Ala. Admin. Code r. 335-14-5-.04

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 335-14-5-.04 - Contingency Plan And Emergency Procedures
(1)Applicability. The requirements of 335-14-5-.04 apply to owners and operators of all hazardous waste facilities, except as 335-14-5-.01(1) provides otherwise.
(2)Purpose and implementation of contingency plan.
(a) Each owner or operator must have a contingency plan for his facility. The contingency plan must be designed to minimize hazards to human health or the environment from fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil, or surface water.
(b) The provisions of the plan must be carried out immediately whenever there is a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents which could threaten human health or the environment.
(3)Content of contingency plan.
(a) The contingency plan must describe the actions facility personnel must take to comply with 335-14-5-.04(2) and (7) in response to fires, explosions, or any unpermitted sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil, or surface water at the facility.
(b) If the owner or operator has already prepared a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan or some other emergency or contingency plan, he need only amend that plan to incorporate hazardous waste management provisions that are sufficient to comply with the requirements of 335-14-5. The owner or operator may develop one contingency plan which meets all regulatory requirements. The Department recommends that the plan be based on the National Response Team's Integrated Contingency Plan Guidance ("One Plan"). When modifications are made to non-RCRA provisions in an integrated contingency plan, the changes do not trigger the need for a RCRA permit modification.
(c) The plan must describe arrangements agreed to by local Law enforcement, fire departments, hospitals, contractors, and ADEM Field Operations Division and local emergency response teams to coordinate emergency services, pursuant to 335-14-5-.03(8).
(d) The plan must list names, and office and home addresses, and phone numbers of all persons qualified to act as emergency coordinator (see 335-14-5-.04(6)), and this list must be kept up to date. Where more than one person is listed, one must be named as primary emergency coordinator and others must be listed in the order in which they will assume responsibility as alternates. For new facilities, this information must be supplied to the Department at the time of certification, rather than at the time of permit application.
(e) The plan must include a list of all emergency equipment at the facility [such as fire extinguishing systems, spill control equipment, communications and alarm systems (internal and external)], and decontamination equipment, where this equipment is required. This list must be kept up to date. In addition, the plan must include the location and a physical description of each item on the list, and a brief outline of its capabilities.
(f) The plan must include an evacuation plan for facility personnel where there is a possibility that evacuation could be necessary. This plan must describe signal(s) to be used to begin evacuation, evacuation routes, and alternate evacuation routes (in cases where the primary routes could be blocked by releases of hazardous waste or fires). All evacuation routes should be depicted on a map to be included with the evacuation plan.
(4)Copies of the contingency plan. A copy of the contingency plan and all revisions to the plan must be:
(a) Maintained at the facility; and
(b) Submitted to all local law enforcement, fire departments, hospitals, and ADEM Field Operations Division and local emergency response teams that may be called upon to provide emergency services. Documentation of compliance with this requirement must be maintained at the facility.
(5)Amendment of contingency plan. The contingency plan must be reviewed, and immediately amended if necessary, whenever:
(a) The facility permit is revised;
(b) The plan fails in an emergency;
(c) The facility changes--in its design, construction, operation, maintenance, or other circumstances--in a way that materially increases the potential for fires, explosions, or releases of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents, or changes the response necessary in an emergency;
(d) The list of emergency coordinators changes; or
(e) The list of emergency equipment changes.
(6)Emergency coordinator. At all times, there must be at least one employee either on the facility premises or on call (i.e., available to respond to an emergency by reaching the facility within a short period of time) with the responsibility for coordinating all emergency response measures. This emergency coordinator must be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the facility's contingency plan, all operations and activities at the facility, the location and characteristics of waste handled, the location of all records within the facility, and the facility layout. In addition, this person must have the authority to commit the resources needed to carry out the contingency plan.
(7)Emergency procedures.
(a) Whenever there is an imminent or actual emergency situation, the emergency coordinator (or his designee when the emergency coordinator is on call) must immediately:
1. Activate internal facility alarms or communication systems, where applicable, to notify all facility personnel; and
2. Notify appropriate State of Alabama or local agencies with designated response roles if their help is needed.
(b) Whenever there is a release, fire, or explosion, the emergency coordinator must immediately identify the character, exact source, amount, and areal extent of any released materials. He may do this by observation or review of facility records or manifests, and, if necessary, by chemical analysis.
(c) Concurrently, the emergency coordinator must assess possible hazards to human health or the environment that may result from the release, fire, or explosion. This assessment must consider both direct and indirect effects of the release, fire, or explosion (e.g., the effects of any toxic, irritating, or asphyxiating gases that are generated, or the effects of any hazardous surface water run-off from water or chemical agents used to control fire and heat-induced explosions).
(d) If the emergency coordinator determines that the facility has had a release, fire, or explosion which could threaten human health or the environment outside the facility (release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents from the active portion of the facility is defined as such a threat), he must report his findings as follows:
1. If his assessment indicates that evacuation of local areas may be advisable, he must immediately notify appropriate local authorities. He must be available to help appropriate officials decide whether local areas should be evacuated; and
2. He must immediately notify the Alabama Emergency Management Agency (800/843-0699, 24 hours a day), the National Response Center (800/424-8802 or 202/267-2675, 24 hours a day), and the Department (334/271-7700 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). The report must include:
(i) Name and telephone number of reporter;
(ii) Name and address of facility;
(iii) Time and type of incident (e.g., release, fire);
(iv) Name and quantity of material(s) involved, to the extent known;
(v) The extent of injuries, if any; and
(vi) The possible hazards to human health or the environment outside the facility.
(e) During an emergency, the emergency coordinator must take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure that fires, explosions, and releases do not occur, recur, or spread to other hazardous waste at the facility. These measures must include, where applicable, stopping processes and operations, collecting and containing release waste, and removing or isolating containers.
(f) If the facility stops operations in response to a fire, explosion, or release, the emergency coordinator must monitor for leaks, pressure buildup, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment, wherever this is appropriate.
(g) Immediately after an emergency, the emergency coordinator must provide for treating, storing, or disposing of recovered waste, contaminated soil, or surface water, or any other material that results from a release, fire, or explosion at the facility.
(h) The emergency coordinator must ensure that, in the affected area(s) of the facility:
1. No waste that may be incompatible with the released material is treated, stored, or disposed of until cleanup procedures are completed; and
2. All emergency equipment listed in the contingency plan is cleaned and fit for its intended use before operations are resumed.
(i) The owner or operator must note in the operating record the time, date, and details of any incident that requires implementing the contingency plan. Within 15 days after the incident, he must submit a written report on the incident to the Department. The report must include:
1. Name, address, and telephone number of the owner or operator.
2. Name, address, and telephone number of the facility;
3. Date, time, and type of incident (e.g., fire, explosion);
4. Name and quantity of material(s) involved;
5. The extent of injuries, if any:
6. An assessment of actual or potential hazards to human health or the environment, where this is applicable; and
7. Estimated quantity and disposition of recovered material that resulted from the incident.

Ala. Admin. Code r. 335-14-5-.04

July 19, 1982. Amended: April 9, 1986; August 24, 1989; January 1, 1993. Amended: Filed November 30, 1994; effective January 5, 1995. Amended: Filed December 8, 1995; effective January 12, 1996. Amended: Filed February 21, 1997; effective March 28, 1997. Amended: Filed February 20, 1998; effective March 27, 1998. Amended: Amended: Filed March 9, 2001; effective April 13, 2001. Amended: Filed February 8, 2 0 02; effective March 15, 2002. Amended: February 28, 2006; effective April 4, 2006. Amended: Filed February 27, 2007; effective April 3, 2007. Amended: Filed April 22, 2008; effective May 27, 2008. Amended: Filed February 24, 2009; effective March 31, 2009. Amended: Filed February 23, 2011; effective March 30, 2011. Amended: Filed February 28, 2012; effective April 3, 2012.

Authors: Stephen C. Maurer, Amy P. Zachry, W. Gerald Hardy, C. Edwin Johnston, Bradley N. Curvin, Theresa A. Maines, Marlon D. McMillan, Jonah Harris

Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 22-30-11, 22-30-16.