Ala. Admin. Code r. 660-5-29-.04

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 660-5-29-.04 - Care Of Children
(1) Physical Care
(a)Medical and Dental.
1. Foster parents shall participate in planning to meet the medical and dental needs of child(ren) in custody. This shall be coordinated with agencies who have planning and/or custodial responsibilities.
(i) A thorough physical examination by a licensed practicing medical doctor, a physician's assistant, certified nurse practitioner, or shall have benefit of a medical screening or assessment (e.g., EPSDT) within ten days after admission (unless such examination has been received within three months prior to being received into a foster family home) and annually thereafter;
(ii) Immunizations according to the schedule prescribed by the Health Department;
(iii) Appointments as recommended by the physician;
(iv) Administration of prescribed medications in dosages and at times prescribed. A log shall be kept of medication administration. The log shall include, but not be limited to, a record of the child's name, the prescribing physician, the name of the medication, the amount and frequency prescribed, and the date, time and amount of each dose given. It is recommended that the route of medication delivery (oral, topical, etc.) as prescribed also be listed.
1. Daily diets shall be wholesome, nutritious and properly prepared;
2. Special diets shall be followed as prescribed or recommended by a physician;
3. Infants shall be fed according to their doctor's recommendation;
4. Food shall be served in a manner that is safe and appropriate for the age and development of the child.
(c)Personal Hygiene.
1. Hygiene practices shall be followed to prevent the spread of disease from person to person or from animal to person;
2. Individual items such as towels, washcloths, toothbrushes and other toiletries shall be provided for each child according to their individual needs. Also, children are to be discouraged from sharing personal items.
1. Appropriately sized safety helmets shall be worn when using recreational vehicles such as bicycles, go carts, ATV's, etc.
2. Seat belts or a child passenger restraint system as prescribed by law are required for the driver and each passenger.
1. Foster parents shall:
(i) Ensure that each foster child is clothed with his/her own clean, well fitting, shoes and clothing appropriate to age, sex, individual needs, and comparable to the community standards;
(ii) Include children in the selection of their clothing, when age appropriate;
(iii) Allow foster children to bring and acquire personal belongings;
(iv) Send all personal clothing and belongings with the children when they leave the foster home.
1. Children shall be provided an opportunity for uninterrupted sleep according to their individual needs.
2. Children shall not sleep with adults;
3. Each child shall have a separate bed;

Exception: Two children, who are not siblings, of the same sex and under age six, may sleep in the same double size bed if approval is given by the foster parent and social worker. If one child has an objection, the social worker or child-placing agency will be contacted to address the issue. Two siblings of the same sex and any age (unless infants) may sleep in the same double size bed but only when determined appropriate by the children's social worker and foster parent.

4. If infants will be placed in the home, these additional guidelines must be followed:
(1) Clean, tight-fitting crib sheets shall be provided as frequently as needed.
(ii) An infant shall sleep alone in a crib until age

18 months. It is strongly recommended they be placed on their side or back or as recommended by the pediatrician.

(2)Child Care Practices.
(a) Discipline and Punishment
1. Foster parents shall:
(i) Use discipline as a positive educational influence which seeks to develop inner controls and provide structure;
(ii) When appropriate, use positive reinforcement such as, but not limited to,
(I) Rewarding good behavior
(II) Praise and encouragement
(III) Providing incentives for positive behavior
(IV) Advise foster children of all rules and regulations in the foster home which apply to him/her, including those relating to telephone use, visitation, and mail;
(V) Be consistent in the enforcement of foster home rules.
(VI) Monitor reading materials, video tapes, music, television and computer usage for age appropriateness. All material with sexually explicit, frightening or violent content shall be inaccessible to children.
(VII) Administer any discipline required, assuring that it is fair, consistent, brief, related and in proportion to the offense, and in accordance with stated rules and regulations in the foster home. For homes who serve DHR children, discipline shall be consistent with Behavior Management policy, and as directed in the ISP. (See Appendix).
(VIII) If necessary, use positive corrective measures, which include, but are not limited to:
I. Loss of privileges
II. Time out (See Behavior Management Policy for age and time restrictions)
III. Grounding
IV. Redirecting the child's activity
V. Developing a behavioral contract
VI. Extra chores
VII. Restitution by child of other person's property damaged or destroyed by child
VIII. Temporary, supervised isolation from the child's peers
(iii) Foster Parents shall not use harsh and humiliating punishment, corporal punishment, physical abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse or derogatory remarks about a child or his/her family. Some examples of these types of punishment include but are not limited to:
(I) Corporal punishment of any kind
(II) Shaking the child
(III) Chemical, drug, or mechanical restraints
(IV) Use of instruments to punish a child (i.e., belts, switches, extension cords, etc.)
(V) Denial of food
(VI) Denial of sleep
(VII) Arbitrarily sending a child to bed early
(VIII) Denial of visits, mail, telephone contacts with significant others as described in the ISP/Case Plan
(IX) Extended (more than 1/2 hour) time outs
(X) Threatening children with removal from the home
(XI) Punishing children for bed-wetting or accidents in regard to toilet training.
(b) Visiting/Telephone and Mail Contacts
1. Family connections shall be encouraged and maintained;
2. Foster parents shall allow visitation rights and telephone and mail contacts of the family and child unless specific, definable and documented reasons to the contrary have been established;
3. The approval of the agency with planning responsibility shall be obtained before all visits of the children outside of the State, and visits within the State in excess of three days.
(c) Educational Opportunities.
1. Foster parents will participate in ensuring regular school attendance of children in accordance with the school attendance laws;
2. Children will be provided space and quiet time to complete their homework;
3. Foster parents will participate in advocating for children's educational needs through IEPs and other necessary methods;
4. When practical, children will be encouraged to participate in extra-curricular school and educational activities.
(d) Recreation.
1. Positive community contacts shall be provided, e.g., church, civic groups, and YMCAs;
2. Provision shall be made for adequate playtime, both indoor and out;
3. Children shall be allowed an opportunity to exercise some free choices of activities.

Ala. Admin. Code r. 660-5-29-.04

New Rule: Filed July 8, 2002; effective August 12, 2002.

Author: Jerome Webb

Statutory Authority: Child Care Act of 1971 (Title 38, Chapter 7, Code of Ala. 1975,) with specific reference to §§ 38-7-2, 38-7-3, 38-7-4, 38-7-8, 38-7-10; Title 38, Chapter 13, §§1-12, Code of Ala. 1975; Title 41, Chapter 22, §§1-27, Code of Ala. 197 5; 12-15-65 and 26-14-1; Federal Court Orders in reference to the R.C. v. Fuller case (R.C. v. Hornsby, No. 88-H-1170-N, Consent Decree) (M.D. Ala. Approved December 18, 1991), Pub. L. No. 89-105, the Adoption and Safe Families Act.