Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 950-1-10-.04 - Program And ServicesA center licensed by the Department must be designed for the treatment of delinquent and/or children in need of supervision behaviors.
(1) Admissions Procedure: (a) Admissions shall be limited to youths for whom the Program or center is equipped by staff, Program, and equipment to serve. No youth shall be placed in any Program or center unless that center can meet the particular youth's needs and it can be shown that any center at a lesser degree of penetration into the system would be ineffectual for that particular youth.(b) Admission should be a process which involves the youth, the youth's parents or guardian or relative, if applicable, the probation officer or counselor and Program or centers professional staff. A copy of services and Procedures should be given to parent or guardian.(c) The center shall respond within thirty days to the referring Agency as to the disposition of the application.(d) Records:1. The administrator of the center shall maintain individual case Records on youths under care. Complete social information for the plan of care should be obtained prior to Admission except in cases of emergency placement. All Records should contain the following: (i) Copy of order for non-residential care and/or any agreement with youth, parent, or guardian, if applicable.(ii) Social case history of the youth and his family.(iii) The results and recommendations from any initial testing and interviews.(iv) Complete medical and dental records including all treatment, tests, and immunizations.(v) Comprehensive treatment team plan.(vi) Behavior observation logs on a daily basis relative to interaction with other youths and staff members, special discipline problems, sexual problems, depressions, etc.(vii) Any instruction relative to prescribed medication being administered.(viii) Any special medical problems needing or receiving treatment or identified at time of Admission or after, such as seizures, or bruises, cuts, infections, dental problems, fever, etc.(ix) All Records shall be confidential.(e) A monthly report shall be completed and sent to the Department at the end of the calendar month to include Admissions and discharges, as well as the remaining population in the center.(f) Youths diagnosed as mentally ill or deficient, or physically handicapped may be referred to more appropriate resources for care and treatment.(g) The youth shall be advised of all rules and regulations of the center which apply to him, given a copy and sign an acknowledgement form that he has received a copy. These rules and regulations will be posted in a prominent place for youth and staff reference.(2) Treatment: A treatment plan with measurable goals and objectives shall be developed with a method for evaluating each component.(a) The treatment plan should be reviewed, evaluated, and signed by staff and participants every month and include a review of the youth's behavior and goals of the treatment plan.1. Evaluation conferences should include the youth, parents, guardians, probation staff, or other agencies involved in working with the youth.2. Treatment plans for each youth should include: (ii) Medical and dental needs(iii) Psychological needs(b) If there are youths in the center who are subsequently diagnosed as mentally ill, mentally retarded, or physically handicapped, who are determined to be in need of special treatment or of medical care, or both, the Program or center shall seek the advice and recommendation of appropriate Community Resources regarding the possible referral elsewhere for treatment or special techniques to adequately deal with the unique problem within the Program structure.(c) The center staff should make provisions for psychological testing, psychiatric examination and treatment if indicated, vocational counseling and Training, or other specialized services, according to the Youth's needs.(d) The administrator shall be responsible for the thorough understanding by all staff members of policies and practices concerning discipline Procedures.(e) Discipline: 1. Youth are not intentionally subjected to corporal or unusual punishment, humiliation, disease, property damage, mental or personal abuse or harassment, personal injury, or punitive interference with the daily function of living, such as eating or sleeping.2. The use of group discipline for an offense by an individual is prohibited.3. Discipline shall not be administered by peers.4. Housekeeping duties and other work may be shared with focus on the needs of the Youth rather than on getting the work done or as a means of discipline it shall be different from the regularly assigned duties of the Youth.5. When discipline is required, it shall be fair, consistent, briefly related to, and in proportion to the offense, and in accordance with the center's written policies.6. Restriction of recreational privileges, being sent to the Time-Out Area, and reasonable additional work assignments are acceptable disciplines when not administered arbitrarily.7. Time-Out Room: The time-out room should be lighted and under constant visual observation. It should not be used for punishment but as a means of gaining control of the Youth's behavior.8. Use of restraining straps, straight jackets, or other physically restraining apparatus and corporal punishment is prohibited by the Department.9. A written record of all discipline must be maintained which contains the nature of the incident, the name of the staff member administering the discipline as well as the name of the Youth and the type of discipline.(i) The administrator shall analyze these to determine if there is any correlation between particular staff personalities and reports of disciplinary action.(ii) Copies of these reports shall be made available to the Department upon request.10. Withholding food, including snacks and or altering the established menu as a disciplinary action is prohibited.(f) Educational opportunities shall be part of the Program and should conform with legal requirements of the state. The Program staff should maintain contact with the local school superintendent to plan jointly with the school personnel in alleviating special learning problems.(g) Recreation: Provision shall be made for adequate daily recreation.(h) Truants: 1. Truants from non-residential centers must be reported to probation officers or caseworkers or other agencies immediately.2. A full written report of the circumstances surrounding truants should be made to the administrator and to the juvenile Court or other agencies.(3) Physical Care: (a) Medical Care: 1. Each Program or center shall make provision and establish Procedure for medical, hospital, and surgical care for the Youths including emergency Procedures.2. Medications shall be dispensed as prescribed. Medications may only be administered by a parent or legal guardian or by health trained staff in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Alabama Board of Nursing.3. Any suspected child abuse shall be reported promptly to the Alabama Department of Human Resources.(b) Personal Hygiene: The center shall carry out a program of instruction in personal hygiene for all Youths.(c) Nutrition: 1. If lunch is served, it shall meet one third (1/3) of the minimum daily nutritional requirements. There shall be documentation that the Facility's system of dietary allowance is reviewed at least annually by a dietician to ensure compliance with nationally recommended food allowances.2. If Youth is in center five hours or more, provision shall be made for each Youth in the Program to have at least thirty minutes for mealtime break.3. Weekly menus should be planned and kept on file for examination by the Department upon request, if food is prepared.(d) Housekeeping Duties:1. The Youth should not be asked to do any hazardous tasks, nor should he/she work outside the center in violation of child labor laws and regulations.Ala. Admin. Code r. 950-1-10-.04
New Rule: Filed December 17, 2004; effective January 21, 2005.Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXVII, Issue No. 02, November 30, 2018, eff. 12/21/2018.Author: Alabama Department of Youth Services, Office of Licensing and Standards
Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 44-1-27(a)(b), 44-1-24(4)(6), 38-13-4.