11 Alaska Admin. Code § 87.230

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 11 AAC 87.230 - Injection
(a) A well drilled for the purpose of injection of fluids into a reservoir must be drilled in compliance with 11 AAC 87.070 - 11 AAC 87.190.
(b) A permit must be obtained from the commissioner before any fluids are injected into any underground reservoir. The application for such a permit must include:
(1) a plan of injection explaining the proposed system, including a description of proposed facilities other than the injection well considered necessary to conduct the operations;
(2) a map of adequate scale showing all existing and proposed wells, distinguished by type of well, pipelines, and other surface facilities;
(3) the injection fluid characteristics, including quality, quantity, source, chemical analysis, chemical reactivity, toxicity, and temperature;
(4) the characteristics of the proposed injection zone, including estimates of volume, a description of the geologic formation and structure, a measurement of porosity and permeability, a chemical analysis of zonal water, static formation pressures and temperatures, anticipated zonal fluid reactivity to the injected fluids, any previous history of injection operations into the same or similar formations, any injectivity tests which may have been conducted, and any other pertinent data;
(5) the hydrology of the surrounding area, including shallow groundwater quality, quantity, analyses, and the predicted effects of contamination by injected fluids on the existing surface and groundwaters;
(6) columnar sections of the injection zone and any available logs or histories of any well penetrating the injection zone that have not previously been submitted;
(7) information regarding possible effects of the injection on such factors as potable water, seismicity, and local tectonic conditions;
(8) a representative injection well drilling program;
(9) a description of the proposed downhole and surface injection equipment and metering facilities with capacity and design capabilities and safety factors in sufficient detail to enable adequate analysis;
(10) a description of proposed injectivity surveys and other means to monitor injection performance; and
(11) any other pertinent information the commissioner determines necessary.
(c) Bonding is required for an injection well in accordance with 11 AAC 87.080.
(d) Injection operations must be monitored and tested to insure that there will be no escape of fluids from the casings through the annular space between casings and the open hole except in the zone for which injection is permitted. Monitoring and testing may include
(1) gauging pressure between casings;
(2) periodic testing for casing leaks;
(3) surveys to detect movement of fluid in adjacent rock formations;
(4) temperature measurements;
(5) analyses of water chemistry; and
(6) special wellhead equipment or other methods routinely employed by industry to monitor injection operations.
(e) The operator of an injection well shall file with the commissioner a monthly injection project report which outlines the previous month's monitoring and testing operations.
(f) Temporary disposal by injection of geothermal fluids produced as a result of production well testing are allowed. An application will be considered on a case-by-case basis upon the submission of all necessary data.

11 AAC 87.230

Eff. 5/8/83, Register 86

Authority:AS 41.06.040

AS 41.06.050