Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 460-X-11-.01 - Program DescriptionGrant funds are made available from the Alabama Cultural Resources Preservation Trust Fund. Grants are on a matching basis.
(a) Eligible Applicants - The Alabama Historical Commission accepts grant applications from nonprofit organizations, local governments, educational institutions and others. Individual persons are not eligible to receive grants.(b) Eligible Projects - All project work will be supervised by professionals meeting United States Code of Regulations 36 CFR 61, Appendix A. 1. Survey and Registration - Identification of historic resources and their Evaluation are the two phases of the Survey Process. Registration is the preparation of nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. Applicants must apply for projects that are considered as having priority by the Alabama Historical Commission.2. Planning - Project activities involve the identification, evaluation and management of critical information about cultural resources relating to their development and preservation. Cultural resources are defined as individual properties, districts, structures, archaeological and historic sites, maritime resources, objects, and landscapes.3. Public Awareness and Education - Projects and activities that increase public knowledge of preservation principles, promote preservation as an ethic, and that increase knowledge and awareness of the kinds of properties (both historical and archaeological) that are worthy of preservation and the various methods of preserving them.4. Predevelopment - is the preparation of architectural plans, specifications, feasibility studies, and structure reports. All archaeological sites and historic structures must be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.5. Rehabilitation Development and Acquisition of properties and Archaeological Mitigation of sites - Development grants are for protection, stabilization, preservation, rehabilitation restoration of properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Mitigation grants are for archaeological excavation and data recovery of sites eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Projects shall be geared toward rehabilitation of existing historic structures, not reconstruction. Mitigation of archaeological sites will be considered as a final alternative after other preservation measures have failed. i. Ownership of Property - Rehabilitation Development project applicant must have possession of property. Archaeological excavation projects must have written permission from the property owner. For buildings which have been leased or transferred the lessee is eligible to apply for a grant provided the lease period is as long as the grant required letter of agreement period for maintenance and administration of the property for public benefit. Grants are allowable for local governments and local preservation organizations to provide facade rehabilitation grant programs that will prevent deterioration and blight to contributing properties in historic districts National Register of Historic Places. Grants will not be made for the restoration of privately-owned structures with the exception of significant structures determined by the Alabama Historical Commission to be of State and/or National importance and which are threatened by demolition.ii. Allowable Costs - Funds may be used for restoration work to structures open to public, protection, historic landscapes, archaeological excavations. Funds may not be used for costs that do not lead to the preservation of the affected resource.iii. Maintenance of Grant Assisted Work - A covenant (or letter of agreement) must be executed by the appropriate parties who will be able to maintain, repair, and administer the property in a manner satisfactory to the Alabama Historical Commission.(d) Grant Award Process - Proposals are ranked by Alabama Historical Commission staff and presented to the Alabama Historical Commission. The Alabama Historical Commission officially votes to award grant funds after consideration of the proposals as ranked by the professional staff. Award of grant funds is made by contract between grantee and the Alabama Historical Commission. Grant Agreement contract is to establish requirements, procedures, special conditions, cost principles, standards for allowability of costs, matching share, procurement standards, monitoring and reporting requirements, and guidelines for meeting standards applied to project. Author: John Powell
Ala. Admin. Code r. 460-X-11-.01
New Rule: Filed October 16, 1995; effective November 10, 1995; This Rule if not operative until January 1, 1996. Amended: Filed March 16, 1998; effective April 20, 1998.Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, § 41-9-249(12).