Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request

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Federal RegisterOct 3, 2016
81 Fed. Reg. 68018 (Oct. 3, 2016)


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.


Notice for comment regarding the Federal Reserve proposal to extend without revision, the clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act for the following information collection activity.


The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board or Federal Reserve) invites comment on proposals to extend without revision, the Intermittent Survey of Businesses (FR 1374), and the Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities (FR 2248).

On June 15, 1984, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board authority under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) to approve of and assign OMB control numbers to collection of information requests and requirements conducted or sponsored by the Board. In exercising this delegated authority, the Board is directed to take every reasonable step to solicit comment. In determining whether to approve a collection of information, the Board will consider all comments received from the public and other agencies.


Comments must be submitted on or before December 2, 2016.


You may submit comments, identified by FR 1374 or FR 2248, by any of the following methods:

All public comments are available from the Board's Web site at as submitted, unless modified for technical reasons. Accordingly, your comments will not be edited to remove any identifying or contact information. Public comments may also be viewed electronically or in paper form in Room 3515, 1801 K Street (between 18th and 19th Streets NW.), Washington, DC 20006 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.

Additionally, commenters may send a copy of their comments to the OMB Desk Officer—Shagufta Ahmed—Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to (202) 395-6974.


A copy of the PRA OMB submission, including the proposed reporting form and instructions, supporting statement, and other documentation will be placed into OMB's public docket files, once approved. These documents will also be made available on the Federal Reserve Board's public Web site at: or may be requested from the agency clearance officer, whose name appears below.

Federal Reserve Board Clearance Officer—Nuha Elmaghrabi—Office of the Chief Data Officer, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551 (202) 452-3829. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact (202) 263-4869, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551.


Request for Comment on Information Collection Proposals

The Board invites public comment on the following information collection, which is being reviewed under authority delegated by the OMB under the PRA. Comments are invited on the following:

a. Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the Federal Reserve's functions; including whether the information has practical utility;

b. The accuracy of the Federal Reserve's estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;

c. Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected;

d. Ways to minimize the burden of information collection on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and

e. Estimates of capital or startup costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of services to provide information.

At the end of the comment period, the comments and recommendations received will be analyzed to determine the extent to which the Federal Reserve should modify the proposed revisions prior to giving final approval.

Proposal To Approve Under OMB Delegated Authority the Extension for Three Years, Without Revision, of the Following Reports

1. Report title: Intermittent Survey of Business.

Agency form number: FR 1374.

OMB control number: 7100-0302.

Frequency: On occasion.

Respondents: Businesses and state and local governments.

Estimated number of respondents: 2,410.

Estimated average hours per response: 15 minutes.

Estimated annual burden hours: 1,825 hours.

General Description of Report: The survey data are used by the Federal Reserve to gather information specifically tailored to the Federal Reserve's policy and operational responsibilities. There are two parts to this event-generated survey. First, under the guidance of Federal Reserve economists, the Federal Reserve Banks survey business contacts as economic developments warrant. Currently, there are approximately 2,400 business respondents for each survey (about 200 per Reserve Bank); occasionally state and local government officials are called, in which case there are far fewer respondents. It is necessary to conduct these surveys to provide timely information to the members of the Board and to the presidents of the Reserve Banks. Usually, these surveys are conducted by Reserve Bank economists telephoning or emailing purchasing managers, economists, or other knowledgeable individuals at selected, relevant businesses. Reserve Bank staff may also use online survey tools to collect responses to the survey. The frequency and content of the questions, as well as the entities contacted, vary depending on developments in the economy. Second, economists at the Board survey business contacts by telephone, inquiring about current business conditions. Board economists conduct these surveys as economic conditions require, with approximately ten respondents for each survey.

Legal authorization and confidentiality: The Board's Legal Division has determined that the Board is authorized to collect this information under sections 2A and 12A of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 225a and 263) and that respondent participation in the survey is voluntary. Although the names of the participating entities might be disclosed in the summary memo and the memo might contain information provided to the Board for internal use only, exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)) may exempt this information from disclosure to the public. However, if the information collected on the FR 1374 does not meet these standards for confidentiality (for example if the information collected is already public), it would not be granted confidential treatment.

2. Report title: Domestic Finance Company Report of Consolidated Assets and Liabilities.

Agency form number: FR 2248.

OMB control number: 7100-0005.

Frequency: Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annually.

Respondents: Domestic finance companies and mortgage companies.

Estimated number of respondents: 450.

Estimated average hours per response: Monthly, 20 minutes; Quarterly, 30 minutes; Addendum, 10 minutes.

Estimated annual burden hours: 750 hours.

General Description of Report: The FR 2248 is collected monthly as of the last calendar day of the month from a stratified sample of finance companies. Each monthly report collects balance sheet data on major categories of consumer and business credit receivables and on major short-term liabilities. For quarter-end months (March, June, September, and December), additional asset and liability items are collected to provide a full balance sheet. A supplemental section collects data on securitized assets. The data are used to construct universe estimates of finance company holdings, which are published in the monthly statistical releases Finance Companies (G.20) and Consumer Credit (G.19), in the quarterly statistical release Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States (Z.1), and in the Federal Reserve Bulletin (Tables 1.51, 1.52, and 1.55).

Legal authorization and confidentiality: The Board's Legal Division has determined that the FR 2248 is authorized by law pursuant to Section 2A of the Federal Reserve Act, 12 U.S.C. 225a). The obligation to respond is voluntary. Individual respondent data are confidential under section (b)(4) of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)).

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, September 28, 2016.

Robert deV. Frierson,

Secretary of the Board.

[FR Doc. 2016-23781 Filed 9-30-16; 8:45 am]