12 Alaska Admin. Code § 56.100

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 12 AAC 56.100 - Established boundaries of compulsory pilotage waters of Alaska

Specific boundaries of the compulsory pilotage waters of Alaska are as follows:

(1) all waters inside a line drawn from Cape Spencer Light due south to a point of intersection which is due west of the southern extremity of Cape Cross; then to Cape Edgecumbe Light; then through Cape Bartolome Light and extended to a point of intersection which is due west of Cape Muzon Light; then due east to Cape Muzon Light; then to a point which is one mile, 180º true, from Cape Chacon Light; then to Barren Island Light; then to Lord Rock Light; then to the southern extremity of Garnet Point, Kanagunut Island; then to the southeastern extremity of Island Point, Sitklan Island; then from the northeastern extremity of Point Mansfield, Sitklan Island, 40º true, to the mainland;
(2) all waters of Prince William Sound and environs inside a line drawn from Cape Puget to Point Elrington; then to Cape Cleare; then Zaikof Point to Cape Hinchinbrook Light; then Point Bentinck to Okalee Spit;
(3) all waters of Resurrection Bay inside a line extending from the southern tip of Aialik Cape to the southern tip of Cape Resurrection;
(4) all waters of Cook Inlet inside a line extending from Cape Douglas to the western tip of Perl Island then northward to the shoreline of the Kenai Peninsula;
(5) all waters of Chiniak Bay inside a line extending from Cape Chiniak to the eastern tip of Long Island then to Spruce Cape;
(6) all waters of Marmot Bay and environs including eastern approaches, inside a line extending from Spruce Cape to the southern tip of Pillar Cape and western approaches, inside a line extending from Cape Nuniliak to the northern tip of Raspberry Island and also inside a line extending from Raspberry Cape to Miners Point;
(7) all waters of Chignik Bay inside a line extending from the eastern tip of Castle Cape to the western tip of Nakchamik Island then to the eastern tip of Cape Kumliun;
(8) all waters of Unalaska Bay inside a line extending from the tip of the west headland of Constantine Bay to Eider Point;
(9) all waters of Port Moller and Herendeen Bay inside a line extending from Lagoon Point to Cape Kutuzof;
(10) all waters of Bristol Bay inside a line extending from Cape Newenham to Cape Pierce, then to Cape Constantine, then to the southern extremity of Egegik Bay;
(11) all waters of Kuskokwim Bay inside a line extending from Cape Newenham to Cape Avinof;
(12) all waters of Norton Sound inside a line extending from the western tip of Stuart Island to Cape Darby, then to Cape Nome;
(13) all waters of Port Clarence inside a line extending from Pt. Spencer Lt. North to the Seward Peninsula shore;
(14) all waters of the Chukchi Sea and Kotzebue Sound inside a line extending from Cape Prince of Wales three miles due west (270º true) to a point approximately 65º 38' north latitude, 168º 15' west longitude; then due north (0º true) to a point approximately 66º 27' north latitude, 168º 15' west longitude; then 59º true to a point approximately 66º 45' north latitude, 167º 02' west longitude; then due east (90º true) to a point approximately 12 miles off the coast of Cape Espenberg at the intersection with a line drawn from Cape Espenberg to Cape Krusenstern, approximate position 66º 45' north latitude, 163º 40' west longitude; then to Cape Krusenstern; then to Point Hope;
(15) all waters surrounding the Pribilof Islands of St. Paul and St. George from the shoreline seaward to the outer limit of the three-mile territorial seas;
(16) all waters surrounding the Bering Sea Islands from shoreward to the outer limit of the three-mile territorial seas, including St. Lawrence Island, Nunivak Island, St. Matthew Island, and Little Diomede Island;
(17) all waters encompassing the Aleutian Islands from the shoreline to the outer limit of the three-mile territorial seas, including any and all islands around the Fox Islands, Rat Islands, Near Islands, Andreanof Islands, and the Islands of Four Mountains;
(18) all waters encompassing the south coast of the Alaska Peninsula from Cape Kanatak (Portage Bay) to Cape Pankof to the outer limit of the three-mile territorial seas, including any and all islands around the Shumagin Islands, Semedi Islands, Pavlof Islands, Sutwik Island, Sanak Island, and the Sandman Reefs;
(19) all waters of the north coast of the Alaska Peninsula from Cape Krenzin to the southern extremity of Egegik Bay to the outer limit of the three-mile territorial seas, including Amak Island and Seal Lion Rocks.

12 AAC 56.100

Eff. 6/11/71, Register 38; am 3/30/86, Register 97; em am 7/2/90 - 10/29/90, Register 115; am 8/17/91, Register 119; am 12/21/95, Register 136; am 1/23/99, Register 149; am 10/18/2001, Register 160

Authority:AS 08.62.040

AS 08.62.160