Office of the Secretary, Department of Homeland Security.
This notice announces the appointment of the members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) Performance Review Boards (PRBs) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The purpose of the PRBs is to view and make recommendations concerning proposed performance appraisals, ratings, bonuses, pay adjustments, and other appropriate personnel actions for incumbents of SES, Senior Level and Senior Professional positions of the Department.
This Notice is current as of October 9, 2018.
Julie Hart, Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer, Julie.Hart@hq,, or by telephone (202) 357-8163.
Each Federal agency is required to establish one or more performance review boards to make recommendations, as necessary, in regard to the performance of senior executives within the agency. 5 U.S.C. 4314(c). This notice announces the appointment of the members of the PRB for DHS. The purpose of the PRB is to review and make recommendations concerning proposed performance appraisals, ratings, bonuses, pay adjustments, and other appropriate personnel actions for incumbents of SES positions within DHS.
The Board shall consist of at least three members. In the case of an appraisal of a career appointee, more than half of the members shall consist of career appointees. Composition of the specific PRBs will be determined on an ad hoc basis from among the individuals listed below:
Agarwal, Nimisha
Albence, Matthew T.
Allen, Matthew C.
Alles, Randolph D.
Anderson, Rose J.
Anderson, Sandra D.
Annan, Niccomedo S.
Archambeault, Gregory J.
Ard, William P.
Asher, Nathalie R.
Auletta, Laura
Austin, Meredith L.
Awni, Muhammad H.
Ayala, Janice
Baber, Daniel M.
Bailey, Angela
Baker, Paul E.
Baran, Kathy A.
Baroukh, Nader
Barrera, Staci A.
Barrett, Lawrence R.
Beagles, James M.
Beckman, Paul G.
Bench, Bradford A.
Benner, Derek
Berger, Katrina W.
Bester-Markowitz, Margot
Bhagowalia, Sanjeev
Bible, Daniela
Blessey, Caroline
Blume, Mark Allen
Blumenthal, Jennifer
Bobich, Jeffrey M.
Borkowski, Mark S.
Boshears, Kevin
Bottom, David
Boyer, Stephen A.
Breor, Scott F.
Brown, A. Scott
Brown, Michael C.
Bruce, Melissa J.
Brundage, William
Bryan, Michelle C.
Bryan, Willliam N.
Bryson, Tony R.
Brzozowski, Crista M.
Bucholtz, Kathleen L.
Burns, Robert P.
Burriesci, Kelli A.
Busch, Philip B.
Caggiano, Marshall L.
Cahill, Donna
Caine, Jeffrey
Callahan, William J.
Calvo, Karl H.
Cameron, Michael K.
Campagnolo, Donna P.
Cantor, Jonathan R.
Carpio, Philip F.
Carraway, Melvin
Carrick, Patrick G.
Castro, Raul M.
Chaleki, Thomas D.
Chang, Hayley
Cheng, Wen-Tin
Ciccone, Christine
Clever Beaumont, Traci L.
Coller-Monarez, Susan
Colucci, Nicholas V.
Contreras, Patrick D.
Correa, Soraya
Cotter, Daniel
Courey, Marc B.
Cowan, Robert M.
Cox, Adam
Cox, Debra S.
Cribbs, Carol
Crumpacker, Jim H.
Cupp, Mary E.
Curda, Susan M.
Daitch, William
Davidson, Andrew J.
Davidson, Michael J.
Davis, Michael P.
Dawson, Inga I.
Decker, Thomas R.
Delgado, Jose L.
Dembling, Ross W.
DeNayer, Larry C.
DeStefano, Ernest
DiFalco, Frank J.
DiNanno, Thomas G.
DiPietro, Joseph R.
Dipippa, Kathy L.
Dolan, Edward
Dolan, Mark E.
Doolin, Joel
Dossie, Susie L.
Dougherty, Thomas E.
Driggers, Richard J.
Dugan, Moises S.
Dunbar, Susan
Duong, Anh N.
Early, Emily N.
Edwards, B. Roland
Emrich, Matthew D.
Erichs, Alysa D.
Evetts, Mark V.
Falk, Scott
Fallon, William
Fenton, Jennifer M.
Ferraro, Nina M.
Filipponi, Karen B.
Fischer, John W.
Fitzmaurice, Stacey D.
Flores, Simona L.
Flory, Gillian
Folden, Shane M.
Fox, Kathleen McDonald
Frazier, Sterling T.
Fujimura, Paul
Fulghum, Charles “Chip” H.
Gabbrielli, Tina
Gallagher, Sean W.
Gantt, Kenneth D.
Garnett, Patsy
Gersten, David
Gibbs, Michael D.
Glawe, David J.
Grable, Samuel D.
Grady, Claire
Gramlick, Carl
Greene, Jonathan
Groom, Molly
Guzman, Nicole
Hall, Christopher J.
Hall, Daniel F.
Hammersley, Bonnie M.
Hampton, Stephanie L.
Harris, Melvin
Harris, Steven E.
Havranek, John F.
Heinz, Todd W.
Hewitt, Ronald T.
Hickey, Gary
Higgins, Jennifer B.
Highsmith, AnnMarie
Hill, Marcus L.
Hochman, Kathleen T.
Hoefer, Michael D.
Holtermann, Keith
Holzer, James
Houser, David
Howard, Jr., Percy L.
Howard, Tammy
Humphries, Robert H.
Huron, Diana
Hutchison, Steven J.
Ileto, Carlene
Jacksta, Linda L.
James, Michele L.
Jenkins, Jr., Kenneth T.
Jennings, David W.
Jeronimo, Jose M.
Johnson, Claren
Johnson, James V.
Johnson, Tae D.
Joseph, James K.
Kaufman, Steven
Kelly, William G.
Kerner, Francine
Kerns, Kevin J.
King, Matthew H.
King, Tatum S.
Kirby, Lyn M.R.
Kirchner, Julie
Klein, Matthew
Klopp, Jacalynne B.
Kolbe, Kathryn L.
Kopel, Richard S.
Koumans, Mark R.
Kramar, John
Kronisch, Matthew L.
Kruger, Mary
Kuepper, Andrew
Kuhn, Karen A.
Lafferty, John L.
LaJoye, Darby R.
Landfried, Phillip A.
Lanum, Scott
Lechleitner, Patrick J.
Lederer, Calvin M.
Letowt, Philip J.
Lew, Kimberly D.
Lewis, Donald R.
Ley, Jennifer E.
Lilly, Tamara J.
Lipka, Daniel
Logan, Christopher P.
Loiacono, Adam
Lucero, Enrique M.
Luck, Scott A.
Lundgren, Karen E.
Macias, Joseph
Maher, Joseph
Manaher, Colleen M.
Mapar, Jalal
Marcott, Stacy
Martin, Joseph F.
Maughan, William D.
McComb, Richard
McDermott, Thomas
McDonald, Christina E.
McElwain, Patrick J.
McLane, JoAnn
Meckley, Tammy M.
Melendez, Angel M.
Melero, Mariela
Micone, Vincent N.
Miles, Jere T.
Miles, John D.
Miller, Marlon V.
Mishoe, Andrea R.
Mitnick, John
Moman, C. Christopher
Moncarz, Benjamin D.
Moore, Mark J.
Moskowitz, Brian M.
Moss, Rita J.
Mulligan, George D.
Murray, James M.
Muzyka, Carolyn L.
Nally, Kevin
Nelson, Mickey M.
Nestor, Eric J.
Neufeld, Donald W.
Nuebel Kovarik, Kathy
Owen, Todd C.
Padilla, Kenneth
Palmer, David
Paramore, Faron K.
Parker, Debra F.
Paschall, Robert D.
Patel, Kalpesh A.
Paul, Kshemendra
Perez, Nelson
Perez, Robert E.
Piccone, Colleen C.
Pietropaoli, Lori A.
Pineiro, Marlen
Pohlman, Teresa R.
Price, Corey A.
Prosnitz, Susan M.
Provost, Carla L.
Rabin, John L.
Renaud, Daniel M.
Renaud, Tracy L.
Rice, Stephen W.
Richardson, Gregory
Ries, Lora L.
Riordan, Denis C.
Rivera, David D.
Robbins, Timothy S.
Robinson, Terri A.
Rodriguez, Waldemar
Roncone, Stephen A.
Rosenberg, Ron M.
Rosenblum, Marc R.
Roy, Donna M.
Ruppel, Joanna
Rynes, Joel C.
Sahakian, Diane V.
Salazar, Rebekah A.
Salazar, Ronald M.
Saltalamachea, Michael
Saunders, Ian C.
Schlegel, Thomas E.
Seguin, Debbie
Selby, Cara M.
Selby, Mark R.
Sellers, Frederick E.
Settles, Clark E.
Sevier, Adrian
Seymour, Donna K.
Shah, Dimple
Shaw, David C.
Short, Tracy
Short, Victoria
Sloan, Terry G.
Smislova, Melissa
Smith, Brenda B.
Smith, Frederick B.
Spero, James
Spradlin, Ryan L.
Stephens, Celisa M.
Stough, Michael S.
Sulc, Brian
Suriano, Mark A.
Sutherland, Dan W.
Swain, Donald R.
Swartz, Neal J.
Sykes, Gwendolyn
Symons, Craig M.
Szczech, Gracia B.
Taylor, Clothilda
Taylor, Robin
Travis, Matthew B.
Tuttle, James D.
Ulrich II, Dennis A.
Valverde, Michael
Van Houten, Ann
Venture, Veronica
Villanueva, Raymond
Wagner, John P.
Wallen, Steven
Walters, Thomas J.
Walton, Kimberly H.
Wasowicz, John A.
Whalen, Mary Kate
Wheaton, Kelly D.
Whittenburg, Cynthia F.
Wince, Kevin A.
Windham, Nicole
Wofford, Cynthia R.
Wong, Richardo A.
Wong, Sharon M.
Yandall, Gwendolyn
Yarwood, Susan A.
Young, Edward E.
Zabko, John G.
Dated: October 2, 2018.
Greg Ruocco,
Manager, Executive Resources Policy, Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-21887 Filed 10-5-18; 8:45 am]