Current through December 21, 2024
Section 13 AAC 55.140 - Liability for damages(a) 13 AAC 50 - 13 AAC 55 may not be construed to hold the state responsible for any damage to persons or property by reason of the inspection or reinspection authorized in these chapters or failure to inspect or reinspect or by reason of a permit issued as provided in these chapters or by reason of the approval or disapproval of any equipment authorized in these chapters.(b) The provisions of 13 AAC 50 - 13 AAC 55 may not be construed to remove or lessen the responsibility of a person owning, operating, or controlling a building or structure for an injury, loss, or damage caused by fire, explosion, storage, or handling of hazardous wastes or materials or any other activity or condition regulated by those chapters.In effect before 7/28/59; am 6/25/69, Register 30; am 2/21/71, Register 37; am 10/28/90, Register 116