Current through December 21, 2024
Section 11 AAC 54.510 - DefinitionsIn these regulations the following terms shall have the meaning indicated unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:
(1) "agricultural lands" means those lands which, because of location, adjacent development, physical and climatic features, are or may be made suitable for the production of agricultural crops;(2) "Act" means the Alaska Land Act, AS 38.05;(3) "Alaska" means State of Alaska;(4) "Alaska lands" means all lands including shore, tide and submerged lands, or resources belonging to or hereafter in any manner acquired by Alaska;(5) "classification" means the designation of lands according to their apparent best use;(6) "commercial lands" means those lands which, because of location, physical features or adjacent developments, may best be utilized for non-industrial business purposes;(7) "commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources of Alaska;(8) "contract of sale" shall mean the legal agreement in writing wherein the state contracts to sell and the vendee agrees to buy certain lands;(9) "department" means the Department of Natural Resources;(10) "director" means the Director of the Division of Lands, Department of Natural Resources;(11) "division" means Division of Lands within the Department of Natural Resources;(12) "escheat lands" means those lands acquired by the state through the State Escheat Laws;(13) "fair market value" means the highest price, described in terms of money, which the property would bring if exposed for sale for a reasonable time in the open market, with a seller, willing but not forced to sell, and a buyer willing but not forced to buy, both being fully informed of all the purposes for which the property is best adapted or could be used;(14) "foreclosed lands" means those lands acquired by the state through foreclosure;(15) "grazing lands" means those lands which have the physical and climatic features that make them primarily useful for the pasturing of domestic livestock;(16) "industrial lands" means those lands which, because of location, physical features, or adjacent developments, may best be utilized for industrial purposes;(17) "land" means all land including shore, tide and submerged lands, or resources belonging to or hereafter in any manner acquired by Alaska;(18) "lease" means a surface lease issued or held pursuant to the Act and applicable regulations;(19) "material lands" means those lands that are chiefly valuable for materials, including, but not limited, to the common varieties of sand, gravel, stone, pumice, pumicite, cinders and clay and where the removal of the material would seriously interfere with surface utilization;(20) "mental health lands" means those lands acquired by the state under Public Law 830 (70 Stat. 709);(21) "mineral lands" means those lands that are chiefly valuable for minerals, including, but not limited to coal, phosphate, oil shale, sodium, sulphur and potash and where the removal of the material would seriously interfere with surface utilization;(22) "principal sum" shall be the total purchase price exclusive of filing fees, deposit or other costs;(23) "private recreation lands" means those lands which because of location, physical features or adjacent developments are chiefly valuable as outdoor rural areas and may best be utilized by private non-commercial development;(24) "public recreation lands" means those lands which, because of location, physical features of adjacent development, may best be utilized by the public for, but not limited to, natural and developed recreational and historical areas;(25) "regulations" means the sale regulations contained in this chapter, as well as all other pertinent regulations promulgated by the department;(26) "reserved use lands" means those lands which have been transferred, assigned or designated for present or future public use, or for use by a governmental or quasi-governmental agency, or for future development of new townsites, or for future expansion of existing townsites;(27) "residential lands" means those lands which because of location, physical features or adjacent development may best be utilized for single or multiple unit dwellings;(28) "sale" means the transferring of title to real property from the state to another for a consideration;(29) "school lands" means all Sections 16 and 36 of surveyed rectangulars reserved to Alaska under provisions of 38 Stat. 1214 as amended (48 U.S.C. 353), and any other lands which may be hereafter designated solely for school revenues;(30) "state" means State of Alaska;(31) "timber land" means those lands which, because of physical, climatic and vegetative conditions, are presently or potentially chiefly valuable for the production of timber and other forest products;(32) the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter;(33) the singular number includes the plural;(34) "unclassified lands" means all lands not otherwise classified;(35) "university lands" means all Sections 33 reserved to the University under 38 Stat. 1214, as amended (48 U.S.C. 353), and all lands presently or hereafter reserved for the benefit of the University of Alaska;(36) "vendee" shall mean the purchaser;(37) "vendor" shall mean the State of Alaska;(38) "open-to-entry lands" means those lands which meet the criteria as established by AS 38.05.077;(39) "resource management lands" means those lands containing an association of surface and/or subsurface resources which are especially suited to multiple-use management. Such management may be accomplished in whole or in part pursuant to an inter-agency agreement.Eff. 7/1/60, Register 1; am 8/15/64, Register 18; am 3/22/69, Register 28Authority:AS 38.05.020
AS 38.05.035
AS 41.20.020