Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 165-X-6-.08 - Officials: Conduct Of Match(1)Professional Kickboxers.(a) False Name. No kickboxer shall enter any agreement or contract with a promoter, compete in any match, or otherwise participate in any capacity in a kickboxing program under any name which does not appear on his or her photo ID.(b) Prohibition if Under Suspension. No kickboxer shall enter any agreement or contract with a promoter, compete, or attempt to compete in any match in this state when the kickboxer knows that his or her kickboxing license, issued by this commission is under suspension.(c) Pregnancy. No kickboxer shall enter any agreement or contract with a promoter, compete, or attempt to compete in any match in Alabama when such kickboxer knows that she is pregnant.(d) Diuretics Prohibited. The use of any herbal, prescription or non-prescription diuretic by any kickboxer within twelve hours prior to the weigh-in is strictly prohibited.(e) Weigh-In. 1. In all contests and exhibitions, contestants shall weigh-in in the presence of the chief official appointed to preside over the contest or exhibition. The weigh-in shall not take place less than six (6) hours nor more than thirty-six (36) hours prior to the contest or exhibition.(i) All official weigh-ins shall be conducted at a time and place designated by the Commission. Attendance to official weigh-ins is strictly limited to commissioners, licensees and officials scheduled to participate in the contest or exhibition.(ii) Ceremonial weigh-ins may be conducted in such manner and at such place as agreed to by all parties involved in the promotion or match.2. No over-contract-weight contestant appearing at the initial weigh-in will be allowed to lose in excess of two (2) pounds in order to make contract weight unless the kickboxer is re-examined by the cage side or ringside physician and receive clearance from the cage side or ringside physician prior to entering the cage or ring.(f) Weight Classes. Weight Classes for Professional kickboxing shall be: 1. ATOMWEIGHT (108 LBS/49.1 KG & BELOW) - 8 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.2. SUPERATOMWEIGHT (108.1 - 111 LBS 49.2 -50.5 KGS) - 8 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.3. FLYWEIGHT (111.1 - 114 LBS/50.6-51.8 KGS) - 8 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.4. SUPERFLYWEIGHT (114.1-117 LBS/51.9-53.2 KGS) - 8 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.5. BANTAMWEIGHT (117.1-120 LBS/53.3-54.5 KG) - 8 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.6. SUPERBANTAMWEIGHT (120-124 LBS/54.6-56.4 KG) - 8 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.7. FEATHERWEIGHT (124.1-128 LBS/56.5-58.2 KG) - 10 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.8. LIGHTWEIGHT (128.1-132 LBS/58.3-60.0 KG) - 10 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.9. SUPERLIGHTWEIGHT (132.1-137 LBS/60.1-62.3 KG) - 10 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.10. LIGHT WELTERWEIGHT (137.1-142 LBS/62.4-64.5 KG) - 10 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.11. WELTERWEIGHT (142.1-147 LBS/64.6-66.8 KG) - 15 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.12. SUPERWELTERWEIGHT (147.1-153 LBS/66.9-69.5 KG) - 15 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.13. LIGHT MIDDLEWEIGHT (153.1-159 LBS/69.6-72.3 KG) - 15 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.14. MIDDLEWEIGHT (159.1-165 LBS/72.4-75.0 KG) - 15 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.15. SUPERMIDDLEWEIGHT (165.1-172 LBS/75.1-78.1 KG) - 15 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.16. LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT (172.1-179 LBS/78.2-81.4 KG) - 20 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.17. LIGHT CRUISERWEIGHT (179.1-186 LBS/81.5-84.6 KG) - 20 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.18. CRUISERWEIGHT (186.1-194 LBS/84.7-88.2 KG) - 20 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.19. SUPERCRUISERWEIGHT (194.1-207 LBS/88.3-94.1 KG) - 20 lbs. maximum allowable weight spread.20. HEAVYWEIGHT (207.1-223 LBS/94.2-101.4 KG) - in div. or spread of lighter div. maximum allowable weight spread.21. SUPERHEAVYWEIGHT (224 LBS/101.55 KG & ABOVE) - in div. or spread of lighter div. maximum allowable weight spread. (i) No professional kickboxing contest or exhibition may be scheduled, and no kickboxer may engage in a contest or exhibition without the approval of the Commission or the Commission's representative if the difference in weight between the kickboxer exceeds the allowances set out above.(ii) Any agreement to proceed with a kickboxing contest or exhibition where the weight spread exceeds the limit established in this rule shall be entered on each participant's bout contract and shall be initialed or signed by such participant.(g) Weighing of Kickboxers. Weighing of all kickboxers shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements for professional kickboxers in these rules.(h) Appearance Time. All contestants must be in the officially designated dressing room at least sixty (60) minutes before the event is sanctioned to begin.(i) Making Weight for Non-Title Bouts. In non-title professional bouts, if a fighter fails to make the weight specified in their contract, they will be allowed to reweigh no more than two (2) hours after the time they originally tried to make weight.(j) Making Weight for Title Bouts. In title bouts, if a fighter fails to make the weight specified in their contract, they will be allowed to reweigh no more than two (2) hours after the time they originally tried to make weight. If a fighter cannot make weight at the final "official" weigh-in opportunity and that fighter is the champion, the title will be declared vacant. The bout may ensue if the fighters are within the allowable weight spread. Should the challenger win the bout, he will become champion. In the event the former champion wins the bout, the title will be declared vacant. In either case, the fighter who cannot make weight will also be subject to purse penalties as specified by either the contract or the regulations established by the Commission.(k) Maximum Allowable Weight Spreads. There is a maximum allowable weight spread for each weight division. The maximum allowable weight spread, as defined by the Commission, is the difference in weight between two fighters outside of which they will not be able to compete against each other.1. (135/2) No over-contract-weight contestant appearing at the initial weigh-in and weighing 135 pounds or less will be allowed to lose in excess of two (2) pounds in order to make contract weight unless such kickboxer is re-examined by the ringside physician and receive clearance from the ringside physician prior to entering the ring.2. (160/3) No over-contract-weight contestant appearing at the initial weigh-in and weighing 135.1 pounds but less than 160 pounds will be allowed to lose in excess of three (3) pounds in order to make contract weight unless such kickboxer is reexamined by the ringside physician and receives clearance from the ringside physician prior to entering the ring.3. (190/4) No over-contract-weight contestants appearing at the initial weigh-in and weighing 160.1 pounds but less than 190 pounds will be allowed to lose in excess of four (4) pounds in order to make contract weight unless such kickboxer is reexamined by the ringside physician and receive clearance from the ringside physician prior to entering the ring.(2)Hand and Foot Wrapping: Gauze and Tape.(a) Contestants desiring to stabilize the metacarpal bones may use no more than six inches (6") of adhesive tape, not more than two inches (2") in width, across the back of each hand, provided however that the Commission inspector or representative must sign each piece of tape prior to placing gauze over such tape.(b) Stabilization tape may not extend beyond a line one inch on the posterior side of the knuckle.(c) Gauze shall be of soft surgical-type gauze not more than two inches (2") in width, held in place by surgeon's tape for each hand. All contestants will have their hands wrapped in the dressing room [or some other suitable place in the general vicinity of the dressing room] under the examination of a representative from the Commission. Whenever requested by any party, hand wrapping shall take place only in the presence of one or more representatives from the opposing contestant's camp. (1) In all weight classes, the bandages on each hand shall be restricted to soft gauze cloth not more than 13 yards (13 yds.) in length and two inches (2") in width, held in place by not more than 10 feet (10') of surgeon's tape, one inch (1") in width, for each hand. Any Commission inspector or representative must sign each hand prior to placing a glove on the hand.(d) Under no condition will any adhesive tape be allowed to extend a position within one inch (1") of the posterior line of knuckles; provided however, that a thin "butterfly" of tape between the fingers will be allowed to stabilize the placement of gauze.(e) Stacking the process of layering on top of the kickboxer's wrapped hand additional layers of gauze and tape is prohibited.(f) Foot Wrapping 1. Kickboxers shall not wear shoes in the ring.2. A single elastic or neoprene sleeve may be worn to support either or both ankles and knees. Sleeve supports must not have any metal or plastic hinges, must not have rubber gripping, and must not have seams that could injure the fighter or his/her opponent. Tape of any kind is prohibited.(3) Mouth Pieces. (a) All contestants are required to wear a mouthpiece during competition. The mouthpiece shall be subject to examination and approval by the attending physician.1. The round cannot begin without the mouthpiece in place. (i) If the mouthpiece is involuntarily dislodged during competition, the referee shall call time, clean the mouthpiece, and reinsert the mouthpiece at the first opportune moment, without interfering with the immediate action.(4)Protective Equipment and Attire.(a) All kickboxers will be required to wear such protective gear as deemed necessary by the Commission. 1. Male and female kickboxers shall wear the appropriate trunks, groin cup, mouthpiece, and gloves.2. Female kickboxers shall wear a short sleeved (above the elbow) or sleeveless form fitting rash guard and/or sports bra. No loose-fitting tops shall be allowed. Female competitors will follow the same requirements for bottom covering as the male competitors, minus the requirement for groin protection.3. The belt-line of the trunks shall not extend above the waistline and the hem may not extend below the knee.4. Kickboxers in the same match shall wear different color trunks.5. No rings, jewelry, or items other than those authorized may be worn. Hair ties must be of a soft nature. Fighters shall not apply temporary tattoos or make-up prior to the bout.6. Elbow pads and forearm pads shall not be worn.(5)Gloves.(a) Gloves. All fighters will wear regulation, approved boxing/kickboxing gloves colored to be coordinated with the corner out of which the fighters will be appearing (NOTE that a neutral color gloves may be used in which case the fighters will be distinguished by colored tape covering the wrists of the gloves). 1. No breaking, roughing, or twisting of gloves shall be permitted. The gloves shall not be placed on the hands until after the Corner Inspector or Commission Representative has signed off on the fighter's hand wraps.2. The gloves shall be put on the hands under the supervision of an inspector who will then endorse the gloves by signature, initials or emblem written on the tape holding the glove closure in place.3. All gloves must be of a professional quality and must be approved Commission. In certain instances, multiple pairs of gloves may be required for use in matches, bouts, and exhibitions.4. If both fighters weigh 147lbs./66.8 kg. or lighter, then the bout may be contested wearing 8 oz. gloves or heavier.5. If one or more of the fighters weigh more than 147lbs./66.8 kg. then both fighters shall contest the bout wearing 10 oz. gloves or heavier.6. All fighters must use the gloves provided by the promotion and approved by the Commission.7. Brand-Name Certification Required. The commission is authorized to certify boxing gloved by brand-name or manufacturer and gloves not so certified may not be used. Each promoter desiring to use for the first time in Alabama a brand of gloves or gloves manufactured by a company not previously certified for use in Alabama are advised to seek prior certification.8. Glove Approval. Gloves shall be examined by the referee and/or the Commission representative prior to the start of the matches.9. Glove Style. Only gloves of the "thumb-attached" or thumbless variety will be used, and all gloves must be laced with the knot on the top [or exterior] side of the wrist. Thumbless gloves may be worn only if both kickboxers in a particular match agree. 10. New Gloves: Main Event Bouts. The promoter shall furnish new gloves for all main events.11. Skinning of Gloves. "Skinning" (the practice of tying gloves in such a manner as to force a portion of the padding back from the fist area to over the contestant's wrist) is prohibited. Any glove tied in such a manner will be required to be re-tied.12. Taping of Gloves. Unless otherwise permitted by the Commission appointed supervisor, glove laces shall not be covered by tape except under the direct supervision of a commission approved inspector or official.(6)Fighter Conduct.(a) Use of profanity by all kickboxers, managers, trainers, or seconds is prohibited. Any use of profanity after a warning by the referee or Chief Inspector may result in disqualification of the contestant, or ejection from the facility and a penalty point may be deducted from the contestant. Profanity in a competitor's ring entry music is prohibited.(b) Entering the Ring. All contestants must be ready to enter the ring immediately following the conclusion of the preceding match on a scheduled fight card. 1. Failure to enter the ring when requested and, after warning by the Corner Inspector or Chief Inspector of the program, may result in disciplinary action by the Commission.(c) Demeanor during the Round. All kickboxers shall take care to avoid fouling their opponent or illegally striking their opponent.1. Regulations against fouls, as defined in these rules will be strictly enforced.2. Illegal techniques or fouls in the ring will not be tolerated.3. All kickboxers are at all times to follow the instructions of the referee. Any call for a break should immediately result in a clean break.(d) Under-Conditioned Fighter. A contestant deemed under-conditioned by the referee, Commission, or any designated representative of the Commission shall be suspended for ninety (90) days. 1. If it should be determined by the referee that a contestant did not give a good faith effort to display their skills, they shall be subject to disciplinary action.(e) Penalty for Disqualification. Any kickboxer who is disqualified for any reason by the referee or Chief Inspector will be subject to disciplinary action by the Commission. 1. Any kickboxer disciplined by the Commission because of a loss by disqualification has a right to a hearing and must request a hearing in writing to the Commission within fifteen (15) days of the disqualification.(f) Fines. Any kickboxer can be fined, have his or her license suspended, or have his or her license revoked in the event that a majority of the Commission determines that the kickboxer did not utilize his or her best efforts in a match.(g) Cuts and Lacerations. A cut or laceration caused by either an intentional or an unintentional foul may only be treated during the one (1) minute break between rounds, provided however that the referee may call a brief timeout and request a physician's evaluation of the cut to determine if the bout shall be allowed to continue. During such timeout, the cut may not be treated by the physician or any other person.(h) Recuperation Time. Any contestant struck by a low blow may, at the discretion of the referee and after consultation with the ringside physician, be given up to five (5) minutes to recuperate. 1. During such recuperation time, the injured kickboxer may sit on a stool inside the ring, or in a neutral corner, by may not rest in his or her assigned corner.2. Only the referee is allowed to assist the injured kickboxer during the five (5) minute rest period.3. The uninjured fighter, during any such rest period, may not be assisted and shall remain in the neutral corner furthest from the injured kickboxer.(i) Bout Stoppage by Low Blow. Except as provided in sub-paragraph (5)(a)(15) of this rule, no contestant injured by a low blow may be awarded the contest.1. If a contestant falls to the ring floor or otherwise indicates an unwillingness to continue because of a claim of a low-blow, he shall be declared the loser by way of technical knockout.(7)Seconds.(a) Number Allowed. Each kickboxer must have two (2) seconds, unless the Commission permits otherwise. Each contestant shall have one (1) chief second and each chief second must have a complete first aid kit. The seconds must be neatly attired. Persons holding a manager's or trainer's license in this state may participate in a contest as a second without applying for or obtaining a second's license.(b) Leaving the Ring. Seconds shall leave the ring enclosure at the sound of the timekeeper's whistle. They shall leave the ring platform promptly when the bell sounds for the beginning of each round and immediately remove all obstructions, including stools, buckets, and any other corner equipment. None of these articles shall be replaced on the ring floor until the bell has sounded the end of a round.(c) Assisting Contestant during Bout. During rounds, seconds are prohibited from assisting or interfering with the contestants.(d) Throwing Towels. Seconds are prohibited from tossing a towel into the ring. The chief second may declare the defeat of his principal by notifying the Corner Inspector. The Corner Inspector shall then climb up onto the ring apron to notify the referee of the chief second's desire to stop the bout, contest, or exhibition.(e) Ejection and Disqualification. Violations of the provisions of this subparagraph may result in ejection of the offender from the ring corner, and may result in the disqualification of his or her contestant by the referee.(8)Between Round Care. Between rounds care of a kickboxer will be strictly enforced by the Commission. (a) Licensees Allowed in Ring between Rounds. One(1) Licensee shall be allowed in the ring with the kickboxer during the rest period between rounds and no more than two (2) licensees, exclusive to the corner inspector and approved media personnel, will be allowed on the apron during that time.(b) Swinging Towel. Fans may be used between rounds. Towels may not be used to fan the contestant. Motorized fans must be approved by the Commission, prior to use at a contest or exhibition.(c) Corner Kit. The use of an unapproved preparation during the match is prohibited. The only substances and materials allowed in the corner are limited to the following: 6. Vaseline or surgical lubricant approved by the commission;8. Avitine or Adrenalene;9. Athletic tape approved by the Commission.(i) Any variance to the materials must be approved by the Commission.(ii) Substances such as Monsell's solution, other iron or bismuth compounds, collodion, silver nitrate, ammonia or smelling salts will not be used and the use of such modalities will result in disqualification, and disciplinary action against the kickboxer, manager, second and/or trainer.(d) Excessive Lubricant. The use of excessive lubricant on the body, arms or face of a kickboxer shall be prohibited. The referee shall determine whether excessive lubricant is on the kickboxer's body, arms or face.(e) Rehydration of Contestant during Bout. Water shall be used to hydrate a kickboxer between rounds. Honey, electrolyte glucose, sugar or any other substance mixed with water is prohibited.(f) Throwing Water Prohibited. Any excessive or undue spraying of water on any fighter between rounds is prohibited. Seconds will wipe dry the ring canvas in their corner before the start of each round. Fighters will spit only in the pails, and not on the ring canvas.(9)Referees.(a) Stopping a Match. No one other than the referee may stop a fight during or between rounds. The referee shall have the authority to stop a contest at any time if one of the kickboxers is unable or no longer able to defend himself.(b) Pre-Fight Instructions. Referees shall meet with the contestants and each chief second appointed by the contestants prior to the beginning of the match and during that meeting shall inform each party of the rules applicable to each fight, as well as the in-ring conduct expected from each contestant and second assisting in the corner of each contestant.(c) Pre-Bout Confirmation of Officials and Physician. Prior to calling for the sounding of the bell to begin each bout, the referee shall confirm that the ringside physician, as well as each judge assigned to the bout, is in place at the ringside.(d) Touching Contestants. The referee shall not touch the competing kickboxers, unless a contestant fails to obey the break command.(e) Count. The referee shall have sole determination of whether a kickboxer has been knocked out. There will be no knockout count if the referee deems the contestant to be knocked out.(f) Count for Dazed Contestant. Should a contestant who is downed rise before the count of ten (10) and again goes down without being struck, the referee shall resume the count where he or she stopped.(g) Kickboxers Knocked Out of the Ring. 1. Any kickboxer knocked out of the ring shall receive a twenty (20) second count.2. During the time that any such kickboxer is outside the ring, he or she shall not be assisted by any member of their corner, and if such assistance is offered, it shall end the match with that kickboxer losing by a technical knockout.3. As a general precaution, to protect the safety of the kickboxers and to prevent any potential injury, a kickboxer knocked out of the ring may have his or her fall stopped or slowed by any person without penalty, provided however that such assistance shall only be to prevent injury from the fall and not to assist the kickboxer in returning to the ring.(h) Standing Eight (8) Count. There shall be no standing eight (8) count.(i) Knockout. Knockouts are instantly called by the referee in kickboxing matches, contests, and exhibitions. There shall be no ten (10) count.(j) Failure to Answer the Bell. A contestant shall not leave the ring during any one (1) minute rest period between rounds. If any contestant fails or refuses to resume fighting when the bell sounds, signaling the commencement of the next round, the referee shall award a decision of a technical knockout to his opponent, as of the round which has last been finished.1. If the circumstances indicate to the referee the need for investigation or punitive action, the referee may withhold giving a decision and may recommend the purse or purses of either or both fighters should be withheld pending a Commission hearing.(10)Fouls.(a) The referee may caution, warn, penalize or disqualify a fighter for fouling behavior based on his perception as to the severity, repetitive nature or intent of the fighter committing the foul and the result of the foul. If the referee will be deducting points for a foul infraction, he will stop time, indicate whether he is classifying the foul as accidental or intentional and the number of points that will be deducted. Fouls include but are not limited to:3. Striking with the elbow, forearm or the unpadded part of the glove4. Striking or kicking to the groin.5. Intentional striking or kicking to the back of the head, back of the torso or the spine.6. Linear or thrusting kicks directed at the knee joint.7. Any effort to "down" a fighter other than by way of legal strikes; this includes sweeps, reaps, throws and take downs of any kind. However, during a legal clinch, a fighter may reposition or temporarily off-balance their opponent in order to effectively continue their knee attack.8. Punching or kicking a fighter when they are "down". A fighter is considered down when any part of their body other than their feet touches the canvas. If a fighter is on his way to the floor, their opponent may continue to attack until they have touched the floor with any part of his body other than their feet.9. Intentionally pushing, shoving or wrestling an opponent out of the ring with any part of the body.10. Attacking on the break when both fighters have been instructed to take a step back by the referee.11. Attacking after the bell has sounded to end the round.12. Holding the ropes with one or more hands while striking.13. Hitting or flicking with an open glove or thumb, or striking with the inside, bottom or hammer-fist part of the glove.14. Pushing or pushing-off an opponent without striking; (NOTE: a fighter may push or push-off an opponent only in an effort to create space in order to strike).15. Grabbing or holding onto an opponent's foot or leg without an immediate, single, legal strike which may be accompanied by a single step, followed by immediately releasing the foot or leg (NOTE: It is a foul to grab or hold the leg without an immediate single, legal strike attack, to try to off-balance the opponent while holding the leg by any method including sweeping the supporting leg, to take multiple steps while holding the foot/ leg, or to fail to release the foot/leg after the single strike attack).16. Holding; The definition of which includes but is not limited to: Grabbing or clinching without immediately launching a knee attack. Failing to release a legal clinch when the knee attack is completed. Grabbing or clinching an opponent in an effort to stop the opponent from attacking or merely to rest. (NOTE: A fighter may legally clinch; which is defined as grabbing an opponent and immediately launching a credible knee attack. If in the referee's estimation the attack and/or counter knee attack is consistent and effective than he may allow it to continue in his estimation for up to five seconds. Once the knee attack/counter attack wanes the fighters must release their clinch and continue fighting).17. Delaying or Stalling the Contest by either excessive passivity, repetitive falling, or intentionally delaying through either, improper equipment, seconds remaining in the ring after the start of the round, beginning a round without a mouthpiece or by intentionally dropping or spitting out the mouthpiece, etc.18. Unsportsmanlike, unprofessional or undisciplined conduct of any kind including but not limited to spitting, cursing, talking, making rude sounds or obscene gestures or the use of abusive language in the ring or corner as determined by the referee.19. Refusing to obey the commands of the referee(b) Disqualification occurs after any combination of three or more of the fouls listed in (a) above or after a referee determines that a foul was intentional or flagrant.1. At the referee's discretion, any foul defined in sub-paragraph (a) may be called "intentional" or "flagrant."(c) Fouls will result in a point being deducted by the official scorekeeper from the offending kickboxer's score.(d) Only a referee can assess a foul. If the referee does not call the foul, judges shall not make that assessment on their own and cannot factor such into their scoring calculations.(e) A fouled fighter has up to five (5) minutes to recuperate.(f) If a foul is committed, the referee shall:2. Check the fouled kickboxer's condition and safety; and3. Assess the foul to the offending contestant, deduct points, and notify each corner's seconds, judges, and the official scorekeeper.(g) Injuries Sustained during Competition. 1. If an injury is sustained during competition as a result of a legal strike is severe enough to terminate a bout, the injured contestant loses by technical knockout.2. If an injury is sustained during competition as a result of an intentional foul is severe enough to terminate a bout, the contestant causing the injury loses by disqualification.3. If an injury is sustained during competition as a result of an intentional foul and the bout is allowed to continue, at the referee's discretion, the referee may notify the scorekeeper to automatically deduct two (2) points from the contestant who committed the foul.4. If an injury is sustained during competition as a result of an intentional foul causes the injured contestant to be unable to continue at a subsequent point in the contest, the injured contestant shall win by technical decision, if he or she is ahead on the score cards. If the injured contestant is even or behind on the score cards at the time of stoppage, the outcome of the bout shall be declared a technical draw.5. If a contestant injures himself or herself while attempting to foul his or her opponent, the referee shall not take any action in his or her favor, and the injury shall be treated in the same manner as an injury produced by a fair blow.6. If an injury sustained during competition as a result of an accidental foul is severe enough for the referee to stop the bout immediately, the bout shall result in a no contest if stopped before two (2) rounds have been completed in a three (3) round bout or if stopped before three (3) rounds have been completed in a five (5) round bout.7. If an injury sustained during competition as a result of an accidental foul is severe enough for the referee to stop the bout immediately, the bout shall result in a technical decision awarded to the contestant who is ahead on the score cards at the time the bout is stopped, only when the bout is stopped after two (2) rounds of a three (3) round bout, or three (3) rounds of a five (5) round bout have been completed.8. There will be no scoring of an incomplete round. However, if the referee penalizes either contestant, then the appropriate points shall be deducted when the scorekeeper calculates the final score.(h) Authorized Offensive Techniques.1. Punches: striking with the padded part of the glove to a legal target; including spinning back-fist.2. Kicks: striking with the foot or lower leg to a legal target.3. Knees: striking with the knee to a legal target.(6) Warnings. (a) The referee shall issue a single warning for the following infractions: 1. Hitting below the belt;2. Failure to break when instructed by the referee;3. Intentionally spitting ones mouthpiece;4. Unintentionally butting with the head or shoulder.5. The presence of more than one second on the fighting area perimeter.(b) After the initial warning, if the prohibited conduct persists, a penalty may be issued. The penalty may result in a deduction of points or disqualification.(11)Types of Bout Results.(a) Decisions via Score Cards: 1. Unanimous: When all three judges score the bout for the same contestant.2. Split: When two judges score the bout for one contestant and one judge scores for the opponent.3. Majority: When two judges score the bout for the same contestant and one judge scores the bout a draw.(b) Draws: 1. Unanimous Draw: When all three judges score the bout a draw.2. Split Draw: When all three judges score differently and the total results in a draw. One judge scores the bout for one contestant; One judge scores the bout for the other contestant; The third judge scores the bout a draw.3. Majority Draw: When two judges score the bout a draw and one judge scores the bout for the opponent.(c) Decision from Strikes: 1. Technical Knockout. When the referee stops the bout, the ringside physician instructs the referee to stop the bout, or an injury resulting from a legal strike is severe enough to terminate a bout.2. Knockout. When the referee stops a bout for failure to rise from the canvas.(d) Disqualification: When an injury sustained during competition, as a result of an intentional foul, is severe enough to terminate the contest.(e) Forfeit: When a contestant fails to begin competition or prematurely ends the contest for reasons other than injury or by indicating unwillingness to continue.(f) Technical Draw: When an injury sustained during competition, as a result of an intentional foul, causes the injured contestant to be unable to continue and the injured contestant is even or behind on the score cards at the time of stoppage.(g) No Contest: When a contestant is prematurely stopped due to accidental injury and a sufficient number of rounds have not been completed to render a decision via the score cards.(12)Judging.(a) All bouts will be evaluated and scored by three (3) judges who will each select the winner of each round.(b) The 10-point-system must be the standard system of scoring a bout. Under the 10-Point Must Scoring System, ten (10) points must be awarded to the winner of the round with nine (9) points or less must be awarded to the loser, except for a rare even round, which is scored (10-10).(c) Judges shall evaluate kickboxing number and quality of knockdowns, cumulative impact of strikes, number of clean scoring strikes, and ring generalship.(d) An advantage in points will be awarded according to the following priority:1. Number or Quality of Knockdowns,2. Cumulative Impact on the Opponent,3. Number of Clean Scoring Strikes,(e) The following objective scoring criteria shall be utilized by the judges when scoring a round: 1. 10-10 Indicates and even round. Neither fighter distinguished themselves as being more effective in consideration of the four criterion points by which the judges must evaluate each fighter's performance. This score should be used very rarely if at all since the judge has a responsibility to issue a judgment and an advantage in ring generalship is enough to earn a 10-9 score.2. 10-9 Indicates a round in which one fighter distinguished themselves as the more effective fighter according to the established criteria - usually without scoring a knockdown. This score is used most often.3. 10-8 Indicates a round in which one fighter distinguished themselves as the more effective fighter according to the established criteria - usually including having scored a knockdown - or having demonstrated dominance and/or overwhelming impact on the opponent for the vast majority of the round.4. 10-7 Indicates a round in which one fighter distinguished themselves as the more effective fighter according to the established criteria - usually including having scored two knockdowns - or having scored one knockdown and demonstrated dominance and/or overwhelming impact on the opponent for the vast majority of the round.5. 10-6 This score is almost never used as it would indicate a round in which one fighter must have been so completely dominated as to have been knocked down at least three times, and never to have really been in the fight at all.6. Points shall be totaled on each scoring judge's scorecard to determine that judge's selection of a winner. Each judge's selection will count as one vote towards determining the overall winner of the bout. If a judge's scorecard, when totaled, reflects an equal number of points for both fighters, that judge will have voted for a draw. If two judges' have an equal number of points for both fighters, the bout will be declared a majority draw. If one judge has an equal number of points for both fighters and the other judges' scores each favor a different fighter, the match shall be declared a split decision draw. If two judges' scores favor one fighter, and the other judge votes for a draw, the fighter receiving two votes shall be declared the winner by majority decision. If one judge votes for a fighter, and the other two judges vote for the other fighter, the fighter receiving the two votes shall be declared the winner by split decision. If all three judges' scores favor one fighter, that fighter will be declared the winner by unanimous decision.(f) Sudden Victory Round. Based on the approval of the Commission, three round bouts may not end in a draw. If the judge's scores reflect a draw, the fighters will contest one additional "sudden victory" round. The scoring previous to the sudden victory round will no longer be relevant in regard to the result of the match. The scoring of the sudden victory round will determine the winner of the match. Judges may not score a sudden victory round even (10-10). If a bout is extended to a sudden victory round and one of the fighters is unable to continue to compete that fighter will lose by TKO and his opponent will be declared the winner.(g) Three (3) Knockdown Rule. There will be no "three knockdown rule" in effect in any bout unless otherwise approved by the Commission. The referee will in all circumstances have the authority to stop a contest or allow it to continue, regardless of the number of knock downs.(13)Announcement Responsibilities.(a) The bell shall be sounded at the beginning and at the end of each round. Except as provided in (d) below, the timekeeper shall not sound the bell during the process of the round. 1. Regardless of the sounding of the bell, the referee in the ring is the sole authority to announce when the round begins. Each kickboxer will remain in their assigned corner. The referee, once he or she is satisfied that each kickboxer is prepared to begin and that no condition exists which may present a medical hazard to either kickboxer, will announce "FIGHT."2. The timekeeper will immediately start the clock at the referee's command of "FIGHT."(b) Timekeepers shall alert the referee by striking the table ten (10) seconds prior to the end of each round.(c) Timekeepers shall blow their whistle ten (10) seconds prior to the end of each one (1) minute rest period.(d) Responsibility to Announce in an Emergency Suspension of a Round. If the referee is absent from the ring or temporarily incapacitated, the timekeeper shall immediately sound the bell for temporary discontinuance of the contest.(14)After the Contest, Match, or Exhibition.(a) Contestants to Leave the Ring. When the decision of the referee or judges has been announced, both contestants and their seconds shall at once leave the ring and retire to their dressing room. Contestants shall report to the post-fight medical evaluation before retiring to the locker room.(b) Decision Announcement. In all preliminary contests decided by the judges' scorecards, up to and including the semi-main event, featured bout, or co-main event, the announcer will announce if the decision is "unanimous," "a majority decision," or "a draw." In the main events and championship contests decided by the judges' scorecards, the total points given to each contestant by the three (3) individual judges will be announced, as well as the resulting scoring decision.(c) Finality of the Decision. A decision rendered at the end of an event is final and shall not be changed unless the Commission determines that any of the following has occurred: 1. There was collusion or fraud affecting the result of any contest, or,2. The compilation of the scorecards of the judges reveals a clerical or mathematical error which caused the decision to be given to the wrong kickboxer.3. There was a violation of the laws or rules and regulations governing professional kickboxing in this state which affected the results of any contest.4. The Chief Inspector may in his or her discretion change a referee's decision if, in his or her judgment, a palpable and self-evident error has been committed.5. Video Instant-Replay. When available, video instant-replay may be used to ensure the accuracy of a fight ending sequence and at no other point in the bout. Once video instant-replay is employed match is over. When used, the Chief Inspector shall review whether the cause of the bouts end was by means of legal or illegal striking. Bouts ending due to illegal (intentional or unintentional foul) shall be settled in the manner listed in the chapter above. The secondary referee, outside the ring, may consult with the Chief Inspector on the correct outcome of the bout, but the decision rests solely with the Chief Inspector.(d) Appeal of Decisions. 1. A petition to change a decision or the ruling of the Chief Inspector shall be in writing and filed by a kickboxer or the kickboxer's manager within five (5) business days from the date the decision was rendered.2. The Commission may hold a hearing to change the decision of the ruling of the Chief Inspector at any time within fourteen (14) days from the date the decision was written. A majority vote of the Commissioner shall be required prior to holding a hearing.3. If the Commission determines that any of the above occurred with regards to any contest, then the decision rendered shall be changed as the Commission may direct, and shall notify the national registry or registries of the change.(15)Tournament Regulations.(a) All rules and regulations related to either the single-day or grand-prix style tournament format presentation of bouts shall be determined separately and are subject to the approval of the Commission.1. Proposed tournament rules shall be submitted in writing to the Commission no fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled event.2. The Commission shall meet in advance of an event where either single-day or grand-prix style tournament rules and regulations are requested, to vote on the use of the proposed alternate rules. A majority vote shall be required for approval of alternate rules.(16)Request for Alternate Rules.(a) The rules in 165-X-6 shall be the governing rules for professional kickboxing for the State of Alabama.(b) If a promotion and/or sanctioning organization desires to use rules specific to their organization, promotion, and/or kickboxing style, the promotion and/or sanctioning body shall submit a written request, petitioning the Commission to adopt their rules format on a one (1) event duration. The written request shall be submitted to the Commission no fewer than fourteen (14) days prior to the event. Approval of the submitted alternate rules shall be at the discretion of the Commission. 1. The request for alternate rules shall be in writing.2. The request for alternate rules shall outline specific distinctions from 165-X-6 from the proposed rules and why each proposed rule should be used in place of the approved Commission rules.3. The Commission shall meet in advance of an event where alternate rules are requested, to vote on the use of the proposed alternate rules. A majority vote shall be required for approval of alternate rules.Ala. Admin. Code r. 165-X-6-.08
Adopted by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXV, Issue No. 03, December 30, 2016, eff. 1/14/2017.Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXVI, Issue No. 09, June 29, 2018, eff. 8/4/2018.Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XL, Issue No. 11, August 31, 2022, eff. 10/15/2022.Authors: Joseph B. McCormick, J. Matt Bledsoe, Stan D. Frierson, Shane T. Sears
Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, § 41-9-1024.