Safety Zones; Fireworks and Swim Events in Captain of the Port New York Zone

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Federal RegisterMay 22, 2017
82 Fed. Reg. 23147 (May. 22, 2017)


Coast Guard, DHS.


Notice of enforcement of regulation.


The Coast Guard will enforce various safety zones within the Captain of the Port New York Zone on the specified dates and times. This action is necessary to ensure the safety of vessels, spectators and participants from hazards associated with fireworks displays and swim events. During the enforcement period, no person or vessel may enter the safety zones without permission of the Captain of the Port (COTP).


The regulation for the safety zones described in 33 CFR 165.160 will be enforced on the dates and times listed in the table below.


If you have questions on this notice, call or email Petty Officer First Class Ronald Sampert U.S. Coast Guard; telephone 718-354-4197, email


The Coast Guard will enforce the safety zones listed in 33 CFR 165.160 on the specified dates and times as indicated in Tables 1 and 2 below.

Table 1

1. Heritage of Pride 2017, Pier 40, Hudson River Safety Zone, 33 CFR 165.160(5.14) • Launch site: A barge located in approximate position 40°43′30″ N. 074°01′06.7″ W. (NAD 1983), in the vicinity of the Holland Tunnel Ventilator, 530 yards south of Pier 40, Manhattan, New York. This Safety Zone is a 360-yard radius from the barge.
• Date: June 25, 2017. • Time: 9:45 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
2. Briggs Inc. GCC, South Ellis Island Safety Zone, 33 CFR 165.160(2.3) • Launch site: A barge located in approximate position 40°41′39.9″ N., 074°02′33.7″ W. (NAD 1983), approximately 260 yards south of Ellis Island. This Safety Zone is a 360-yard radius from the barge.
• Date: June 27, 2017.
• Time: 10:20 p.m.-10:30 p.m.
3. Central Astoria, Wards Island, East River Safety Zone, 33 CFR 165.160(4.1) • Launch site: A barge located in approximate position 40°46′57.8″ N. 073°55′28.6″ W. (NAD 1983), approximately 330 yards north of the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge (Triborough Bridge) Bridge. This Safety Zone is a 150-yard radius from the barge.
• Date: June 29, 2017.
• Time: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
4. PGA Tour Inc., Ellis Island Safety Zone, 33 CFR 165.160(2.2) • Launch site: A barge located between Federal Anchorages 20-A and 20-B, in approximate position 40°41′45″ N. 074°02′09″ W. (NAD 1983) about 365 yards east of Ellis Island. This Safety Zone is a 360-yard radius from the barge.
• Date: September 27, 2017.
• Time: 9:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m.

Table 2

1. Swim Across America Swim Event, 33 CFR 165.160(3.1), Date: July 29, 2017 • Location: Participants will swim between Glen Cove and Larchmont, New York and an area of Hempstead Harbor between Glen Cove and the vicinity of Umbrella Point. This Safety Zone includes all waters within a 100-yard radius of each participating swimmer.
• Date: July 29, 2017.
• Time: 5:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
2. Newburgh Beacon Swim Swim Event, 33 CFR 165.160(1.2), Date: August 12, 2017 • Location: Participants will cross the Hudson River between Newburgh and Beacon, New York approximately 1300 yards south of the Newburgh-Beacon Bridges. This Safety Zone includes all waters within a 100-yard radius of each participating swimmer.
• Date: August 12, 2017.
• Time: 11:15 a.m.-2:15 p.m.

Under the provisions of 33 CFR 165.160, vessels may not enter the safety zones unless given permission from the COTP or a designated representative. Spectator vessels may transit outside the safety zones but may not anchor, block, loiter in, or impede the transit of other vessels. The Coast Guard may be assisted by other Federal, State, or local law enforcement agencies in enforcing this regulation.

This notice is issued under authority of 33 CFR 165.160(a) and 5 U.S.C. 552 (a). In addition to this notice in the Federal Register, the Coast Guard will provide mariners with advanced notification of enforcement periods via the Local Notice to Mariners and marine information broadcasts. If the COTP determines that a safety zone need not be enforced for the full duration stated in this notice, a Broadcast Notice to Mariners may be used to grant general permission to enter the safety zone.

Dated: May 4, 2017.

M.H. Day,

Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port New York.

[FR Doc. 2017-10388 Filed 5-19-17; 8:45 am]