15 Alaska Admin. Code § 23.143

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 15 AAC 23.143 - Establishing and maintaining Alaska residency
(a) An individual's intent to establish residency, remain indefinitely in Alaska, or to return to Alaska and remain indefinitely is demonstrated through the establishment and maintenance of customary ties indicative of Alaska residency and the absence of those ties elsewhere. Acts that are required by law or contract or are routinely performed by temporary residents of Alaska are not by themselves evidence of residency. In evaluating whether an individual claiming Alaska residency has demonstrated an intent to remain indefinitely in Alaska, the department will consider whether or not an individual has:
(1) taken steps to establish Alaska residency and sever residency in a previous state or country;
(2) ties to another state or country that indicate continued residency in the other state or country; and
(3) taken other action during the qualifying year, through the date of application, that is inconsistent with an intent to remain in Alaska indefinitely.
(b) An individual may not become a resident while absent from Alaska.
(c) Physical presence in Alaska is not, by itself, sufficient to establish residency. Before January 1 of the qualifying year, an individual must have taken at least one step beyond physical presence in Alaska to establish residency. The department will not consider external indicators, including those listed in 15 AAC 23.173(g), established less than six months before December 31 of the qualifying year as evidence of the establishment of Alaska residency in time to qualify for the current year dividend.
(d) An individual is not eligible for a dividend if, at any time from January 1 of the qualifying year through the date of application, the individual has
(1) maintained the individual's principal home in another state or country, regardless of whether the individual spent a majority of time at that home, except while absent for a reason listed
(A) in AS 43.23.008(a)(1) - (3), (9) - (11), or (16); or
(B) in AS 43.23.008(a)(13), if the eligible resident whom the individual accompanies is absent for a reason listed in (A) of this paragraph;
(2) claimed or maintained a claim of residency in another state or country in the individual's employment personnel records; if the individual claims an error or a delay was made in processing by the personnel office, the individual must submit
(A) from the personnel office, a certified copy of the individual's request to change the individual's state of legal residence; or
(B) a sworn statement from the personnel officer who has specific knowledge that the personnel office made an error, or caused a delay, in processing the individual's personnel records; the personnel officer must state the exact date the records show the original request was received and why the request was not processed timely;
(3) claimed a non-resident motor vehicle tax exemption in Alaska;
(4) accepted full-time, permanent employment in another state or country except while on an absence listed
(A) in AS 43.23.008(a)(1) - (3), (9) - (11), or (16); or
(B) in AS 43.23.008(a)(13), if the eligible resident whom the individual accompanies is absent for a reason listed in (A) of this paragraph;
(5) filed a resident or part-year resident income tax return in another state or country and the claim of residency on the return is for any period of time beginning January 1 of the qualifying year through the date of application, unless the individual
(A) was required by the other state or country to file a return claiming resident tax status in that state or country even though the individual was a state resident as defined in AS 43.23.095; or
(B) files in the other state or country an amended return claiming nonresident tax status and provides proof to the department that the amended return was actually filed in the other state or country;
(6) claimed or maintained a claim of a homestead or homeowner's property tax exemption in another state or country, that required the individual to be a resident of that state or country, unless the individual
(A) files an amended homestead or homeowner's property tax exemption claim deleting the claim of residency; and
(B) provides evidence from the other state or country that the individual filed an amended homestead or homeowner's property tax exemption claim deleting the claim of residency;
(7) applied for or received an education loan from another state or country that required an individual to be a resident of that state or country;
(8) disclosed in a court proceeding or affidavit that the individual is a resident of another state or country;
(9) executed a will that described residency in another state or country;
(10) moved from Alaska,
(A) for a reason other than one listed
(i) in AS 43.23.008(a)(1) - (3), (9) - (11), or (16); or
(ii) in AS 43.23.008(a)(13), if the eligible resident whom the individual accompanies is absent for a reason listed in (i) of this subparagraph; and
(B) claiming moving expenses as a deduction on the individual's federal income tax return, unless the individual
(i) files an amended federal income tax return deleting the claimed moving expenses as a deduction; and
(ii) provides proof from the Internal Revenue Service that the individual filed an amended return;
(11) accepted admission under resident tuition provisions to a college or university in another state or country, unless
(A) there was no difference between resident and nonresident tuition;
(B) nonresident tuition was waived as part of an interstate exchange agreement such as the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) student exchange program or the Washington Wyoming Alaska Montana Idaho (WWAMI) medical education program; or
(C) the individual was granted admission under resident tuition provisions for any other reason that did not require the individual to be a resident of the state or country in which the college or university is located;
(12) registered to vote in another state or country, except if the individual
(A) registered to vote in another state no more than 60 days before a presidential election solely for the purpose of voting in that election and did not vote in any other election in another state other than for president of the United States; or
(B) registered to vote in another country for which the individual was not required to claim residency of the country in order to register to vote;
(13) voted in another state's or country's state, country, or local election, except if the individual voted in an election described in this paragraph and the individual was not required to claim residency in order to vote;
(14) obtained a resident hunting, fishing, or trapping license from another state or country;
(15) filed for divorce, dissolution, or legal separation in another state or country that required the individual to be a resident of that state or country in order to file the action;
(16) repealed 1/1/2010;
(17) obtained any other benefit or benefits as a result of establishing or maintaining any claim of residency in another state or country or by disclaiming Alaska residency, except that the department will not deny a dividend to an individual solely because the individual received Medicaid benefits from another state if the individual's application for Medicaid was consistent with the intent to maintain residency in Alaska.
(e) Regardless of alienage, a child born outside Alaska to an eligible resident on an allowable absence, adopted by an eligible resident, or whose adoption by an eligible resident is pending during the qualifying year, establishes Alaska residency in the child's own right immediately upon the child's arrival in Alaska if the child's custodial parent or guardian is an eligible resident at the time of the child's arrival in Alaska.
(f) An individual absent from Alaska as a dependent of an eligible resident who as soon as reasonably possible, as determined by the department, after emancipation does not return to Alaska and establish Alaska residency as an adult is not eligible for a dividend. A newly emancipated individual who was absent from Alaska as a dependent of an eligible resident who returns to Alaska as soon as reasonably possible, as determined by the department, after emancipation and who establishes external indicators of Alaska residency as an individual is not subject to the six month physical presence requirements of 15 AAC 23.163(b).
(g) A resident who marries a nonresident while physically present in Alaska is considered to have the intent to remain indefinitely in Alaska until the resident takes steps or actions to depart Alaska.
(h) An individual who on the date of application knows the individual will be moving from Alaska at a specific time to a specific destination for a reason other than one allowed by AS 43.23.008(a) does not have the intent to remain indefinitely in Alaska and is not eligible for a dividend.
(i) The eligibility of a resident who marries a nonresident while absent from Alaska is not changed by the marriage, so long as the resident is absent for the resident's own allowable reason.
(j) The fact that an individual's spouse has not declared Alaska residency does not establish a presumption that an individual is not a resident.
(k) Repealed 1/1/2000.

15 AAC 23.143

Eff. 1/1/93, Register 124; am 6/26/93, Register 126; am 12/24/93, Register 128; am 10/8/94, Register 131; am 11/20/96, Register 140; am 4/18/97, Register 142; am 1/1/99, Register 148; am 1/1/2000, Register 152; am 1/1/2002, Register 160; am 1/1/2003, Register 164; am 1/1/2005, Register 172; am 1/1/2008, Register 184; am 1/1/2009, Register 188; am 1/1/2010, Register 192; am 1/1/2011, Register 196; am 1/1/2013, Register 204

As of Register 153 (April 2000), the regulations attorney made technical revisions under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), changing cross-references in 15 AAC 23.143(d) (1), (4), and (10)(A) to reflect changes to the paragraph numbering in AS 43.23.008(a), effective January 1, 2000.

As of Register 160 (January 2002), the regulations attorney made a technical revision under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), and in accordance with ch. 85, sec. 45, SLA 2001, to change "student loan" to "education loan" in 15 AAC 23.143(d) (7).

Authority:AS 01.10.055

AS 43.23.005

AS 43.23.008

AS 43.23.015

AS 43.23.055