Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 3, December 31, 2024
Section 165-X-6-.06 - Ring And Equipment(1)The Ring.(a) Ring Size. The ring must be a square and not less than sixteen feet (16') or more than twenty feet (20') on a side within the ropes. The ring platform (floor) must extend beyond the ropes at least eighteen inches (18") on all sides (apron). 1. A ring size greater than twenty feet (20') on a side within the ropes shall only be allowed after unanimous agreement of all the kickboxers contracted to appear on the show. For purposes of the subparagraph, the term "all kickboxers" shall be limited to those boxers contracted to compete in bouts of three (3) rounds or more.(b) Safety Padding. The ring floor shall be padded with one-inch (1") thick slow recovery foam matting, or other soft material approved by the Commission or its authorized representative, and shall extend over the edge of the ring platform with a top covering of canvas, duck or similar material tightly stretched and laced to the ring platform. Padding material that tends to gather in lumps may not be used.(c) Ring Mat. The mat and covering shall be kept clean and free from odors at all times. The corners must be covered by a pad long enough to cover all the rope joints.(d) Platform Height. The ring platform shall not be taller than fifty-four inches (54") from the floor of the building and shall be provided with suitable steps for use by the contestants.(e) Ringside Tables. Each promoter shall be responsible for employing a safety plan to protect kickboxers who might fall outside of elevated rings. Except where deemed impractical, the floor of those sides not so protected shall be covered with protective matting.(f) Ring Posts. Ring posts shall be made of some strong material, preferably metal pipe, three inches (3") in diameter, extending from the floor of the building to a height of at least fifty-eight inches (58") above the ring floor.(g) Ring Certification. Rings used in professional kickboxing matches in Alabama must be certified by the chief referee and/or the Commission representative in attendance at the show. 1. Any ring judged unsafe by the chief referee and/or the Commission representative or not otherwise meeting basic standards as defined in Commission rules, or which is deemed by the chief referee or Commission representative to be improperly stabilized will not be certified.2. Failure to obtain certification will result in immediate and summary suspension of the match permit.(h) Cage. Cross promotional events held in a cage shall meet the cage standards established in 165-X-2-.06 or 165-X-3-.06.(2) Ring Ropes. (a) Rope Dimensions. Ring ropes shall be four (4) in number, at least one inch (1") in diameter, the lower rope eighteen inches (18") above the ring floor and the top rope fifty-two inches (52") from the ring floor. The two remaining ropes will be evenly spread between the top and bottom ropes. All four ropes shall be wrapped in soft material.(b) Rope Lanyards. Each ring rope on each side of the ring shall be connected with two (2) rope lanyards.(c) Ring Lighting. The ring shall be amply illuminated by the overhead lights, which shall be so arranged that shadow shall be eliminated and discomfort from heat and glare minimized for persons in and near the rings.(3) Bell.(a) There will be a bell at the ring, no higher than the floor level of the ring. The bell will be clear in tone so that the fighters and referee may easily hear it when it is sounded.(4) Ring Equipment. (a) The promoter shall provide a sufficient number of water buckets for the use of all contestants. Each bucket shall be sterilized before being used. Additionally, the promoter shall provide resin, stools, and such other articles as are required for the conduct of each bout.(5) Scales. (a) Scales shall be furnished by the promoter. The Commission may require that the scales be certified. Residential bathroom scales of the type generally used in private residences will not meet certification requirements of the Commission and will not be allowed for use at any weigh-in.(b) Weigh-Ins for Championship and Televised Events.1. The scale used for the official weigh-in shall be provided by the promoter.2. The scale used for the weigh-in shall be an NTEP Certified Scale, which shall be registered with the Alabama Department of Agriculture, Weight and Measure Division.3. The scale used for the official weigh-in shall be certified as being accurate, on the morning of the weigh-in, by the State of Alabama, Department of Agriculture, Weight and Measures Staff.4. Documentation verifying the scales accuracy shall be submitted to the Executive Director no later than noon (12 pm) on the date the weigh-in is to occur.5. No one shall be allowed on the scale once it is certified, until the Chief Inspector is present.6. If a scale is moved after certification, it shall be recertified before any further weigh-ins can be performed on that scale.7. Once certified, the promoter shall have a security member watch the scale until the time of weigh-in, to avoid tampering.8. A "Ceremonial" scale may be used during a Ceremonial Weigh-in. The Ceremonial Scale shall not be used to record official weights and are strictly to be used for ceremonial purposes.Ala. Admin. Code r. 165-X-6-.06
Adopted by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXV, Issue No. 03, December 30, 2016, eff. 2/13/2017.Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXVI, Issue No. 09, June 29, 2018, eff. 8/4/2018.Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XL, Issue No. 11, August 31, 2022, eff. 10/15/2022.Authors: Joseph B. McCormick, J. Matt Bledsoe, Stan D. Frierson, Shane T. Sears
Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, § 41-9-1024