"Special needs housing" may be on contiguous, non-contiguous or scattered sites and may include operational apparatus;
15 AAC 151.950
Before Register 130, July, 1994, the substance of 15 AAC 151.950 was contained in 15 AAC 118.342, 3 AAC 98.490 and 19 AAC 89.900. The history note for 15 AAC 151.950 does not reflect the history of the sections under those numbers.
In sec. 3, ch. 57, SLA 2013 the legislature enacted the statute originally numbered AS 18.56.340. When codifying the session law in the Alaska Statutes, and acting under AS 01.05.031, the revisor of statutes changed the section number to AS 18.56.230. As of Register 213 (April 2015), the regulations attorney made a conforming technical revision under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), to the definition of "commercial uses" in 15 AAC 151.950(d), so that the original cross-reference to AS 18.56.340 now refers to AS 18.56.230, the number assigned to the section upon codification.
Even though an amendment of the introductory language of 15 AAC 151.950(e) was adopted and took effect 1/9/2013, the amendment was not published until Register 213, April 2015.
Authority:AS 18.55.100
AS 18.55.110
AS 18.55.240
AS 18.55.420
AS 18.56.088
AS 18.56.090
AS 18.56.099
AS 18.56.100
AS 18.56.730
AS 18.56.230