Ala. Admin. Code r. 520-2-1-.04

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 520-2-1-.04 - Strengthening Information Services

The purposes of this grant category are to:

(1) promote understanding and respect for or develop resources about diverse cultures,
(2) develop outreach services for persons who are unable to come to the library or have difficulty coming to or using the library,
(3) provide programs and services for the disabled,
(4) provide library materials and programs for the general public, and
(5) provide continuing education and part-time professional training opportunities to public library staff.
(1) Program title: Collection Development. Grants shall be for:
1) programs to promote the use of library materials; and
2) books, electronic materials, and sound or video recordings in any area of a collection that is shown to be inadequate in meeting the informational needs of local citizens who are in one or more of the following targeted categories:
a) children and youth at risk,
b) older adults,
c) persons with disadvantages,
d) persons who are institutionalized,
e) persons with limited literacy or English language skills, and
f) persons in under-served areas.
1. In this program title there is a small library development subprogram and a general subprogram:
(i) Small library development subprogram: A public library or public library system with a population in its legal service area of 10,000 or less may apply for one grant under this subprogram if it is applying for $10,000 or less; or it may apply under the general subprogram for $10,001 up to $20,000 but it may not apply under both subprograms.
(ii) General subprogram: A public library or library system with a population in its legal service area of 10,001 or more may apply for one grant under this subprogram for up to $20,000. A public library or public library system with a population in its legal service area of 10,000 or less may apply under this subprogram for $10,001 up to $20,000 but it may not apply under both subprograms
2. Required local match must equal 25% of the LSTA grant award. Up to 25% of the required local match may come from project personnel salaries.
3. For the fiscal year in which the grant contract begins, library materials expenditures from regular local government appropriations (excluding special matching appropriations) must be at least equal to the smaller of the following:
(i) The library materials expenditures for the previous fiscal year from funds appropriated by the local government, excluding special government cash expenditures used as match in prior LSTA collection development grants.
(ii) The average of the library materials expenditures for the three previous fiscal years from funds appropriated by the local government, excluding special government cash expenditures used as match in prior LSTA collection development grants.
4. Project funds may be used for the following purposes:
1) programs to promote the use of library materials,
2) library materials,
3) preprocessing expenses,
4) processing packets if these are available from the vendor and billed with the items ordered, and
5) promotional supplies in English and other languages. Up to 25% of the total federal and required local matching funds may be used for programs to promote the use of library materials. Expenses for promotional programs may include display equipment, display shelving, cork board, foam board, posters, professional presenters, and other related items.
5. A public library system with one or more members applying for grants under this program may apply for one grant for materials to be placed only in its books-by-mail collection, bookmobile collection, system-administered public service outlets, or in member libraries which are not applying under this program.
6. The applicant may focus on one or more specific areas of the collection that need development. The applicant must explain how the new library materials in these areas will benefit the identified targeted users and how the users will be made aware of the materials.
(2) Program title: Library Vehicles. Grants shall be for library service vehicles for the purposes of 1) providing direct services to patrons and/or 2) transporting library materials between library buildings and between other locations at which patrons will be served. The intent is to increase patrons' access to information.
1. An applicant may apply for only one grant for one vehicle per grant cycle under this program; however, a recipient of an award under this program may not apply to replace a vehicle acquired under this program sooner than ten years after the first year of the award for the vehicle. Extenuating circumstances will be considered by the APLS Executive Board for earlier replacement (such as accidental destruction of the vehicle where insurance will not completely cover the cost of a new vehicle).
2. The maximum individual LSTA grant is $90,000.
3. Required local match must equal 100% of the LSTA grant award and must be in cash.
4. Project funds may be used for the following purposes:
1) the acquisition of bookmobiles, including shelving, handicapped accessibility equipment, air conditioning, other attached equipment or seating, and technology equipment (including computers, wireless computer communication equipment, printers, and pre-developed software); and
2) library service vans, including redesign, vehicle structural modifications, re-painting, installation of shelving, handicapped accessibility equipment, air conditioning, other attached equipment or seating, and technology equipment (including computers, wireless computer communication equipment, printers, and pre-developed software). Technology equipment may be for staff or public use. A mobile computer lab for training the public to use computers and access information may be acquired.
5. Vehicles shall be used primarily for the purposes of 1) providing direct services to patrons and/or 2) transporting library materials between library buildings and between other locations at which patrons will be served.
6. The grant application must include the following information:
1) pictures or drawings of the proposed vehicle;
2) specifications of the vehicle and its equipment;
3) an estimate of the number of years in which the vehicle will remain in service;
4) a description of the direct services to patrons to be provided, if any, including the average number of hours per week that the vehicle will be used for direct service to patrons;
5) a description of the transportation of library materials between library buildings and between other locations at which patrons will be served, if planned;
6) a description of other uses, if any, and the average number of hours per year that the vehicle will be used for these other purposes;
7) a description of the users to be served; and
8) information about the age, mileage, and condition of any existing vehicle to be replaced. The applicant shall also provide any other information that may be required on the application form.
7. Federal and required local matching funds are not allowable for the following costs:
1) vehicles used primarily to transport staff or used primarily for purposes other than providing direct services to users or transporting materials between library buildings and between other locations at which patrons will be served;
2) library materials;
3) supplies; and
5) vehicle maintenance and operating costs.
(3) Program title: Professional Training Grants.
(a)Definition: To provide improved service in Alabama's public libraries, the APLS Executive Board annually awards grants for study leading to a master's degree from a library school accredited by the American Library Association. These grants are awarded to Alabama public libraries on behalf of current employees. These grants may be awarded only when federal funds are available.
1. In order to be eligible for a professional training grant, the applicant must:
(i) be a citizen of the United States;
(ii) be an employee of an Alabama public library or APLS;
(iii) have written approval of his or her library administration and board (on the application form);
(iv) agree to continue to work for a minimum of nineteen (19) hours per week in an Alabama public library while completing the program of study.
(v) agree, after the degree is conferred, to the following terms:
(I) to work for a total of 24 months within a three-year period in a full-time professional librarian position for one or more Alabama public libraries or for APLS, provided that funding and positions are available;
(II) in section (I) above, the number of hours per week for full-time employment shall be specified by the individual employer, but in no case shall the number of hours exceed the maximum hours permitted by law.
(III) if the recipient works less than 24 months within a three-year period as specified in section (I) above, the recipient shall refund to APLS the amount of education grant funds paid, in proportion to the amount of time remaining on the 24-month commitment.
(IV) in the event of extenuating circumstances for reasons other than personal convenience or other employment opportunities, the APLS Executive Board may grant a waiver of this section on a case-by-case basis.
2. Applications must be postmarked by the first official state business day of April. The LSTA Advisory Council will review the applications and forward their recommendations to the APLS Executive Board. The APLS Executive Board will make the final decisions on grants at a subsequent meeting. Grant applicants will be notified of the Board's decision no later than ten business days following the meeting.
3. Application must be made on forms supplied by APLS and must include proof of acceptance at a library school accredited by the American Library Association.
4. A recipient of a grant must agree that copies of grades from courses funded by the grant will be supplied to APLS.
5. Not all courses may be eligible for reimbursement. The student should send a list of potential courses to APLS prior to registering for the term so that a determination can be made regarding reimbursement. Payment for the courses not eligible for reimbursement will be the responsibility of the student.
6. Each grant is awarded for courses to be taken in only one academic year beginning in the fall after the award has been made, for the fall through the final summer session. For each subsequent academic year, the student must submit a new application and current transcript postmarked by the first official state business day of April. The student must remain in good academic standing for a grant to be reauthorized. Awards are for tuition as well as for fees which may not be waived by the student. All other costs, such as for books, fees that may be waived, insurance and travel are the responsibility of the student. Awards are for the actual tuition and allowable fees, not to exceed the in-state allowable charges of the University of Alabama to attend the School of Library and Information Studies at Tuscaloosa, regardless of the school the student attends. Within any given semester, payments shall be for not more than 9 credit hours. For a shorter session (such as a summer session) payments shall be for not more than 3 credit hours. Total credit hours for which tuition and allowable fees will be awarded shall not exceed 36.
7. Payment of grant funds will be made to the public library employing the grant recipient after successful completion of the term as determined by the educational institution. The public library by contract must agree to disburse the funds to the grant recipient each semester (or equivalent session) for only the actual cost of the tuition and allowable fees for the credit hours as stated in the employee's APLS application, not to exceed the in-state allowable charges of the University of Alabama to attend the School of Library and Information Studies at Tuscaloosa, regardless of the school the student attends.
8. The public library employing a grant recipient must agree to employ the recipient as a full-time professional librarian upon completion of the degree, provided that a funded position for which the graduate is qualified is available, that all state and federal hiring laws and regulations are observed, and that, if hired, the graduate's work performance meets library requirements.

Ala. Admin. Code r. 520-2-1-.04

Effective July 24, 1998. Repealed and New Rule: Filled March 19, 1999; Effective July 24, 1998. Repealed and New Rule: Filed December 15, 1999; effective January 19, 2000. Repealed and New Rule: Filed September 13, 2000, effective October 18, 2000. Repealed and New Rule: Filed August 14, 2001; effective September 18, 2001. Repealed and New Rule: Filed September 19, 2002; effective October 24, 2002. Repealed and New Rule: Filed September 19, 2003; effective October 24, 2003. Repealed and New Rule: Filed September 27, 2004; effective November 1, 2 0 04. Repealed and New Rule: Filed July 22, 2005; effective August 26, 2005. Repealed and New Rule: Filed July 21, 2006; effective August 25, 2006. Repealed and New Rule: Filed February 2, 2 007; effective March 9, 2 007. Repealed and New Rule: Filed February 2, 2007; effective March 9, 2007. Repealed and New Rule: Filed February 8, 2008; effective March 14, 2 008. Repealed and New Rule: Filed March 31, 2009; effective May 6, 2009. Repealed and New Rule: Filed January 12, 2 011; effective February 16, 2011.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXVII, Issue No. 03, December 28, 2018, eff. 1/24/2019.

Rule 520-2-1-.04 was renumbered to 520-2-1-.05 as per certification filed February 2, 2007; effective March 9, 2007. Rule 520-2-1-.05 was renumber to 520-2-1-.04 as per certification filed February 9, 2008. Repealed and New Rule: Filed March 22, 2010; effective April 26, 2010.

Author: Nancy C. Pack, Director

Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §41-8-(1-10). Title 20, U.S. Code, Sections 9121-9163, Museum and Library Services Act of 1996.