Sam Rayburn Dam Power Rate

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Federal RegisterJul 21, 2004
69 Fed. Reg. 43580 (Jul. 21, 2004)


Southwestern Power Administration, DOE.


Notice of public review and comment.


The Administrator, Southwestern Power Administration (Southwestern), has prepared Current and Revised 2004 Power Repayment Studies that show the need for an increase in annual revenues to meet cost recovery criteria. Such increased revenues are required primarily due to increased future estimates of operations and maintenance expenses at the project. The Administrator has developed a proposed Sam Rayburn Dam rate schedule, which is supported by a power repayment study, to recover the required revenues. Beginning January 1, 2005, the proposed rate would increase annual revenues 24.9 percent from $2,013,024 to $2,513,700.


The consultation and comment period will begin on the date of publication of this Federal Register notice and will end October 19, 2004.

1. Public Information Forum—July 27, 2004, 1 p.m. central time, Tulsa, OK.

2. Public Comment Forum—August 26, 2004, 9 a.m. central time, Tulsa, OK.


If requested, the forums will be held in Southwestern's offices, Room 1500, Williams Center Tower I, One West Third Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103.


Mr. Forrest E. Reeves, Assistant Administrator, Office of Corporate Operations, Southwestern Power Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, One West Third Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103, (918) 595-6696,


The U.S. Department of Energy was created by an Act of the U.S. Congress, in the Department of Energy Organization Act, Public Law 95-91, dated August 4, 1977. Southwestern's power marketing activities were transferred from the Department of Interior to the Department of Energy, effective October 1, 1977. Guidelines for preparation of power repayment studies are included in DOE Order No. RA 6120.2, Power Marketing Administration Financial Reporting. Procedures for Public Participation in Power and Transmission Rate Adjustments of the Power Marketing Administrations are found at title 10, part 903, subpart A of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 903).

Southwestern markets power from 24 multi-purpose reservoir projects, with hydroelectric power facilities constructed and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. These projects are located in the states of Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. Southwestern's marketing area includes these States as well as Kansas and Louisiana. The costs associated with the hydropower facilities of 22 of the 24 projects are repaid via revenues received under the Integrated System rates, as are Southwestern's transmission facilities that consist of 1,380 miles of high-voltage transmission lines, 24 substations, and 46 microwave and VHF radio sites. Costs associated with the Robert D. Willis and Sam Rayburn Dams, two projects that are isolated hydraulically, electrically, and financially from the Integrated System are repaid by separate rate schedules. The Sam Rayburn Dam project is addressed in this notice.

Following Department of Energy guidelines, the Administrator, Southwestern, prepared a Current Power Repayment study using the existing Sam Rayburn Dam rate. The Study indicates that Southwestern's legal requirement to repay the investment in the power generating facility for power and energy marketed by Southwestern will not be met without an increase in revenues. The need for increased revenues is primarily due to increased future estimates of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) power-related expenses for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Revised Power Repayment Study shows that an increase in annual revenue of $500,676 (a 24.9 percent increase), beginning January 1, 2005, is needed to satisfy repayment criteria.

Opportunity is presented for Southwestern customers and other interested parties to receive copies of the Sam Rayburn Dam Power Repayment Studies and the proposed rate schedule. Persons desiring a copy of the Power Repayment Data Package with the proposed Rate Schedule, should submit a request to Mr. James W. Sherwood, Director, Rates and Repayment, Office of Corporate Operations, Southwestern Power Administration, One West Third Street, Tulsa, OK 74103, (918) 595-6673 or via e-mail to

A Public Information Forum is scheduled on July 27, 2004, to explain to customers and the public the proposed rate and supporting studies. The proceeding will be transcribed, if held. A chairman, who will be responsible for orderly procedure, will conduct the Forum. Questions concerning the rate, studies, and information presented at the Forum will be answered, to the extent possible, at the Forum. Questions not answered at the Forum will be answered in writing. However, questions involving voluminous data contained in Southwestern's records may best be answered by consultation and review of pertinent records at Southwestern's offices.

Persons interested in attending the Public Information Forum should so indicate in writing by letter or facsimile transmission (918-595-6656) by July 23, 2004, their intent to appear at such Forum. Should no one indicate an intent to attend by the above-cited deadline, no such Forum will be held.

A Public Comment Forum is scheduled for August 26, 2004, at which interested persons may submit written comments or make oral presentations of their views and comments related to the rate proposal. The proceeding will be transcribed, if held. A chairman, who will be responsible for orderly procedure, will conduct the Forum. Southwestern's representatives present and the chairman may ask questions of the speakers.

Persons interested in attending the Public Comment Forum should so indicate in writing by letter or facsimile transmission (918-595-6656) by August 19, 2004, their intent to appear at such Forum. Should no one so indicate an intent to attend by the above-cited deadline, no such Forum will be held. Persons interested in speaking at the Forum should submit a request to the Administrator, Southwestern, in writing by August 19, 2004, their intent to appear at such Forum, so that a list of speakers can be developed. The chairman may allow others to speak if time permits.

A transcript of each Forum will be made. Copies of the transcripts may be obtained directly from the transcribing service for a fee. Copies of all documents introduced will also be available from the transcribing service for a fee. A copy of the written comments, together with a diskette in MS Word, regarding the proposed rate change are due on or before October 19, 2004. Comments should be submitted to Forrest E. Reeves, Assistant Administrator, Southwestern Power Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, One West Third Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74103.

Following review of the oral and written comments and the information gathered during the course of the proceedings, the Administrator will submit the amended Sam Rayburn Dam Proposal, and Power Repayment Studies in support of the proposed rate to the Deputy Secretary of Energy for confirmation and approval on an interim basis, and subsequently to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for confirmation and approval on a final basis. The FERC will allow the public an opportunity to provide written comments on the proposed rate increase before making a final decision.

Dated: July 8, 2004.

Michael A. Deihl,


[FR Doc. 04-16584 Filed 7-20-04; 8:45 am]