11 Alaska Admin. Code § 65.050

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 11 AAC 65.050 - Permit decision
(a) The department will issue and renew an applicant's cabin permit if the director finds in writing that the application is for a cabin that complies with AS 38.04.035(4) and does not conflict with the public interest criteria as described in (b) of this section.
(b) No permit will be issued for a cabin on state land
(1) where a subdivision or agricultural sale has occurred or is anticipated or scheduled during the term of the permit;
(2) where homesteads are proposed for future disposal, unless the disposal is not anticipated within the term of the permit;
(3) if the land has been selected under the authority of the Municipal Entitlement Act, AS 29.18;
(4) in state park units, land managed under an interagency land management agreement, land classified as reserved use, or where the issuance of a permit would interfere with significant public recreational use;
(5) that is shoreland, submerged land, or tideland;
(6) that serves an important ecological function, or is especially sensitive to human disturbance, as determined by the department;
(7) located close to a center of population;
(8) where material extraction, timber sales, mining, or intensive recreational facility development is scheduled or anticipated during the term of the permit;
(9) overlying a mining location or mineral lease if the department determines that a cabin may interfere with development of the mining location or mineral lease during the term of the permit;
(10) under application or proposed for a public facility or highway right-of-way unless it is clear that the intended use will not occur during the term of the permit;
(11) for which a Native allotment application is on record with the Bureau of Land Management, or on land validly selected under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act;
(12) accessible by road within legislatively designated state game refuge or critical habitat area;
(13) in a legislatively designated state game sanctuary;
(14) where the cabin is used as a permanent residence; or
(15) if the department determines that the proposed use may more appropriately be allowed under another chapter of this title.

11 AAC 65.050

Eff. 12/16/84, Register 92

Authority:AS 38.04.035

AS 38.04.900

AS 38.05.020

AS 41.21.020