Ala. Admin. Code r. 420-3-6-.10

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 420-3-6-.10 - Site Suitability Information For Land Application Permits

All applications to land apply any permitted septage shall include the following information:

(1) A plat map showing the exact location of the proposed facility, indicating the total acreage and the setback distances from key natural and man-made features referenced in Rule 420-3-6-.14 Sites for Land Application Facilities that are within 1,000 feet of the facility.
(2) A High Intensity Soil Map, prepared by a professional soil classifier, that shall meet the following:
(a) The map scale shall be 1-inch equals 100 feet or larger.
(b) A minimum of four borings per acre is required to define the soils. When a grid system is not used, boring location shall be dictated by the landscape or in a manner to best define the soils that occur. All borings shall be flagged and numbered.
(c) Soil surveys or maps shall conform to the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) Standards.
(d) Soils shall be classified according to U.S. Soil Taxonomy to the series level and map units shall generally consist of consociations. Complexes may only be used under very limited conditions when two or more dissimilar soils or soils and rock outcrops cannot be separated.
(e) Soil series boundaries shall be plotted on a map.
(f) A High-Intensity Soil Map requires a carefully prepared base map on which the professional soil classifier shall accurately locate soil boundaries. A minimum of a 2-foot contour interval topographic base map is required-
(g) The following information is required for all maps:
1. A title block or caption that states the project or client name.
2. The date of the survey.
3. A north arrow for orientation.
4. The scale of the map.
5. The soil mapping intensity.
6. The signature, stamp or seal, address, and telephone number of the professional soil classifier.
7. A special symbols legend, if needed, defining special features identified on the survey map (i.e., springs, rocky outcrops, wells, sinkholes, gullies, etc.).
(h) The information listed below shall accompany or be provided on maps in table form with detailed maps for each boring:
1. The name of the soil series (or closest series with similar interpretations).
2. The percent slope or slope range class.
3. The depth to ASHES.
4. The depth to other restrictive layer(s) or horizon(s).
5. The assigned or adjusted loading rate.
6 Additional notes and information as appropriate.
7. Soil group.
(i) Soil maps shall be color-coded to differentiate between map units and/or soil groups.
(3) A vicinity map.
(4) A hydrogeological report, performed by a hydrogeologist, relating to the area of the proposed facility, verifying that the application of septage or septage mixed with other permitted waste over the area of the proposed facility will not pose a threat to the groundwater and aquifer, to surface waters, or to any public or private drinking water wells.

Ala. Admin. Code r. 420-3-6-.10

Filed: September 20, 1989. Repealed. Filed: November 19, 1991. New Rule: Filed: October 20, 1994; effective November 24, 1994.
Adopted by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXIX, Issue No. 03, December 31, 2020, eff. 2/14/2021.

Author: John-Paul O'Driscoll, Christie L. White, George B. Allison, Thad Pittman, Richard Smith, Boyd Rogers

Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 22-2-2(6), 22-10-1 et seq., 22-20-5, 22-26-1, 22-26-2, 22-26-3.