production tax liability
(a) To apply a production tax credit certificate issued under AS 43.55.025 against a production tax liability under AS 43.55.011(e) or, for oil and gas produced before July 1, 2007, AS 43.55.011(f), a producer must submit to the department, with the statement described in AS 43.55.030(a), a written designation, on a form prescribed by the department, stating the
(1) amount of tax credit to be applied against the tax liability;
(2) calendar year for which the tax credit is to be applied; and
(3) percentage, if any, of the tax credit that was subtracted in calculating the amount of an installment payment for each month under 15 AAC 55.381(b)
(b) On receipt of a written designation under (a) of this section, subject to the provisions of or 15 AAC 55.341 the department will apply the designated tax credit against the producer's production tax liability under AS 43.55.011(e) for the designated calendar year in the order listed under 15 AAC 55.375 or, if the producer submits a schedule under 15 AAC 55.375(c), in the order listed in that schedule. Subject to the provisions of or 15 AAC 55.341 an unused amount of a tax credit designated for a calendar year under (a) of this section will be applied as a credit for the next calendar year for which the producer has a tax liability under AS 43.55.011(e), in the order listed under 15 AAC 55.375 or listed in the producer's then-current schedule.
(c) Except for a tax credit based on an expenditure for seismic exploration under AS 43.55.025(k) or except as provided in 15 AAC 55.305,
(1) the earliest calendar year for which a production tax credit under AS 43.55.025 may be applied against the tax liability of the producer that incurred the exploration expenditure on which the tax credit is based is the calendar year in which the exploration expenditure was incurred;
(2) subject to the department's later issuance of a production tax credit certificate covering the amount of the tax credit, the producer may apply the tax credit before the certificate is issued.
(d) Except as provided in 15 AAC 55.305, the earliest calendar year for which a production tax credit under AS 43.55.025
(1) that is based on an expenditure for seismic exploration under AS 43.55.025(k) may be applied against the tax liability of the producer that incurred the expenditure is the calendar year in which the production tax credit certificate is issued;
(2) may be applied against the tax liability of a transferee of the production tax certificate is the calendar year in which the effective date of the transfer of the certificate occurs.
(e) A production tax credit certificate does not accrue interest, and except for application against a tax liability as provided in this section or as provided in 15 AAC 55.305 for an additional amount of tax, associated interest, or a self-reported penalty, may not be used in payment of any tax or other amount owed. A production tax credit certificate for exploration expenditures incurred for work performed on or after July 1, 2016 may be applied against the tax levied by AS 43.20.011(e) by the producer or explorer that incurred the expenditures for the production tax credit certificate.

15 AAC 55.370

Eff. 5/3/2007, Register 182; am 12/25/2009, Register 192; am 1/1/2018,Register 224, January 2018 ; am 9/20/2020,Register 235, October 2020

Authority:AS 43.05.080

AS 43.55.025

AS 43.55.110

AS 43.20.044