Ala. Admin. Code r. 822-X-1-.05

Current through Register Vol. 42, No. 11, August 30, 2024
Section 822-X-1-.05 - Accreditation Of Individuals Engaged In Lead Hazard Reduction Activities: Target Housing And Child-Occupied Facilities
(1) Procedures for accreditation of individuals
(a) Individuals seeking accreditation by Safe State to engage in lead hazard reduction activities shall:
1. Using forms designated by Safe State, submit to Safe State a written application and other required documentation demonstrating that they meet the accreditation requirements established in paragraph (1)(c) of this Section for the particular discipline for which accreditation is sought; and
2. Submit payment of an accreditation fee with the application for accreditation as follows:

(i) Inspector $150.00 *
(ii) Risk Assessor $150.00 *
(iii) Supervisor $150.00
(iv) Project Designer $150.00
(v) Renovator $100.00
(vi) Lead Abatement Worker $ 40.00
(vii) Sampling Technician $ 100.00

*Any individual who applies simultaneously for accreditation as an accredited inspector and accredited risk assessor will be assessed a total accreditation fee of $200 for the two disciplines.

3. Documentation accompanying the application for accreditation shall meet the requirements established in paragraph (1)(d) of this Section. Safe State reserves the right to require submission of an official form of photographic identification issued by a government agency or office. Safe State will obtain evidence of the applicant having successfully passed the appropriate third-party certification examination.
4. It shall be a violation of this Chapter for an individual to conduct any of the lead hazard reduction activities described in the Department's rules in AAC Chapter 420-3-27-.10, unless that individual is accredited by Safe State pursuant to this Section, is registered pursuant to 822-X-1-.06(2), and is employed by a certified firm.
(b) Upon receipt of the completed application and verification that the applicant has met the requirements for the discipline, Safe State shall, within 30 calendar days, issue to the individual an Alabama Accreditation for Lead Hazard Reduction Activities certificate and a Safe State-issued photo identification card for the appropriate discipline(s). An individual's accreditation expires three (3) years from the last day of the individual's most recently completed training or refresher training course. Applicants who are accredited in accordance with the requirements of this Section shall also be entered in the Registry, without submitting a separate registration fee. Registration expires one (1) year from the last day of the individual's most recently completed training or refresher training course. Thereafter, to remain registered until the end of the accreditation or re-accreditation period, an individual must re-register annually in accordance with 822-X-.06(2)(a)3.
(c) Requirements for individual accreditation. To become accredited in any lead hazard reduction activities discipline, an individual must:
1. Successfully complete a training or refresher training course which is accredited in accordance with 822-X-1-.04 and is registered by Safe State in accordance with 822-X-1-.06(1) and receive a training course completion certificate in the appropriate discipline. Applicants who have successfully completed an accredited training or refresher training course which is not registered by Safe State may follow the procedures in paragraph (4) of this Section;
2. Individuals who have successfully completed an accredited abatement worker or supervisor course, or individuals who have successfully completed an EPA, HUD, or EPA/HUD model renovation training course, may take an accredited refresher renovator course in lieu of the initial renovator training course to become a certified renovator.
3. Individuals who have successfully completed an accredited lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor course may take an accredited refresher sampling technician course in lieu of the initial training to become an accredited sampling technician.
4. Have attained at least 19 years of age; and
5. Meet or exceed the following additional requirements:
(i) For Lead-Based Paint Inspector:
(I) Take and pass the applicable Inspector certification examination which has been administered by a Safe State-approved testing service following procedures in paragraph (2) of this Section. Certification examination results from examinations administered by parties other than a Safe State-approved testing service must be verified by Safe State.
II. No additional requirements.
(ii) For Risk Assessor:
(I) Safe State registration as a lead-based paint inspector,
(II) Take and pass the applicable Risk Assessor certification examination which has been administered by a Safe State-approved testing service following procedures in paragraph (2) of this Section. Certification examination results from examinations administered by parties other than a Safe State-approved testing service must be verified by Safe State, and;
(III) One of the following:
A. Certification as an industrial hygienist, professional engineer, registered architect, or certification in a related engineering or health or environmental field (e.g., safety professional, environmental scientist); or
B. A bachelor's degree from a college or university accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools or its equivalent, and one year of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction); or
C. An Associate degree and two years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction); or
D. A high school diploma (or equivalent), and at least three years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction).
(iii) For Supervisor:
(I) Take and pass the applicable Supervisor certification examination which has been administered by a Safe State-approved testing service following procedures in paragraph (2) of this Section. Certification examination results from examinations administered by parties other than a Safe State-approved testing service must be verified by Safe State, and;
(II) One year of experience as an accredited or certified lead abatement worker; or
(III) At least two years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, or environmental remediation work) or in the building trades.
(iv) For Project Designer:
(I) Successful completion of an accredited and Safe State registered training course for supervisors; and
(II) One of the following:
A. A bachelor's degree in engineering, architecture, or a related profession from a college or university accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools or its equivalent, and one year of experience in building construction and design, or a related field; or,
B. Four years of experience in building construction and design, or a related field.
(v) For Renovator:
(I) No additional requirements.
(vi) For Abatement Worker:
(I) No additional requirements.
(d) The following documents shall be recognized by Safe State as evidence of meeting the requirements of paragraph (1)(c) of this Section. These documents shall be submitted with the application for accreditation.
1. Academic transcripts or diploma, as evidence of meeting the educational requirements. Photocopies of academic transcripts or diploma are acceptable documents.
2. Documentation of work experience, as evidence of meeting the work experience requirements, detailed on forms designated by Safe State. Detailed descriptions of work experience must be included and, at a minimum, consist of the number of and inclusive dates of projects and jobs, the size of each project and job, descriptions of tasks performed by the applicant, and the names and telephone numbers of supervisors on each project or job.
3. An original training course completion certificate(s) issued by a Safe State registered training program or, if an original certificate is not available, a photocopy of the training certificate and course student roster accompanied by an original, signed letter from a Safe State registered training program which verifies that the applicant has completed the required training course, as evidence of meeting the training requirements.
4. An original or photocopy of a state-issued driver's license, a state-issued Department of Motor Vehicle identification card, a passport, a military identification card, or an official/certified birth certificate (no photocopies), as evidence of meeting the minimum age requirement.
(2) Procedures for taking the certification examination
(a) Safe State shall administer the certification examination or enter into agreements with other parties to administer the certification examination for lead hazard reduction activities for the disciplines of inspector, risk assessor, and supervisor.
(b) In order to take the certification examination for the disciplines of inspector, risk assessor, and supervisor an individual must:
1. Submit to Safe State, using designated forms, a written application to take one or more certification examination; and
2. Submit payment of the required certification examination fee for each examination.
(c) Upon receipt of a complete application for certification examination, Safe State shall forward to the applicant a notification of time and location for the examination.
(d) The applicant shall present official photographic proof of identity (issued by a government agency or office) and the notification of time and location to the Safe State-designated examiner at the examination site before being allowed to take the examination.
(e) Safe State will notify the applicant in writing of the results of the certification examination. The applicant must correctly answer at least 70% of the certification examination items in order to pass the certification examination.
(f) If the applicant does not pass the certification examination, (s)he may re-take the certification examination by repeating the application procedure described in paragraph (2)(b) of this Section.
(g) An individual may take the certification examination for a particular discipline no more than three (3) times within a six (6) month period. If an individual does not pass the certification examination after three attempts, the individual must include with the next certification examination application evidence of completion of a training course in the particular discipline since the date of the last attempted certification examination before being permitted to re-take the certification examination.
(3) Procedures for re-accreditation of individuals
(a) To maintain accreditation in a particular discipline, an accredited individual must apply to Safe State for re-accreditation no later than the third year of accreditation. The application must be received by Safe State no less than 30 calendar days prior to the date of expiration of accreditation. To apply for re-accreditation, an individual must:
1. Using forms designated by Safe State, submit to Safe State an application for re-accreditation accompanied by an original refresher training course completion certificate in that discipline. If an original refresher training course completion certificate is not available, a photocopy of the refresher training course completion certificate and course student roster accompanied by an original, signed letter from a Safe State registered training program which verifies that the applicant has completed the required refresher training course in that discipline will be accepted.
2. Submit payment of an accreditation fee with the application for accreditation as follows:

(i) Inspector $150.00 *
(ii) Risk Assessor $150.00 *
(iii) Supervisor $150.00
(iv) Project Designer $150.00
(v) Renovator $100.00
(vi) Sampling Technician $100.00
(vii) Lead Abatement Worker $ 40.00

* Any individual who applies simultaneously for re-accreditation as an inspector and risk assessor will be assessed a total re-accreditation fee of $200 for the two disciplines.

(b) Upon receipt of the completed application for re-accreditation Safe State shall, within 30 calendar days, issue to the individual an Alabama Accreditation for Lead Hazard Reduction Activities certificate and a Safe State-issued photo identification card within the appropriate discipline(s). The re-accreditation expires three (3) years from the last day of the individual's most recently completed lead hazard reduction activities refresher training course. Any individual who is re-accredited by Safe State shall also be entered in the Registry and remain registered, unless suspended or revoked under 822-X-1-.07, without payment of a separate fee for one year from the last day of the individual's most recently completed lead hazard reduction activities refresher training course. Thereafter, to remain registered until the end of the next re-accreditation period and subsequent re-accreditation periods, an individual must comply with the requirements of Section 822-X-.06(2)(a)3.
(4) Individual accreditation and re-accreditation based upon non-registered training courses
(a) Individuals who have taken a training or refresher training course not currently registered by Safe State in accordance with 822-X-1-.04(1) or (3) or recognized through a reciprocal agreement in accordance with 822-X-1-.04(7), may receive accreditation or re-accreditation by satisfying either of the following requirements:
1. The training program which is accredited to conduct the non-registered training course registers the training or refresher training course in accordance with paragraph 822-X-1-.06(1); or
2. The applicant completes a Safe State registered refresher training course in the appropriate discipline and submits to Safe State a complete application for accreditation or re-accreditation pursuant to paragraph (1) or (3) of this Section.
(b) The expiration date of an individual's accreditation or re-accreditation obtained in accordance with paragraph (4)(a) and (4)(b)of this Section shall be three (3) years from the last day of the most recently completed training or refresher training course.
(c) Individuals who are accredited or re-accredited in accordance with paragraph (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this Section shall be entered into the Registry without submitting a separate fee. Registration shall expire one (1) year from the last day of the most recently completed training or refresher training course. Thereafter, to remain registered until the next re-accreditation, an individual must comply with the requirements of Section 822-X-.06(2)(a)3.
(d) For individuals who are accredited or re-accredited in accordance with paragraphs (4)(a) and (4)(b) of this Section, subsequent refresher training shall be a refresher training course that is registered by Safe State.
(5) Reciprocity. Safe State may seek written reciprocal agreements with other states or tribes where equivalency with accredited training programs and training course requirements described in this Chapter can be demonstrated. Individuals seeking Alabama accreditation or registration by means of reciprocal agreements between Alabama and another state or tribe shall apply for accreditation or registration in accordance with procedures established from time to time by Safe State.
(6) Electronic document submittals
(a) Required documents may be submitted electronically via Safe State-managed internet sites, electronic mail, facsimile, or other Safe State approved methods in lieu of paper document submissions only if authorization is granted in advance by Safe State. Safe State reserves the right to request that original documentation be submitted at any time, even if authorization for electronic document submittals was previously granted.

Ala. Admin. Code r. 822-X-1-.05

New Rule: Filed June 19, 1998; effective July 24 1998. Amended: Filed December 4, 2003; effective January 8, 2004. Amended: Filed November 3, 2009; effective December 8, 2009.

Authors: John Sikes, Gayle Howell, Kim Whitehurst, Charles Markin, Jason Brasfield

Statutory Authority: Act No. 97-553.