Self-Regulatory Organizations; Government Securities Clearing Corporation; Notice of Filing and Order Approving an Extension of Temporary Registration as a Clearing Agency

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Federal RegisterJul 19, 2001
66 Fed. Reg. 37714 (Jul. 19, 2001)
July 13, 2001.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) is publishing this notice and order to solicit comments from interested persons and to extend the Government Securities Clearing Corporation's (“GSCC”) temporary registration as a clearing agency through December 31, 2001. On May 24, 1988, pursuant to Sections 17A(b) and 19(a) of the Act and Rule 17Ab2-1 promulgated thereunder, the Commission granted GSCC registration as a clearing agency on a temporary basis for a period of three yrars. The Commission subsequently has extended GSCC's registration through July 31, 2001.

17 CFR 240.17Ab2-1.

Securities Exchange Act release No. 25740 (May 24, 1988), 53 FR 19639.

Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 25740 (May 24, 1988), 53 R 19639; 29236 (May 24, 1991), 56 FR 24852; 32385 (June 3, 1993), 58 FR 32405; 35787 (May 31, 1995), 60 FR 30324; 36508 (November 27, 1995), 60 FR 61719; 37983 (November 25, 1996), 61 FR 64183; 38698 (May 30, 1997), 62 FR 30911; 39696 (February 24, 1998), 63 FR 10253; 41104 (February 24, 1999), 64 FR 10510; 41805 (August 27, 1999), 64 FR 48682; 42335 (January 12, 2000), 65 FR 3509; 43089 (July 28, 2000), 65 FR 48032; and 43900 (January 29, 2001), 66 FR 8988.

The Commission today is extending GSCC's temporary registration as a clearing agency in order that GSCC may continue to act as a clearing agency while the Commission seeks comment on granting GSCC permanent registration as a clearing agency. The Commission expects to publish notice requesting comments on permanent registration as a clearing agency during the third quarter of this year.

Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and arguments concerning the foregoing application. Such written data, views, and arguments will be considered by the Commission in granting registration or instituting proceedings to determine whether registration should be denied in accordance with Section 19(a)(1) of the Act. Persons making written submissions should file six copies thereof with the Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 fifth Street, NW., Washington, DC 20549-0609. Copies of the application for registration and all written comments will be available for inspection at the Commission's Public Reference Room, 450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, DC 20549-0102. All submissions should refer to File No. 600-23 and should be submitted by August 9, 2001.

It is therefore ordered that GSCC's temporary registration as a clearing agency (File No. 600-23) be and hereby is extended through December 31, 2001.

For the Commission by the Division of Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated authority.

Margaret H. McFarland,

Deputy Secretary.

[FR Doc. 01-18066 Filed 7-18-01; 8:45 am]

BILLING CODE 8010-01-01