Proposed Information Collection Activity; National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC) Evaluation Package (OMB #0970-0519)

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Federal RegisterNov 19, 2019
84 Fed. Reg. 63882 (Nov. 19, 2019)


Office on Trafficking in Persons, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services.


Request for public comment.


The Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is requesting to continue data collection with an increased number of respondents to the previously approved information collection, National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC) Evaluation Package (OMB #0970-0519, expiration 10/31/2021). This request was originally approved under expedited review and increased the estimated burden hours from 689 hours to 9,497 hours. In addition, the previously approved Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond to human trafficking (SOAR) Online Participant Feedback Form was restructured into a long and short form to reduce burden for information collected on SOAR Online training participants outside of the NHTTAC learning management system. There are no changes requested to the items on any forms.


Comments due within 60 days of publication. In compliance with the requirements of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Administration for Children and Families is soliciting public comment on the specific aspects of the information collection described above.


Copies of the proposed collection of information can be obtained and comments may be forwarded by emailing Alternatively, copies can also be obtained by writing to the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, 330 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20201, Attn: ACF Reports Clearance Officer. All requests, emailed or written, should be identified by the title of the information collection.


Description: These changes are requested due to the passage of the Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond to Health and Wellness Act of 2018 (SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018) (Pub. L. 115-398), which expands the SOAR to Health and Wellness Training Program. To meet the provisions of the SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018, OTIP's NHTTAC had to expand the administration of SOAR nationwide.

The NHTTAC delivers training and technical assistance (T/TA) to inform and deliver a public health response to trafficking. In applying a public health approach, NHTTAC holistically builds the capacity of communities to identify and respond to the complex needs of all individuals who have been trafficked, and addresses the root causes that put individuals, families, and communities at risk of trafficking. This will ultimately help improve the availability and delivery of coordinated and trauma-informed services before, during, and after an individual's trafficking exploitation, regardless of their age, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, or type of exploitation.

NHTTAC hosts a variety of services, programs, and facilitated sessions to improve service provision to individuals who have been trafficked, or who are at risk of trafficking, including the Human Trafficking Leadership Academy (HTLA); the Survivor Fellowship Program; the NHTTAC Call Center; both short-term and specialized T/TA requests (requests that take less than 3 hours or 3 or more hours to fulfill, respectively); OTIP-funded grantees; and information through NHTTAC's website, resources, and materials about trafficking.

Respondents: Individuals and organizations such as NHTTAC consultants, T/TA participants, HTLA program participants, Survivor fellows, OTIP grantees, visitors to the NHTTAC website, NHTTAC-supported conference and meeting attendees, members of the National Advisory Council, and scholarship applicants.

Annual Burden Estimates

The following instruments have an increased number of respondents. The number of respondents for all other previously approved instruments remains the same. The increase in respondents increased the overall burden under OMB #0970-0519 from 689 hours to 9,497 hours. See for all instruments and related burden under OMB #0970-0519.

Instrument Original estimate— number of respondents Updated estimate— number of respondents Number of responses per respondent Average burden hours per response Updated annual burden hours
HTLA Fellowship Pre-Program Feedback 24 36 1 0.25 9
HTLA Fellowship Post-Program Feedback 24 36 1 0.25 9
OTIP Grantee Feedback Form 50 100 1 0.167 17
Short-Term T/TA Feedback Form 30 50 1 0.167 8
Specialized T/TA Feedback Form 50 100 1 0.25 25
Focus Group Demographic Survey 25 50 1 0.033 2
Focus Group Guide 25 50 1 0.75 38
Follow-up Feedback Form 300 500 1 0.133 67
Interview Guide 25 65 1 0.75 49
Pilot Feedback Form 25 50 1 0.15 8
SOAR Blended Learning Participant Form 30 130 1 0.15 20
SOAR Online Participant Feedback Long Form 1,500 5,300 1 0.1 530
SOAR Online Participant Feedback Short Form 1,000,000 1 0.0083 8,300
SOAR Organizational Feedback Form 20 40 1 0.133 5

Comments: The Department specifically requests comments on (a) whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; (c) the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Consideration will be given to comments and suggestions submitted within 60 days of this publication.

(Authority: 22 U.S.C. 7104 and 22 U.S.C. 7105(c)(4)).

Mary B. Jones,

ACF/OPRE Certifying Officer.

[FR Doc. 2019-24957 Filed 11-18-19; 8:45 am]