The corporation will make, participate in the making, purchase, or participate in the purchase of a loan under 15 AAC 151.400 - 15 AAC 151.440 to individuals, partnerships, joint ventures, for-profit corporations, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, regional housing authorities, non-profit corporations, corporations organized under 43 U.S.C. 1601 - 1629 h (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act), as amended, including a listed native village, or any wholly owned subsidiary of those corporations, school districts, regional educational attendance areas, agencies of the state, and municipalities.
15 AAC 151.405
Even though the amendment of 15 AAC 151.405 was effective 5/16/2012, it was not published until Register 204, January 2013.
Authority:AS 18.56.088
AS 18.56.090
AS 18.56.099
AS 18.56.730