12 Alaska Admin. Code § 52.994

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 12 AAC 52.994 - Independent dispensing of opioid overdose drugs by pharmacists
(a) A pharmacist may independently dispense an opioid overdose drug approved for use as an opioid overdose drug by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Before a pharmacist independently dispenses an opioid overdose drug to a recipient, the pharmacist shall
(1) in accordance with 12 AAC 52.340, complete a single training session that consists of one hour of continuing education specific to the use of an opioid overdose drug;
(2) question the recipient to determine if there are any known contraindications to opioid overdose drug usage for the potential user; and
(3) provide the recipient information about opioid overdose prevention, recognition, and response to opioid overdose drugs.
(b) A pharmacist may
(1) supply an opioid overdose drug as
(A) an intramuscular injection;
(B) an intranasal spray;
(C) an auto-injector; or
(D) any other product forms approved by the United States Food and Dmg Administration; and
(2) recommend other optional items when appropriate, including
(A) alcohol pads;
(B) rescue breathing masks; or
(C) rubber gloves.
(c) When dispensing an opioid overdose drug
(1) the pharmacist shall
(A) label the drug in accordance with 12 AAC 52.480;
(B) ensure that the label includes appropriate directions; the label may not consist of the sole direction "use as directed";
(C) ensure that the label includes directions to call 911 or other available emergency services; and
(D) document the drug as a prescription in the medication record of the recipient in accordance with 12 AAC 52.450;
(2) the pharmacist may
(A) in accordance with 12 AAC 52.585, provide the recipient with counseling and information on the drug furnished, including
(i) dosing;
(ii) administration;
(iii) effectiveness;
(iv) adverse effects;
(v) storage conditions;
(vi) shelflife; and
(vii) safety;
(B) offer the recipient information or referrals to appropriate resources including information about addiction treatment, recovery services, or medication disposal resources, if the recipient indicates interest in that information.
(d) Nothing in this section restricts the ability of a pharmacist to furnish an opioid overdose drug by means of an authorized practitioner prescription under 12 AAC 52.460 or 12 AAC 52.490.
(e) In this section,
(1) "opioid overdose drug"
(A) has the meaning given in AS 08.80.168;
(B) includes naloxone hydrochloride;
(2) "recipient" means the person to whom an opioid overdose drug is furnished.

12 AAC 52.994

Eff. 11/26/2016, Register 220, January 2017

Authority:AS 08.80.030

AS 08.80.168

AS 08.80.480