Notice of Meeting

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Federal RegisterApr 5, 2002
67 Fed. Reg. 16435 (Apr. 5, 2002)


Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Montana, Billings and Miles City Field Offices, Interior.


Notice of meeting.


The Eastern Montana Resource Advisory Council will have a meeting on May 9, 2002 at the Miles City Field Office, main conference room, 111 Garryowen Road, Miles City, Montana starting at 8 a.m. Primary agenda topics include updates on the Sage Grouse Technical Committee and Pompey's Pillar, reports on the Protest Resolution process and rangeland monitoring, and a presentation on Public Land access.

The meeting is open to the public and the public comment period is set for 1 p.m. The public may make oral statements before the Council or file written statements for the Council to consider. Depending on the number of persons wishing to make an oral statement, a per person time limit may be established. Summary minutes of the meeting will be available for public inspection and copying during regular business hours.


Linda Reder, Acting Public Affairs Specialist, Miles City Field Office, 111 Garryowen Road, Miles City, Montana 59301, telephone (406) 233-2824.


The purpose of the Council is to advise the Secretary of the Interior, through the BLM, on a variety of planning and management issues associated with public land management. The 15 member Council includes individuals who have expertise, education, training or practical experience in the planning and management of public lands and their resources and who have a knowledge of the geographical jurisdiction of the Council.

Dated: March 5, 2002.

Aden L. Seidlitz,

Associate Field Manager.

[FR Doc. 02-8197 Filed 4-4-02; 8:45 am]