North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Updates for 2022; Update of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments; and Elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises

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Federal RegisterJul 2, 2021
86 Fed. Reg. 35350 (Jul. 2, 2021)


Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President.


Notice of Solicitation of Comments on the Economic Classification Policy Committee's Recommendations for the 2022 Revision of the North American Industry Classification System; Update of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments; and Elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises.


The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) seeks public comment on the advisability of adopting the proposed North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) updates for 2022 recommended by its Economic Classification Policy Committee (ECPC), which comprises representatives of the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, and other government agencies. The ECPC recommends an update of the industry classification system to clarify existing industry definitions and content, recognize new and emerging industries, combine industries, and correct errors and omissions. The ECPC also recommends an update of OMB Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments, and to withdraw OMB Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises. In large part, this proposed series of revisions are designed to address the view of the ECPC regarding the decreasing usefulness of employing the mode of delivery (online versus in store/print) as an industry delineation criterion in the Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, and Information sectors. In short, the internet has developed from a specialized activity to a generic method of delivery for goods and services. Therefore, the ECPC has developed recommendations that reevaluate and deemphasize the delivery method as an industry function used in NAICS classification. There are four parts in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below. Part I summarizes the background for the proposed revisions to NAICS 2017. Part II contains a summary of public comments regarding priorities for changes to NAICS in 2022, the ECPC recommendation to update OMB Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments, and the ECPC recommendation to withdraw OMB Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises. Part III includes a list of title changes for NAICS industries that clarify, but do not change, the existing content of the industries. Part IV provides a comprehensive listing of proposed changes for national industries and their links to NAICS 2017 industries.


To ensure consideration of comments on the adoption and implementation of the NAICS revisions detailed in this notice, please submit all comments in writing as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days from the publication date of this notice. Because of delays in the receipt of regular mail related to security screening, respondents are encouraged to send comments electronically (see ADDRESSES, below). This proposed revision to NAICS would become effective in the U.S. for publication of establishment data that refer to periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022.


Submit comments through —a Federal E-Government website that allows the public to find, review, and submit comments on documents that agencies have published in the Federal Register and that are open for comment. Enter “USBC-2021-0004” (in quotes) in the search box and follow the instructions for submitting comments. Comments received by the date specified above will be included as part of the official record. Please include the Docket ID (USBC-2021-0004) and the phrase “North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)—Updates for 2022” at the beginning of your comments. Please also indicate which ECPC recommendation described in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION of this notice is addressed in your comments.

Comments submitted in response to this notice may be made available to the public and subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. For this reason, please do not include in your comments information of a confidential nature, such as sensitive personal information or proprietary information. If you send an email comment, your email address will be automatically captured and included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket; however, does include the option of commenting anonymously. Please note that responses to this public comment request containing any routine notice about the confidentiality of the communication will be treated as public comments that may be made available to the public notwithstanding the inclusion of the routine notice.

Electronic Availability: Federal Register notices are available electronically at This document is also available on the NAICS website at This site contains previous NAICS United States Federal Register notices, ECPC Issues Papers, ECPC Reports, the structures, industry definitions, and related documents for previous versions of NAICS United States.

Public Review Procedure: All comments and proposals received in response to this notice will be available for public inspection. OMB will publish final changes to NAICS for 2022 resulting from this notice in the Federal Register.


For information about this request for comments, contact Kerrie Leslie, Office of Management and Budget, 9215 New Executive Office Building, 725 17th St. NW, Washington, DC 20503, telephone (202) 395-1093.

NAICS classification staff may be reached by email at Please note: Communication through this email will not be included in the record for USBC-2021-0004. Comments should be submitted through,, as described in the ADDRESSES section above.


OMB published a notification of intention to revise portions of NAICS in a February 26, 2020, Federal Register notice (85 FR 11120-11124). That notice solicited comments on the advisability of revising the NAICS 2017 structure for 2022: (1) To identify new and emerging industries, (2) to solicit comments on the NAICS treatment of Electronic Shopping in Retail Trade, (3) to solicit comments on the concept of internet Publishing and Broadcasting and the potential to eliminate the industry in NAICS 2022, (4) to solicit comments on a proposed revision to OMB's Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments, (5) to solicit comments on the advisability of withdrawing OMB Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises, and (6) to make required changes for errors and omissions in NAICS 2017. The deadline for submitting comments was April 27, 2020.

After considering all proposals from the public, consulting with U.S. data users and industry groups, and undertaking extensive discussions with Statistics Canada and Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), the ECPC recommends that NAICS United States 2022 incorporate changes as shown in Parts III and IV of this notice.

Following a thorough process of development and discussions by the ECPC, with maximum possible public input, OMB seeks comment on the advisability of revising NAICS to incorporate the changes published in this notice. The revised NAICS would be employed in relevant data collections by all U.S. statistical agencies beginning with reference year 2022.

I: Background of NAICS

NAICS is a system for classifying establishments (individual business locations) by type of economic activity. Its purposes are: (1) To facilitate the collection, tabulation, presentation, and analysis of data relating to establishments, and (2) to promote uniformity and comparability in the presentation and analysis of statistical data describing the North American economy. Federal statistical agencies use NAICS to collect and/or publish data by industry. It is also widely used by State agencies, trade associations, private businesses, and other organizations.

Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), Statistics Canada, and the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB), through the ECPC, collaborated on NAICS to make the industry statistics produced by the three countries comparable. NAICS is the first industry classification system developed in accordance with a single principle of aggregation, i.e., producing units that use similar production processes should be grouped together in the classification. NAICS also reflects changes in technology and in the growth and diversification of services in recent decades. Industry statistics presented using NAICS 2017 are extensively comparable with statistics compiled according to the latest revision of the United Nations' International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC, Revision 4).

For these three countries, NAICS provides a consistent framework for the collection, tabulation, presentation, and analysis of industry statistics used by government policy analysts, by academics and researchers, by the business community, and by the public. Please note that NAICS is designed and maintained solely for statistical purposes to improve and keep current this Federal statistical standard. Consequently, although the classification may also be used for various nonstatistical purposes (e.g., for administrative, regulatory, or taxation functions), the requirements of government agencies or private users that choose to use NAICS for nonstatistical purposes play no role in its development or revision.

Four principles that guide NAICS development are:

(1) NAICS is erected on a production-oriented conceptual framework. This means that producing units that use the same or similar production processes are grouped together in NAICS.

(2) NAICS gives special attention to developing production-oriented classifications for (a) new and emerging industries, (b) service industries in general, and (c) industries engaged in the production of advanced technologies.

(3) Time series continuity is maintained to the extent possible.

(4) The system strives for compatibility with the two-digit level of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC, Rev. 4) of the United Nations.

The ECPC is committed to maintaining the principles of NAICS during revisions. The February 26, 2020, solicitation for public comment on questions related to a potential revision of NAICS in 2022 was directly tied to the application of these four NAICS principles.

NAICS uses a hierarchical structure to classify establishments from the broadest level to the most detailed level using the following format:

Sector 2-digit Sectors represent the highest level of aggregation. There are 20 sectors in NAICS.
Subsector 3-digit Subsectors represent the next, more detailed level of aggregation. There are 99 subsectors in NAICS 2017.
Industry Group 4-digit Industry groups are more detailed than subsectors. There are 311 industry groups in NAICS 2017.
NAICS Industry 5-digit NAICS industries, in most cases, represent the lowest level of three-country comparability. There are 709 five-digit industries in NAICS 2017.
National Industry 6-digit National industries are the most detailed level and represent the national level detail. There are 1,057 national industries in NAICS United States 2017.

To ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and relevance of the classification, NAICS is reviewed every five years to determine what, if any, changes are required. The 2022 revision will be the fifth since OMB adopted NAICS in 1997. The ECPC recognizes the costs involved when implementing industry classification revisions in statistical programs and the costs for data users when there are disruptions in the availability of data. The ECPC also recognizes the economic, statistical, and policy implications that arise when the industry classification system does not identify and account for important economic developments. Balancing the costs of change against the potential for more accurate and relevant economic statistics requires significant input from data producers, data providers, and data users.

In large part, this proposed revision addresses the decreasing usefulness of employing the mode of delivery (online versus in store/print) as an industry delineation criterion in the Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, and Information sectors. Section II.B Summary of ECPC Recommendations for Online Industries in the Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, and Information Sectors below describes the ECPC recommendations in more detail.

II: Summary of Public Comments Regarding Priorities for Changes to NAICS in 2022; Summary of ECPC Recommendations for Online Industries in the Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, and Information Sectors; Update of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments; and Elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises

A. Summary of Public Comments Regarding Priorities for Changes to NAICS in 2022

The February 26, 2020, Federal Register notice sought comments from the public specifically on the continued usefulness of the mode of delivery (online versus in store/print) as an industry delineation criterion in addition to comments on new and emerging industries and the proposed update of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8 and proposed elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9. These focus areas were highlighted in Parts II-VII of that notice.

In response to the February 26, 2020, notice, the ECPC received 63 individual submissions. Each submission was assigned a unique docket number. These 63 submissions addressed the focus areas included in Parts II-VII of the February 26, 2020, notice and/or included comments proposing other changes to NAICS 2017.

The ECPC applied the following general guidance when considering changes to NAICS in 2022:

(1) Because of the cost of change and the disruption of statistical data series that have already resulted from the ongoing implementation of NAICS, the ECPC will limit the scope of NAICS changes for 2022 to those that significantly improve the relevance and efficiency of the classification system;

(2) The ECPC will recommend new and emerging industries identified through the comment process that are supported by the guiding principles of NAICS; and

(3) The ECPC will make changes to account for errors and omissions as well as recommend narrative improvements to clarify the content of existing industries.

The ECPC also considered the views of its member agencies when evaluating specific proposals for changes to NAICS in 2022. The ECPC reviewed each individual proposal within the existing framework of the principles of NAICS. Additional considerations that resulted in recommendations for or against change included issues of relevance, size, and time series continuity.

The ECPC received a wide ranging and eclectic set of suggestions in response to this solicitation. Single submissions often addressed more than one issue, and many submissions addressed common issues. Of the 63 uniquely numbered submissions received in response to the Federal Register notice, most submissions responded with ideas for new or emerging industries or changes to existing industries to reflect new or emerging issues within the industries: 14 supported a new sector for remanufacturing industries, or, alternatively, new industries for remanufacturing; three requested changes for early child care and education; two requested revisions to better reflect the bioeconomy and biobased products; two requested a new industry for compost manufacturing; two supported new vegan industries; two requested a new industry for construction specifications consulting; and two requested a new industry group for farm supply retailers. Single comments requested various new industries or clarifications within existing industries, including aerial wildland firefighting, interior demolition, audio visual services, refrigerant handling and management, agents for wireless telecommunications services, background screening, restaurant breweries, rideshare services, and pharmacy benefit management. A few comments responded about the continued usefulness of mode of delivery (online versus in store/print) as an industry delineation: Three addressed the current treatment of electronic shopping in NAICS with two in favor of some kind of change and one against. The balance of the comments identified long-term declines in the size of existing industries as justification for industry combinations in the Mining, Manufacturing, Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, Finance and Insurance, and Other Services (Except Public Administration) sectors. No comments were received on the proposed update to Statistical Policy Directive No. 8 or the elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9.

Each suggestion was carefully considered. Some suggestions were recommended for adoption but modified by the ECPC to better meet the objectives of NAICS. Based on public comments, the ECPC is recommending industry definition changes to explicitly classify certain activities and more clearly match accepted industry terminology. Some suggestions were recommended to be incorporated as products rather than industries. Other suggestions for change were not suited to the production-oriented basis of NAICS or could not be implemented in statistical programs, for various reasons, and thus were not accepted. When a proposal was not accepted, it was usually because: (a) The resulting industry would have been too small in the U.S., or (b) the proposal did not meet the production-oriented criterion for forming an industry in NAICS. Detailed supporting documentation discussing the issues and rationale for reaching these recommendations is available at,, and Section II parts B-D below describe the ECPC recommendations to address the specific focus areas from the February 26, 2020, Federal Register notice: Continued usefulness of mode of delivery (online versus in store/print) as an industry delineation, proposed update to Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, and proposed elimination to Statistical Policy Directive No. 9.

B. Summary of ECPC Recommendations for Online Industries in the Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, and Information Sectors

The ECPC received only three comments in response to the February 26, 2020, Federal Register notice related to the continued usefulness of mode of delivery (online versus in store/print) as an industry delineation, with two generally in favor and one against. The ECPC notes that the internet has developed from a specialized activity to a generic method of delivery for goods and services. The use of the internet as a separate production function when defining industries in NAICS is problematic and requires reevaluation as internet usage has permeated the economy. With this in mind, after a technical review and consideration of the submitted comments, the ECPC recommends related changes for NAICS 2022 that apply specifically to the Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, and Information sectors. The relevant ECPC recommendations follow by sector:

(1) Wholesale Trade

For the Wholesale Trade sector, the ECPC recommends eliminating NAICS Industry 425110, Business to Business Electronic Markets. With this change, Subsector 425 and Industry Group 4251 would be renamed to “Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers.” Given the minimal impact of combining NAICS Industries 425110 and 425120, Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers, the ECPC does not recommend changes to codes or titles for NAICS Industries 42512 and 425120.

(2) Retail Trade

For the Retail Trade sector, given the increasing prevalence of omni-channel distribution and variations in reporting patterns, the ECPC recommends eliminating the store/nonstore distinction. Subsector 454, Nonstore Retailers, includes industries for electronic shopping and mail-order houses, vending machine operators, fuel dealers, and other direct selling establishments. In the proposed NAICS 2022 structure for the sector, electronic shopping, mail-order houses, and other direct selling establishments would be distributed throughout the new structure in the same way as retail stores, delineated by specialized broad product lines, such as groceries, apparel, hardware, etc. versus general merchandise. Vending machine operators would be retained as a 6-digit industry and combined with convenience retailers in a 5-digit industry for Convenience Retailers and Vending Machine Operators, included in the industry group for Grocery and Convenience Retailers, and in the subsector for Food and Beverage Retailers. Fuel dealers would be retained as 5- and 6-digit industries within the industry group for Fuel Dealers, grouped with gasoline stations at the subsector level.

(3) Information

For the Information sector, given the increasing prevalence of internet as a generic method of delivery for publishing and broadcasting, the ECPC recommends moving away from an internet-only distinction within this sector as well by eliminating NAICS Industry 519130, Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals, and

(a) combining Subsector 511, Publishing Industries (except internet) with internet-only publishing to create Subsector 513, Publishing Industries, and retaining the structure of Subsector 511;

(b) combining Subsector 515, Broadcasting (except internet) with internet-only broadcasting and news syndicates, formerly in Subsector 519, to create Subsector 516, Broadcasting and Content Providers, with a 4-digit industry group for Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations, based on the production process of owning infrastructure and controlling the use of public spectrum, and a second 4-digit industry group for Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers; and

(c) retaining web search portals in Subsector 519, Other Information Services, retitled to Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services.

C. Update of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments

The ECPC recommends updating the text of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments, using the language proposed in the February 26, 2020, Federal Register notice. No public comments submitted in response to the February 26, 2020, Federal Register notice offered views on this proposed update. OMB adopted NAICS as the replacement for the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) for statistical purposes in 1997 (62 FR 17288-17337).

D. Elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises

The ECPC recommends eliminating Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises. OMB presented the Enterprise Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises in 1974. The classification is static and has not been updated or widely adopted over the past 45 years. NAICS United States does not include a similar variant for classification of enterprises. No public comments submitted in response to the February 26, 2020, Federal Register notice offered views on this proposed elimination.

III: ECPC Recommendations for Title Changes

Based on a technical review of the titles, in response to some comments submitted describing a lack of clarity, and for consistency with the ECPC recommendations to make changes to industries to deemphasize mode of delivery (online versus in store/print) as a delineation, the ECPC recommends the following NAICS subsector, industry group, and industry title changes to more clearly describe the existing content.

NAICS 311221, Wet Corn Milling, would be changed to “Wet Corn Milling and Starch Manufacturing.”

NAICS 32531, Fertilizer Manufacturing, would be changed to “Fertilizer and Compost Manufacturing.”

NAICS 325992, Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, and Chemical Manufacturing, would be changed to “Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, Chemical, and Copy Toner Manufacturing.”

NAICS 42494, Tobacco and Tobacco Product Merchant Wholesalers, would be changed to “Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers.”

NAICS 424940, Tobacco and Tobacco Product Merchant Wholesalers, would be changed to “Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers.”

NAICS Subsector 425, Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers, would be changed to “Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers.”

NAICS Industry Group 4251, Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers, would be changed to “Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers.”

NAICS 44412, Paint and Wallpaper Stores, would be changed to “Paint and Wallpaper Retailers.”

NAICS 444120, Paint and Wallpaper Stores, would be changed to “Paint and Wallpaper Retailers.”

NAICS 44511, Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores, would be changed to “Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers).”

NAICS 445110, Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores, would be changed to “Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers).”

NAICS 44523, Fruit and Vegetable Markets, would be changed to “Fruit and Vegetable Retailers.”

NAICS 445230, Fruit and Vegetable Markets, would be changed to “Fruit and Vegetable Retailers.”

NAICS 44529, Other Specialty Food Stores, would be changed to “Other Specialty Food Retailers.”

NAICS 445291, Baked Goods Stores, would be changed to “Baked Goods Retailers.”

NAICS 445292, Confectionery and Nut Stores, would be changed to “Confectionery and Nut Retailers.”

NAICS 48531, Taxi Service, would be changed to “Taxi and Ridesharing Services.”

NAICS 485310, Taxi Service, would be changed to “Taxi and Ridesharing Services.”

NAICS Subsector 518, Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services, would be changed to “Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services.”

NAICS Industry Group 5182, Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services, would be changed to “Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services.”

NAICS 51821, Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services, would be changed to “Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services.”

NAICS 518210, Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services, would be changed to “Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services.”

NAICS 524292, Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds, would be changed to “Pharmacy Benefit Management and Other Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds.”

NAICS 54138, Testing Laboratories, would be changed to “Testing Laboratories and Services.”

NAICS 541380, Testing Laboratories, would be changed to “Testing Laboratories and Services.”

NAICS 54185, Outdoor Advertising, would be changed to “Indoor and Outdoor Display Advertising.”

NAICS 541850, Outdoor Advertising, would be changed to “Indoor and Outdoor Display Advertising.”

NAICS 561611, Investigation Services, would be changed to “Investigation and Personal Background Check Services.”

NAICS Industry Group 6244, Child Day Care Services, would be changed to “Child Care Services.”

NAICS 62441, Child Day Care Services, would be changed to “Child Care Services.”

NAICS 624410, Child Day Care Services, would be changed to “Child Care Services.”

IV: ECPC Recommendations for 2022 Changes to NAICS United States 2017

Part IV presents the ECPC recommendations for content revisions to NAICS United States for 2022. Table 1 lists, in NAICS United States 2017 order, the disposition of all industries that the ECPC recommends for change and their resulting relationship to NAICS United States 2022 proposed industries. Table 2 presents the ECPC recommended NAICS 2022 industries in proposed NAICS United States 2022 order, cross-walked to their NAICS United States 2017 content.

Table 1—2017 NAICS United States Matched to ECPC Recommendations for 2022 NAICS United States

2017 NAICS code 2017 NAICS description Status code 2022 NAICS code 2022 NAICS description
212111 Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining pt. 212114 Surface Coal Mining.
212112 Bituminous Coal Underground Mining pt. 212115 Underground Coal Mining.
212113 Anthracite Mining:
anthracite surface mining pt. 212114 Surface Coal Mining.
anthracite underground mining pt. 212115 Underground Coal Mining.
212221 Gold Ore Mining pt. 212220 Gold Ore and Silver Ore Mining.
212222 Silver Ore Mining pt. 212220 Gold Ore and Silver Ore Mining.
212291 Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining pt. 212290 Other Metal Ore Mining.
212299 All Other Metal Ore Mining pt. 212290 Other Metal Ore Mining.
212324 Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining pt. 212323 Kaolin, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining.
212325 Clay and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining pt. 212323 Kaolin, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining.
212391 Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining pt. 212390 Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying.
212392 Phosphate Rock Mining pt. 212390 Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying.
212393 Other Chemical and Fertilizer Mineral Mining pt. 212390 Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying.
212399 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining pt. 212390 Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying.
315110 Hosiery and Sock Mills pt. 315120 Apparel Knitting Mills.
315190 Other Apparel Knitting Mills pt. 315120 Apparel Knitting Mills.
315220 Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing pt. 315250 Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors).
315240 Women's, Girls', and Infants' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing pt. 315250 Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors).
315280 Other Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing pt. 315250 Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors).
316992 Women's Handbag and Purse Manufacturing pt. 316990 Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing.
316998 All Other Leather Good and Allied Product Manufacturing pt. 316990 Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing.
321213 Engineered Wood Member (except Truss) Manufacturing pt. 321215 Engineered Wood Member Manufacturing.
321214 Truss Manufacturing pt. 321215 Engineered Wood Member Manufacturing.
322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills pt. 322120 Paper Mills.
322122 Newsprint Mills pt. 322120 Paper Mills.
325314 Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing:
compost manufacturing 325315 Compost Manufacturing.
except compost manufacturing 325314 Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing.
333244 Printing Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing pt. 333248 All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing.
333249 Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing pt. 333248 All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing.
333314 Optical Instrument and Lens Manufacturing pt. 333310 Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing.
333316 Photographic and Photocopying Equipment Manufacturing pt. 333310 Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing.
333318 Other Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing pt. 333310 Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing.
333997 Scale and Balance Manufacturing pt. 333998 All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing.
333999 All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing pt. 333998 All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing.
334613 Blank Magnetic and Optical Recording Media Manufacturing pt. 334610 Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media.
334614 Software and Other Prerecorded Compact Disc, Tape, and Record Reproducing pt. 334610 Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media.
335110 Electric Lamp Bulb and Part Manufacturing pt. 335139 Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing.
335121 Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing 335131 Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing.
335122 Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing 335132 Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing.
335129 Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing pt. 335139 Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing.
335911 Storage Battery Manufacturing pt. 335910 Battery Manufacturing.
335912 Primary Battery Manufacturing pt. 335910 Battery Manufacturing.
336111 Automobile Manufacturing pt. 336110 Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing.
336112 Light Truck and Utility Vehicle Manufacturing pt. 336110 Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing.
337124 Metal Household Furniture Manufacturing pt. 337126 Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing.
337125 Household Furniture (except Wood and Metal) Manufacturing pt. 337126 Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing.
424320 Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Merchant Wholesalers pt. 424350 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers.
424330 Women's, Children's, and Infants' Clothing and Accessories Merchant Wholesalers pt. 424350 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers.
425110 Business to Business Electronic Markets pt. 425120 Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers.
425120 Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers pt. 425120 Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers.
441228 Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers pt. 441227 Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers.
441310 Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores pt. 441330 Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers.
441320 Tire Dealers pt. 441340 Tire Dealers.
442110 Furniture Stores pt. 449110 Furniture Retailers.
442210 Floor Covering Stores pt. 449121 Floor Covering Retailers.
442291 Window Treatment Stores pt. 449122 Window Treatment Retailers.
442299 All Other Home Furnishings Stores pt. 449129 All Other Home Furnishings Retailers.
443141 Household Appliance Stores pt. 449210 Electronics and Appliance Retailers.
443142 Electronics Stores pt. 449210 Electronics and Appliance Retailers.
444130 Hardware Stores pt. 444140 Hardware Retailers.
444190 Other Building Material Dealers pt. 444180 Other Building Material Dealers.
444210 Outdoor Power Equipment Stores pt. 444230 Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers.
444220 Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Stores pt. 444240 Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers.
445120 Convenience Stores pt. 445131 Convenience Retailers.
445210 Meat Markets pt. 445240 Meat Retailers.
445220 Fish and Seafood Markets pt. 445250 Fish and Seafood Retailers.
445299 All Other Specialty Food Stores pt. 445298 All Other Specialty Food Retailers.
445310 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores pt. 445320 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers.
446110 Pharmacies and Drug Stores pt. 456110 Pharmacies and Drug Retailers.
446120 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Stores pt. 456120 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers.
446130 Optical Goods Stores pt. 456130 Optical Goods Retailers.
446191 Food (Health) Supplement Stores pt. 456191 Food (Health) Supplement Retailers.
446199 All Other Health and Personal Care Stores pt. 456199 All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers.
447110 Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores 457110 Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores.
447190 Other Gasoline Stations 457120 Other Gasoline Stations.
448110 Men's Clothing Stores pt. 458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers.
448120 Women's Clothing Stores pt. 458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers.
448130 Children's and Infants' Clothing Stores pt. 458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers.
448140 Family Clothing Stores pt. 458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers.
448150 Clothing Accessories Stores pt. 458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers.
448190 Other Clothing Stores pt. 458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers.
448210 Shoe Stores pt. 458210 Shoe Retailers.
448310 Jewelry Stores pt. 458310 Jewelry Retailers.
448320 Luggage and Leather Goods Stores pt. 458320 Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers.
451110 Sporting Goods Stores pt. 459110 Sporting Goods Retailers.
451120 Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores pt. 459120 Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers.
451130 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Stores pt. 459130 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers.
451140 Musical Instrument and Supplies Stores pt. 459140 Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers.
451211 Book Stores pt. 459210 Book Retailers and News Dealers.
451212 News Dealers and Newsstands pt. 459210 Book Retailers and News Dealers.
452210 Department Stores pt. 455110 Department Stores.
452311 Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters pt. 455211 Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters.
452319 All Other General Merchandise Stores pt. 455219 All Other General Merchandise Retailers.
453110 Florists pt. 459310 Florists.
453210 Office Supplies and Stationery Stores pt. 459410 Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers.
453220 Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Stores pt. 459420 Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers.
453310 Used Merchandise Stores pt. 459510 Used Merchandise Retailers.
453910 Pet and Pet Supplies Stores pt. 459910 Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers.
453920 Art Dealers pt. 459920 Art Dealers.
453930 Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers 459930 Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers.
453991 Tobacco Stores pt. 459991 Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers.
453998 All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (except Tobacco Stores):
general merchandise auction houses pt. 455219 All Other General Merchandise Retailers.
electronic cigarette stores and marijuana stores, medical or recreational pt. 459991 Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers.
except general merchandise auction houses, electronic cigarette stores, and marijuana stores, medical or recreational pt. 459999 All Other Miscellaneous Retailers.
454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses pt. 441227 Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers.
pt. 441330 Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers.
pt. 441340 Tire Dealers.
pt. 444140 Hardware Retailers.
pt. 444180 Other Building Material Dealers.
pt. 444230 Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers.
pt. 444240 Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers.
pt. 445131 Convenience Retailers.
pt. 445240 Meat Retailers.
pt. 445250 Fish and Seafood Retailers.
pt. 445298 All Other Specialty Food Retailers.
pt. 445320 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers.
pt. 449110 Furniture Retailers.
pt. 449121 Floor Covering Retailers.
pt. 449122 Window Treatment Retailers.
pt. 449129 All Other Home Furnishings Retailers.
pt. 449210 Electronics and Appliance Retailers.
pt. 455110 Department Stores.
pt. 455211 Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters.
pt. 455219 All Other General Merchandise Retailers.
pt. 456110 Pharmacies and Drug Retailers.
pt. 456120 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers.
pt. 456130 Optical Goods Retailers.
pt. 456191 Food (Health) Supplement Retailers.
pt. 456199 All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers.
pt. 458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers.
pt. 458210 Shoe Retailers.
pt. 458310 Jewelry Retailers.
pt. 458320 Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers.
pt. 459110 Sporting Goods Retailers.
pt. 459120 Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers.
pt. 459130 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers.
pt. 459140 Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers.
pt. 459210 Book Retailers and News Dealers.
pt. 459310 Florists.
pt. 459410 Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers.
pt. 459420 Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers.
pt. 459510 Used Merchandise Retailers.
pt. 459910 Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers.
pt. 459920 Art Dealers.
pt. 459991 Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers.
pt. 459999 All Other Miscellaneous Retailers.
454210 Vending Machine Operators 445132 Vending Machine Operators.
454310 Fuel Dealers 457210 Fuel Dealers.
454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments pt. 441330 Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers.
pt. 441340 Tire Dealers.
pt. 444140 Hardware Retailers.
pt. 444180 Other Building Material Dealers.
pt. 444230 Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers.
pt. 444240 Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers.
pt. 445131 Convenience Retailers.
pt. 445240 Meat Retailers.
pt. 445250 Fish and Seafood Retailers.
pt. 445298 All Other Specialty Food Retailers.
pt. 445320 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers.
pt. 449110 Furniture Retailers.
pt. 449121 Floor Covering Retailers.
pt. 449122 Window Treatment Retailers.
pt. 449129 All Other Home Furnishings Retailers.
pt. 449210 Electronics and Appliance Retailers.
pt. 455219 All Other General Merchandise Retailers.
pt. 456110 Pharmacies and Drug Retailers.
pt. 456120 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers.
pt. 456130 Optical Goods Retailers.
pt. 456191 Food (Health) Supplement Retailers.
pt. 456199 All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers.
pt. 458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers.
pt. 458210 Shoe Retailers.
pt. 458310 Jewelry Retailers.
pt. 458320 Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers.
pt. 459110 Sporting Goods Retailers.
pt. 459120 Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers.
pt. 459130 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers.
pt. 459140 Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers.
pt. 459210 Book Retailers and News Dealers.
pt. 459310 Florists.
pt. 459410 Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers.
pt. 459420 Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers.
pt. 459510 Used Merchandise Retailers.
pt. 459910 Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers.
pt. 459920 Art Dealers.
pt. 459991 Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers.
pt. 459999 All Other Miscellaneous Retailers.
511110 Newspaper Publishers pt. 513110 Newspaper Publishers.
511120 Periodical Publishers pt. 513120 Periodical Publishers.
511130 Book Publishers pt. 513130 Book Publishers.
511140 Directory and Mailing List Publishers pt. 513140 Directory and Mailing List Publishers.
511191 Greeting Card Publishers pt. 513191 Greeting Card Publishers.
511199 All Other Publishers pt. 513199 All Other Publishers.
511210 Software Publishers 513210 Software Publishers.
515111 Radio Networks pt. 516210 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers.
515112 Radio Stations 516110 Radio Broadcasting Stations.
515120 Television Broadcasting:
television broadcasting stations 516120 Television Broadcasting Stations.
television networks pt. 516210 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers.
515210 Cable and Other Subscription Programming pt. 516210 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers.
517311 Wired Telecommunications Carriers 517111 Wired Telecommunications Carriers.
517312 Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite):
except agents for wireless telecommunications carriers 517112 Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite).
agents for wireless telecommunications carriers pt. 517122 Agents for Wireless Telecommunications Services.
517911 Telecommunications Resellers:
except agents for wireless telecommunications resellers 517121 Telecommunications Resellers.
agents for wireless telecommunications resellers pt. 517122 Agents for Wireless Telecommunications Services.
517919 All Other Telecommunications 517810 All Other Telecommunications.
519110 News Syndicates pt. 516210 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers.
519120 Libraries and Archives 519210 Libraries and Archives.
519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals:
Internet newspaper publishers pt. 513110 Newspaper Publishers.
Internet periodical publishers pt. 513120 Periodical Publishers.
Internet book publishers pt. 513130 Book Publishers.
Internet directory and mailing list publishers pt. 513140 Directory and Mailing List Publishers.
Internet greeting card publishers pt. 513191 Greeting Card Publishers.
all other Internet publishers pt. 513199 All Other Publishers.
Internet broadcasting pt. 516210 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers.
web search portals pt. 519290 Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services.
519190 All Other Information Services pt. 519290 Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services.
522120 Savings Institutions pt. 522180 Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation.
522190 Other Depository Credit Intermediation pt. 522180 Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation.
522293 International Trade Financing pt. 522299 International, Secondary Market, and All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation.
522294 Secondary Market Financing pt. 522299 International, Secondary Market, and All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation.
522298 All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation pt. 522299 International, Secondary Market, and All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation.
523110 Investment Banking and Securities Dealing pt. 523150 Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation.
523120 Securities Brokerage pt. 523150 Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation.
523130 Commodity Contracts Dealing pt. 523160 Commodity Contracts Intermediation.
523140 Commodity Contracts Brokerage pt. 523160 Commodity Contracts Intermediation.
523920 Portfolio Management pt. 523940 Portfolio Management and Investment Advice.
523930 Investment Advice pt. 523940 Portfolio Management and Investment Advice.
811112 Automotive Exhaust System Repair pt. 811114 Specialized Automotive Repair.
811113 Automotive Transmission Repair pt. 811114 Specialized Automotive Repair.
811118 Other Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Repair and Maintenance pt. 811114 Specialized Automotive Repair.
811211 Consumer Electronics Repair and Maintenance pt. 811210 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance.
811212 Computer and Office Machine Repair and Maintenance pt. 811210 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance.
811213 Communication Equipment Repair and Maintenance pt. 811210 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance.
811219 Other Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance pt. 811210 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance.
pt.—Part of 2022 NAICS United States industry.

Table 2—ECPC Recommendations for 2022 NAICS United States Matched to 2017 NAICS United States

2022 NAICS code 2022 NAICS description Status code 2017 NAICS code 2017 NAICS description
212114 Surface Coal Mining. N 212111 Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining.
*212113 Anthracite Mining—anthracite surface mining.
212115 Underground Coal Mining N 212112 Bituminous Coal Underground Mining.
*212113 Anthracite Mining—anthracite underground mining.
212220 Gold Ore and Silver Ore Mining N 212221 Gold Ore Mining.
212222 Silver Ore Mining.
212290 Other Metal Ore Mining N 212291 Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining.
212299 All Other Metal Ore Mining.
212323 Kaolin, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining N 212324 Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining.
212325 Clay and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining.
212390 Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying N 212391 Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining.
212392 Phosphate Rock Mining.
212393 Other Chemical and Fertilizer Mineral Mining.
212399 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
31512 Apparel Knitting Mills
315120 Apparel Knitting Mills N 315110 Hosiery and Sock Mills.
315190 Other Apparel Knitting Mills.
31525 Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors)
315250 Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors) N 315220 Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing.
315240 Women's, Girls', and Infants' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing.
315280 Other Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing.
316990 Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing N 316992 Women's Handbag and Purse Manufacturing.
316998 All Other Leather Good and Allied Product Manufacturing.
321215 Engineered Wood Member Manufacturing N 321213 Engineered Wood Member (except Truss) Manufacturing.
321214 Truss Manufacturing.
322120 Paper Mills N 322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills.
322122 Newsprint Mills.
325314 Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing R *325314 Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing—except compost manufacturing.
325315 Compost Manufacturing N *325314 Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing—compost manufacturing.
333248 All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing N 333244 Printing Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing.
333249 Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing.
333310 Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing N 333314 Optical Instrument and Lens Manufacturing.
333316 Photographic and Photocopying Equipment Manufacturing.
333318 Other Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing.
333998 All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing N 333997 Scale and Balance Manufacturing.
333999 All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing.
334610 Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media N 334613 Blank Magnetic and Optical Recording Media Manufacturing.
334614 Software and Other Prerecorded Compact Disc, Tape, and Record Reproducing.
33513 Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing
335131 Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing N 335121 Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing.
335132 Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing N 335122 Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing.
335139 Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing N 335110 Electric Lamp Bulb and Part Manufacturing.
335129 Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing.
335910 Battery Manufacturing N 335911 Storage Battery Manufacturing.
335912 Primary Battery Manufacturing.
336110 Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing N 336111 Automobile Manufacturing.
336112 Light Truck and Utility Vehicle Manufacturing.
337126 Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing N 337124 Metal Household Furniture Manufacturing.
337125 Household Furniture (except Wood and Metal) Manufacturing.
42435 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers
424350 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers N 424320 Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Merchant Wholesalers.
424330 Women's, Children's, and Infants' Clothing and Accessories Merchant Wholesalers.
42512 Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers
425120 Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers R 425110 Business to Business Electronic Markets.
425120 Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers.
441227 Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers N 441228 Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
4413 Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Retailers
44133 Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers
441330 Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers N 441310 Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
44134 Tire Dealers
441340 Tire Dealers N 441320 Tire Dealers.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
44414 Hardware Retailers
444140 Hardware Retailers N 444130 Hardware Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
44418 Other Building Material Dealers
444180 Other Building Material Dealers N 444190 Other Building Material Dealers.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4442 Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Retailers
44423 Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers
444230 Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers N 444210 Outdoor Power Equipment Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
44424 Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers
444240 Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers N 444220 Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
44513 Convenience Retailers and Vending Machine Operators
445131 Convenience Retailers N 445120 Convenience Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
445132 Vending Machine Operators N 454210 Vending Machine Operators.
44524 Meat Retailers
445240 Meat Retailers N 445210 Meat Markets.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
44525 Fish and Seafood Retailers
445250 Fish and Seafood Retailers N 445220 Fish and Seafood Markets.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
445298 All Other Specialty Food Retailers N 445299 All Other Specialty Food Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4453 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers
44532 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers
445320 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers N 445310 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
449 Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, and Appliance Retailers
4491 Furniture and Home Furnishings Retailers
44911 Furniture Retailers
449110 Furniture Retailers N 442110 Furniture Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
44912 Home Furnishings Retailers
449121 Floor Covering Retailers N 442210 Floor Covering Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
449122 Window Treatment Retailers N 442291 Window Treatment Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
449129 All Other Home Furnishings Retailers N 442299 All Other Home Furnishings Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4492 Electronics and Appliance Retailers
44921 Electronics and Appliance Retailers
449210 Electronics and Appliance Retailers N 443141 Household Appliance Stores.
443142 Electronics Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
455 General Merchandise Retailers
4551 Department Stores
45511 Department Stores
455110 Department Stores N 452210 Department Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
4552 Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers
45521 Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers
455211 Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters N 452311 Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
455219 All Other General Merchandise Retailers N 452319 All Other General Merchandise Stores.
*453998 All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (except Tobacco Stores)—general merchandise auction houses.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
456 Health and Personal Care Retailers
4561 Health and Personal Care Retailers
45611 Pharmacies and Drug Retailers
456110 Pharmacies and Drug Retailers N 446110 Pharmacies and Drug Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45612 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers
456120 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers N 446120 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45613 Optical Goods Retailers
456130 Optical Goods Retailers N 446130 Optical Goods Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45619 Other Health and Personal Care Retailers
456191 Food (Health) Supplement Retailers N 446191 Food (Health) Supplement Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
456199 All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers N 446199 All Other Health and Personal Care Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
457 Gasoline Stations and Fuel Dealers
4571 Gasoline Stations
45711 Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores
457110 Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores N 447110 Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores.
45712 Other Gasoline Stations
457120 Other Gasoline Stations N 447190 Other Gasoline Stations.
4572 Fuel Dealers
45721 Fuel Dealers
457210 Fuel Dealers N 454310 Fuel Dealers.
458 Clothing, Clothing Accessories, Shoe, and Jewelry Retailers
4581 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers
45811 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers
458110 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers N 448110 Men's Clothing Stores.
448120 Women's Clothing Stores.
448130 Children's and Infants' Clothing Stores.
448140 Family Clothing Stores.
448150 Clothing Accessories Stores.
448190 Other Clothing Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4582 Shoe Retailers
45821 Shoe Retailers
458210 Shoe Retailers N 448210 Shoe Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4583 Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Retailers
45831 Jewelry Retailers
458310 Jewelry Retailers N 448310 Jewelry Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45832 Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers
458320 Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers N 448320 Luggage and Leather Goods Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
459 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers
4591 Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Retailers
45911 Sporting Goods Retailers
459110 Sporting Goods Retailers N 451110 Sporting Goods Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45912 Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers
459120 Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers N 451120 Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45913 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers
459130 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers N 451130 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45914 Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers
459140 Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers N 451140 Musical Instrument and Supplies Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4592 Book Retailers and News Dealers
45921 Book Retailers and News Dealers
459210 Book Retailers and News Dealers N 451211 Book Stores.
451212 News Dealers and Newsstands.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4593 Florists
45931 Florists
459310 Florists N 453110 Florists.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4594 Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Retailers
45941 Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers
459410 Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers N 453210 Office Supplies and Stationery Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45942 Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers
459420 Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers N 453220 Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4595 Used Merchandise Retailers
45951 Used Merchandise Retailers
459510 Used Merchandise Retailers N 453310 Used Merchandise Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
4599 Other Miscellaneous Retailers
45991 Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers
459910 Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers N 453910 Pet and Pet Supplies Stores.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45992 Art Dealers
459920 Art Dealers N 453920 Art Dealers.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
45993 Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers
459930 Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers N 453930 Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers.
45999 All Other Miscellaneous Retailers
459991 Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers N 453991 *453998 Tobacco Stores. All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (except Tobacco Stores)—electronic cigarette stores and marijuana stores, medical or recreational.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
459999 All Other Miscellaneous Retailers N *453998 All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (except Tobacco Stores)—except general merchandise auction houses, electronic cigarette stores, and marijuana stores, medical or recreational.
*454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses.
*454390 Other Direct Selling Establishments.
513 Publishing Industries
5131 Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers
51311 Newspaper Publishers
513110 Newspaper Publishers N 511110 Newspaper Publishers.
*519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals—Internet newspaper publishers.
51312 Periodical Publishers
513120 Periodical Publishers N 511120 Periodical Publishers.
*519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals—Internet periodical publishers.
51313 Book Publishers
513130 Book Publishers N 511130 Book Publishers.
*519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals—Internet book publishers.
51314 Directory and Mailing List Publishers
513140 Directory and Mailing List Publishers N 511140 Directory and Mailing List Publishers.
*519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals—Internet directory and mailing list publishers.
51319 Other Publishers
513191 Greeting Card Publishers N 511191 Greeting Card Publishers.
*519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals—Internet greeting card publishers.
513199 All Other Publishers N 511199 All Other Publishers.
*519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals—all other Internet publishers.
5132 Software Publishers
51321 Software Publishers
513210 Software Publishers N 511210 Software Publishers.
516 Broadcasting and Content Providers
5161 Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations
51611 Radio Broadcasting Stations
516110 Radio Broadcasting Stations N 515112 Radio Stations.
51612 Television Broadcasting Stations
516120 Television Broadcasting Stations N *515120 Television Broadcasting—television broadcasting stations.
5162 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers
51621 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers
516210 Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers N 515111 Radio Networks.
*515120 Television Broadcasting—television networks.
515210 Cable and Other Subscription Programming.
519110 News Syndicates.
*519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals—Internet broadcasting.
5171 Wired and Wireless Telecommunications (except Satellite)
51711 Wired and Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite)
517111 Wired Telecommunications Carriers N 517311 Wired Telecommunications Carriers.
517112 Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) N *517312 Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite)—except agents for wireless telecommunications carriers.
51712 Telecommunications Resellers and Agents for Wireless Telecommunication Services
517121 Telecommunications Resellers N *517911 Telecommunications Resellers—except agents for wireless telecommunications resellers.
517122 Agents for Wireless Telecommunications Services N *517312 Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite)—agents for wireless telecommunications carriers.
*517911 Telecommunications Resellers—agents for wireless telecommunications resellers.
5178 All Other Telecommunications
51781 All Other Telecommunications
517810 All Other Telecommunications N 517919 All Other Telecommunications.
519 Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services R *519 Other Information Services—except news syndicates and Internet publishing and broadcasting.
5192 Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services
51921 Libraries and Archives
519210 Libraries and Archives N 519120 Libraries and Archives.
51929 Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services
519290 Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services N *519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals—web search portals.
519190 All Other Information Services.
52218 Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation
522180 Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation N 522120 Savings Institutions.
522190 Other Depository Credit Intermediation.
522299 International, Secondary Market, and All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation N 522293 International Trade Financing.
522294 Secondary Market Financing.
522298 All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation.
52315 Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation
523150 Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation N 523110 Investment Banking and Securities Dealing.
523120 Securities Brokerage.
52316 Commodity Contracts Intermediation
523160 Commodity Contracts Intermediation N 523130 Commodity Contracts Dealing.
523140 Commodity Contracts Brokerage.
52394 Portfolio Management and Investment Advice
523940 Portfolio Management and Investment Advice N 523920 Portfolio Management.
523930 Investment Advice.
811114 Specialized Automotive Repair N 811112 Automotive Exhaust System Repair.
811113 Automotive Transmission Repair.
811118 Other Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Repair and Maintenance.
811210 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance N 811211 Consumer Electronics Repair and Maintenance.
811212 Computer and Office Machine Repair and Maintenance.
811213 Communication Equipment Repair and Maintenance.
811219 Other Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance.
N—new NAICS industry/code for 2022; *—Part of 2017 NAICS United States industry; R—2017 NAICS industry code reused with different content.

Sharon I. Block,

Acting Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

[FR Doc. 2021-14249 Filed 7-1-21; 8:45 am]