In addition to marking the location as required by 11 AAC 86.205 and attaching a notice of location as required by 11 AAC 86.210, a locator establishing a converted MTRSC location must record a certificate of location within 45 days after posting the converted MTRSC location. The certificate of location must be recorded in the recording district in which the converted MTRSC location is situated, on a current form approved by the department for conversions or on a substantially similar form meeting the recording requirements of 11 AAC 06.040, and must include
(1) the location name or number of the converted MTRSC location, and the meridian, township, range, section, and quarter- or quarter-quarter-section of the location;(2) for each traditional location being converted to the MTRSC location, the ADL number, if assigned, location name, discovery date, posting date, and(A) original book and page of recording; or(B) recording office serial number;(3) the name of the recording district in which the converted MTRSC location is situated;(4) the name and current mailing address of each locator, and the signature of each locator or of the locator's agent;(5) a map at an indicated scale of 1:63,360 (one inch = one mile) or a more detailed scale that shows the boundaries of the converted MTRSC location and each existing location being converted, the dominant physical features of the land, the protracted or surveyed section lines surrounding the converted MTRSC and existing locations, and, to the best of the locator's knowledge, the relationship of the locations to adjacent or contiguous mining claims, leasehold locations, mining leases, and prospecting sites; if the converted MTRSC location is being recorded simultaneously with one or more contiguous converted MTRSC or new locations, a single map showing all locations may be attached to one of the certificates of location if the document to which the map is attached is cross-referenced on each certificate of location; and(6) proof of ownership transfer, if the locator of the converted location is not the owner of record of each existing location being converted; that proof must be filed with the certificate of location.Eff. 1/19/2002, Register 161Authority:AS 38.05.020
AS 38.05.035
AS 38.05.195
AS 38.05.210
AS 38.05.211
AS 38.05.265