Ala. Admin. Code r. 335-1-6-.07

Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 335-1-6-.07 - Payment Of Fees
(1) Payment of permit application/registration fees required under subparagraphs (1)(a) and (1)(b) or paragraph (2) of Rule 335-1-6-.04 shall be included with the permit application/registration. No permit application shall be processed without payment of such fees.
(2) Any fee required under subparagraph (1)(c) of Rule 335-1-6-.04 shall be billed to the applicant. Payment of such fee shall be made within thirty days of the invoice date. No final decision regarding the permit application shall be made until after payment of such fee. Failure to make payment as provided herein shall constitute cause for non-processing/denial of the permit application.
(3) Payment of fees required under Rule 1-6-.05 shall be made within thirty days of the date of the invoice which the Department shall send to the person making the application or request or requiring the certificate.
(4) Payment of fees required under Rule 335-1-6-.06 shall be included with the application for such license, variance or certification. No application shall be processed without payment of such fees.
(5) All fees paid pursuant to the requirements of this Chapter shall be non-refundable.
(6) All fees and remittances shall be made payable to the Alabama Department of Environmental Management.



Type of Activity


Permit Preparation (Per Permit)


State Regulations Only (Per Permit)


Public Comment Period (Per Application)


NSPS Review (Per Permit/Per NSPS)


NESHAPS Review (Per Permit/Per NESHAP)


MACT/112(g) Determination (Per Pollutant/Per Determination)


PSD Review (Per Application)


BACT Determination (Per Pollutant)


Non-Attainment Review Submittal Fee (Per Application)


LAER Determination (Per Permit per Pollutant/Per Determination)


Plantwide Applicablity Limits (PAL) Review (Per Pollutant)


Non-Criteria Air Pollutant Review (Per Pollutant)


Modeling Review

Modeling Protocol Review


Modeling Review


Class 1 Modeling Review


Emission Inventory Preparation


+ $150/ point/pollutant

Meteorological Data


Adequacy Determination of Preconstruction Monitoring Network/Data


Soil Remediation Plan Review


Certification and Recertification of Asbestos Removal Contractors


Name Change

$800 + $150 per permit



Type of Activity


Commercial and/or Residential Development

a) Commercial and Residential Development greater than 5 acres and less than 25 acres in size.


b) Commercial and Residential Development 25 acres or greater and less than l00 acres in size.


c) Commercial and Residential Development 100 acres or greater in size.


Groundwater extraction from a well having capacity of 50 gpm or more (335-8-2-.09).


Construction on Beaches and Dunes (335-8-2-.08)

a) 1 single family dwelling or 1 duplex.


b) 2 single family dwellings or 2 duplexes.


c) Commercial (non-residential) structure, multi-unit residential structure having more than 2 units, or any other combination of living units not covered under a) or b) above.


d) Hardened erosion control structure, including retaining walls, seawalls, bulkheads and similar structure, or the placement of rip-rap.


Beach Nourishment Projects on Gulf Beaches

a) Gulf Beach Nourishment Project filling less than 1,000 square feet of State waterbottoms.


b) Gulf Beach Nourishment Project filling 1,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet of State waterbottoms.


c) Gulf Beach Nourishment Project filling greater than 100,000 square feet of State waterbottoms.


Projects Impacting Wetlands

a) Project involving the dredging or filling of less than 1,000 square feet of wetlands.


b) Project involving the dredging or filling of 1,000 square feet or more of wetlands.


c) Pile Supported residential, multifamily or commercial structure (does not include piers, walkways, gazebos).


Projects Impacting Water Bottoms

a) Project involving the filling of less than 1,000 square feet of water bottom.


b) Project involving the filling of 1,000 square feet or more of water bottom.


c) Project involving the dredging of less than 10,000 cubic yards of material from the water bottom.


d) Project involving the dredging of 10,000 cubic yards to 100,000 cubic yards of material from the water bottom.


e) Project involving the dredging of greater than 100,000 cubic yards of material from the water bottom.


f) Project which involves the construction of coastal or inland marinas, canals, or creek relocation or modification.


g) Raised creek crossing.


Shoreline Stabilization of Non Gulf-Fronting Properties

a) Shoreline stabilization project involving less than 200 feet of shoreline stabilization, including bulkhead construction or placement of rip-rap.


b) Shoreline stabilization project involving greater than 200 feet of shoreline stabilization including bulkhead construction or placement of rip-rap.


Groin, jetty, and/or other sediment catching shoreline structure.


Construction of pile supported pier, dock, boardwalk, or other similar structure.


Siting, construction and operation of energy facility.


Mitigation bank project.


State agency permits subject to review, not otherwise specified in Schedule B.


Federal license or permits not otherwise specified in Schedule B.


Project requiring certification for a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission permit or authorization.


All other projects and/or consistency reviews not otherwise specified in Schedule B which are subject to ADEM's Division 8 regulations.


Certification transfer or to change the name of the applicant only.


Modifications, and/or time extension, not requiring public notice.


Modifications and/or time extension, requiring public notice shall be one-half the fee listed in schedule B but in no case less than $800.

1/2 or $800

Additive fee for variance request.









PLAN (5)

Permit Type (6)


Waste/Used Oil






Base Application (Non Transporter) (25)






Storage (Container/ Tank/Containment Building)






Drip Pad






Treatment (7)






Thermal Treatment (8)






Land Treatment






Waste Pile






Surface Impoundment












Post-Closure (9)






SWMU Only (10)






Miscellaneous Units






Corrective Action

Management Unit (17)





Varies (18)

Non-Unit Specific

Modifications (11)






Modifications to Incorporate Final Corrective Measures







Groundwater Contamination (13)

Plume Undefined






Plume Defined






Trial Burn (14)






RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA) (24)






RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Certification (15)






Corrective Action Program (CAP) or Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI) Plan Certification (16)






Temporary Unit






Off-Site Waste Analysis Certification (19)






Indirect Risk Assessment (20)






Landfill 5-Year Review Certification (25)






Confirmatory Sampling (CS) Work Plan Certification (21)






Interim Measures (IM) Work Plan Certification (22)






Corrective Measures Study (CMS) Certification (23)







(1) Fee applies to initial unit (design) of a given type at a facility.
(2) Fee applies to additional designs and/or units of the same type unit or process at a given facility.
(3) Refer to rule 335-14-8-.04(3) for classification of minor mods. Each separate mod request requires a separate fee payment. Multiple changes to a permit consolidated in one mod request will be charged a single fee for each applicable unit. (e.g., A facility permitted for container storage and a landfill who requests modifications to both units will be charged the appropriate fee for each unit.)
(4) Refer to rule 335-14-8-.04(2) for classification of major mods. Each separate mod request requires a separate fee payment. Multiple changes to a permit consolidated in one mod request will be charged a single fee for each applicable unit. (e.g., A facility permitted for container storage and a landfill who requests modifications to both units will be charged the appropriate fee for each unit.)
(5) If clean closure is not attained and a post-closure permit is required, then the cost is credited to the post-closure permit fee. Closure plan fees shall be charged per unit to be closed.
(6) Fees for miscellaneous units (rule 335-14-5-.24) and for other units not specifically listed shall be assessed based on the fees established for the permit type most closely analogous to the activity in question. For example, an open burning/open detonation unit would be assessed fees for thermal treatment; a stabilization unit would be assessed fees for treatment; etc.
(7) Fee applies to all treatment units except land treatment units and thermal treatment units.
(8) Fee applies to incinerators, boilers, industrial furnaces, and other thermal treatment units.
(9) Fee applies to each hazardous waste management unit which is subject to post-closure permitting requirements. Multiple units which are closed under a single (common) cap will be charged the fee for a single post-closure unit. Fee also applies to certification of post-closure plans required by order.
(10) Fee applies to permits which include solid waste management unit (SWMU) requirements (pursuant to ADEM Admin. Code rs. 335-14-5-.06(12), 335-14-5-.19, 335-14-8-.02(5)(d), but do not include regulated hazardous waste management unit requirements. This fee applies to facilities which have completed all closure and post-closure requirements for regulated hazardous waste management units, but do not complete all SWMU requirements. Fee applies to modifications which are not unit specific (i.e., mods not affecting the unit type, design, or configuration). Examples: contingency plan changes, transfer of ownership, personnel training plan changes, changes to groundwater monitoring system, etc.
(11) Additive fees are levied in addition to base application fees as applicable. Total fees due are sum of base application fees and additive fees applicable to a given facility/application.
(12) Initial fee applies to the first contaminant plume at a facility. The additional unit fee will be charged for each additional, separate plume at the same facility.
(13) Fee applies to each trial burn performed.
(14) Initial fee applies to the first investigation at a facility imposed by the Department under ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-14-5-.06(12). The fee is applicable at the time the investigation is imposed. The additional unit fee will be charged for each additional, separate investigation at the same facility (e.g. an investigation of a newly discovered area of contamination). This fee is also applicable to any investigation required by statute or order that is designed to assess the extent of contamination at a facility or a single unit within a facility.
(15) Fee applies to each separate corrective action program proposal or corrective measures implementation plan submitted. CAPs which integrate multiple technologies (e.g., pump and treat, biological, chemical, physical, etc.) into a single system shall be charged a single fee for the system. Facilities which have multiple separate programs (e.g., two separate groundwater contamination plumes, one remediated using pump and treat and the other using vapor extraction) shall be charged a separate fee for each separate system. This fee is also applicable to passive corrective measures (e.g. land-use restrictions, monitored natural attenuation).
(16) Fee applies to each separate corrective action management unit (CAMU) designated/approved at a facility. This fee is in addition to any other fees applicable to any hazardous waste management units included within a CAMU.
(17) Fee determined based on type of units (Storage - $4,855; Treatment [except Land Treatment] - $5,820; Disposal/Land Treatment - $11,650).
(18) Fee applies to facilities which receive hazardous waste from off-site sources (e.g., commercial facilities).
(19) Fee applies to thermal treatment units required to conduct indirect risk assessments.
(20) Initial fee applies to the first CS work plan at a facility. The additional unit fee will be charged for each additional, separate CS workplan at the same facility.
(21) Initial fee applies to the first IM work plan at a facility. The additional unit fee will be charged for each additional, separate IM workplan at the same facility.
(22) Initial fee applies to the first CMS work plan at a facility. The additional unit fee will be charged for each additional, separate CMS workplan at the same facility.
(23) Fee is charged per each RFA Report prepared for a given facility.
(24) Landfill 5-Year Review Certification fee applies to operating hazardous waste land disposal facilities subject to 335-14-5-.05.



Type of Activity

Initial Registration/ Issuance Reissuance or Modification (effluent limit change) (injection zone change or compatibility study)

Modification (no effluent limit change) (no injection zone change or no compatibility study)

Major Industrial Discharger



Minor Industrial Discharger



Major Municipal & Private



Minor Municipal & Private & Water Treatment



Municipal Stormwater (MS-4)



Mineral/Resource Extraction Mining, Storage Transloading, Dry Processing



Wet Preparation, Processing, Beneficiation



Coalbed Methane



General Permit



Minor NPDES Modifications






Modeling with Data Collection (10 Stations)



Modeling with Data Collection (5 Stations)



Modeling - desktop



Review of Model Performed by Others

Seasonal Limits

$4,855/ additional season

$4,855/ additional season

Biomonitoring & Toxicity Limits



316b Phase I, Phase II, and



Phase III Facilities [Permit Issuance/ Re-issuance Modification]



Review of Site Specific Impingement and Entrainment Studies and/ or Comprehensive Demonstration Studies


Indirect Discharge (SID)



Indirect Discharge with EPA Established Categorical Effluent Guidelines




Class III Well



Class V Well



General Permit




Surface Water Treatment Plant/System



Distribution System



Groundwater Supply (Well/System)



Name Change/Permit Minor Mod



AFO/CAFO Individual Permit

AFO/CAFO Registration:










1-999 Animal Units



1,000-1,499 Animal Units




1,500-1,999 Animal Units

2,000 or more Animal Units

[1] Due upon submittal of CDS



Type of Activity

Initial Issuance



Medical Waste Transfer Facility




New Technology Review




Commercial Treatment Facility




Commercial Transportation of Medical Waste




Storage of Untreated Medical Waste




Municipal Solid Waste Landfill/CCR Unit




Minor Mod. (1)*




Major Mod. (2)*




Construction/Demolition Waste Landfill




Minor Mod. (1)*




Major Mod. (2)*




Industrial Waste Landfill




Minor Mod. (1)*

Major Mod. (2)*







Compost Facility



Minor Mod.


Major Mod


Additive Fees

Geological Review




Solid Waste Disposal Notification




Variance Request




Beneficial Use Facility Registration


Beneficial Use Generator




Beneficial Use Distributor




Beneficial Use FPR Treatment Facility




1.* These are modifications as included in ADEM Admin. Code rule 335-13-5-.06(2).
2.* These are modifications as included in ADEM Admin. Code rule 335-13-5-.06(1).



(Repealed 10/6/17)



Type of Activity

Initial Issuance


Well Driller's License



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification

Examination Fee



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Issuance Fee



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Renewal via Internet



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Renewal via Mail



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Renewal Late Fee



Water and Wastewater Operator Reciprocal Certification



Microbiological lab certification



Chemical laboratory certification







Volatile Organic Chemicals


Synthetic Organic Chemicals


Disinfection Byproducts










Maximum annual chemical lab certification fee


Coastal Variance See Schedule B

[2] See ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-10-1-.11(3)



Type of Activity

Initial Issuance


Well Driller's License



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification

Examination Fee



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Issuance Fee



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Renewal via Internet



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Renewal via Mail



Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Renewal Late Fee



Water and Wastewater Operator Reciprocal Certification



Microbiological lab certification



Chemical laboratory certification







Volatile Organic Chemicals


Synthetic Organic Chemicals


Disinfection Byproducts










Maximum annual chemical lab certification fee


Coastal Variance See Schedule B

[1] See ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-10-1-.11(3)



Hazardous Waste

Initial Issuance



Disposal Certification of Waste at a Commercial Hazardous Waste Landfill




Variance from Classification as a Solid Waste Pursuant to ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-14-1-.03(10)




Delisting Certification Pursuant to ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-14-1-.03(2)




Variance from a Hazardous Waste Treatment Standard Pursuant to ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-14-9-.04(5)




Notification of Regulated Waste Activity




Variance to be classified as a boiler pursuant to ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-14-1-.03(12)




Variance to extend the effective date of a LDR on a case-by-case basis




Variance to allow land disposal of a prohibited waste




Hazardous Waste Generator Closure Certification




Solid Waste Landfill Operator Certification

Landfill Operator

Certification Issuance Fee




Landfill Operator Certification Renewal Fee




Landfill Operator Certification Late Renewal





Landfill Operator Reciprocal Certification Fee






Non-Responsible Person Applicant









With Variance




Assessment Review(2)




Assessment Report


Cleanup Review(2)




Cleanup Report


Letter of Concurrence









Property Eligibility Determination(3)




Responsible Person Applicant





With Variance




Assessment Review(2)




Assessment Report


Cleanup Review




Cleanup Report


Letter of Concurrence









Property Eligibility Determination(2)




Additive Fees(4)

Public Notice(5)


Groundwater Monitoring(6)


Risk Management RM-1


Risk Management RM-2


Operation and Maintenance Plan(6)


Brownfield Remediation Reserve Fund Contribution


(1) Submittal of the appropriate application fee is required prior to the review of any plans, reports, and, or certifications.
(2) An Assessment and/or Cleanup Review fee is assessed when review of a plan and report is required as determined by the Department.
(3) Property eligibility determinations are valid for a period of one year from date of issuance.
(4) Additive fees are levied on the assessment or cleanup fees as applicable. Total fees due are a sum of assessment and/or cleanup fees and additive fees applicable to a given applicant.
(5) A Public Notice fee is assessed on any Plan or Report which proposes final cleanup remedy recommendations, such as removal of contaminants and/or an Environmental Covenant.
(6) These fees are assessed annually until required activities are complete and/or terminated by the Department.
(7) Fee is added to a Cleanup Review and/or Report fee, when an Operation and Maintenance (OAM) is required as a part of the approved remedy. Modification of OAM activities would require a modification of the Cleanup Report and submittal of required fees.
(8) This fee applies only to Responsible Party Applicants and is assessed per acre of each qualifying property in addition to the voluntary cleanup program application and oversight fees.

* This fee is enacted by Act 2023-356 of the 2023 Alabama Legislative Session.



Type of Activity

Initial Issuance



Class One Processor Permit




Class Two Processor Permit




Class Three Processor Permit




Scrap Tire Transporter Permit




Limited-use Transporter Permit (see Note1)




Registration as an Exempt Processor




Registration for Engineered Use of Tire Materials




Note 1: A limited-use transporter permit is available to property owners remediating a scrap tire pile on their own property, and shall be issued for a limited amount of time and under conditions as prescribed by ADEM.

See ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-4-3-.03(b) for definitions of processors

Fee Schedule J

Environmental Covenants Fees

Type of Activity

Initial Issuance


Processing and Review Fee

Institutional Controls



Engineering Controls



Registry Recording Fee

For Class 1 controls*



For Class 2 controls*



For Class 3 controls*



* - For classification of institutional and engineering controls, see ADEM Admin. Code Rule. 335-5-1-.03(i).

Registry Recording Fee also includes costs of performing inspections for a 30-year period.

For sites utilizing both institutional controls and engineering controls, the processing and review fees shall be the greater of the applicable fees.

For sites with more than one classification of institutional or engineering control, the registry recording fee shall be the greater of the applicable fees.

For a property or site containing multiple individually deeded parcels covered by one or more similar covenants, the owner or operator may pay all applicable fees listed in Fee Schedule J or the owner or operator or other responsible party may include a provision in an order or agreement executed between the owner or operator or other responsible person and the Department to pay fees as provided in 335-5-1-.06(6).

Ala. Admin. Code r. 335-1-6-.07

Effective February 13, 1985. Amended: Filed December 12, 1996; effective January 16, 1997. Amended: Filed February 24, 1999; effective March 31, 1999. Amended: Filed December 5, 2001; effective January 9, 2002. Amended (Schedule H only): Filed April 11, 2002; effective May 16, 2002. Amended (Schedules B, C, D, E, & F only): Filed August 29, 2002; effective October 3, 2002. Amended (Added Schedule I only): Filed June 30, 2004; effective August 4, 2004. Amended (Schedules A-H only): Filed December 6, 2005; effective January 10, 2006. Amended (Schedules D & G only): Filed June 6, 2006; effective July 11, 2006. Amended (Schedules A-I only): Filed October 10, 2006; effective November 14, 2006. Amended (Schedules A thru I only): Filed December 18, 2007; effective January 22, 2008. Amended (Schedule G only): Filed December 15, 2009; effective January 19, 2010. Amended (Text and Schedules A thru J): Filed October 25, 2011; effective November 29, 2011. Amended (Schedules A thru J only): Filed June 25, 2013; effective July 30, 2013.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXIV, Issue No. 03, December 31, 2015, eff. 1/25/2016.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXVI, Issue No. 07, April 30, 2018, eff. 6/8/2018.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXVII, Issue No. 10, July 31, 2019, eff. 8/9/2019.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXVIII, Issue No. 05, February 28, 2020, eff. 4/13/2020.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXIX, Issue No. 03, December 31, 2020, eff. 2/14/2021.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XL, Issue No. 07, April 29, 2022, eff. 6/13/2022.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XLI, Issue No. 03, December 30, 2022, eff. 2/13/2023.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XLII, Issue No. 05, February 29, 2024, eff. 4/14/2024.

Author: Marilyn Elliott, Russell A. Kelly, Brian C. Espy

Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, § 22-22A-5.