Meeting of the California Desert District Advisory Council

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Federal RegisterNov 25, 2013
78 Fed. Reg. 70318 (Nov. 25, 2013)


Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Public Laws 92-463 and 94-579, that the California Desert District Advisory Council (DAC) to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Department of the Interior, will meet in formal session on Saturday, December 7, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hyatt Place, 3500 Market St., Riverside, CA 92501. The Council will conduct an open work planning meeting on Friday, December 6, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. No field trip is scheduled for this meeting agenda. Meeting details will be posted on the DAC Web page, http:// ,,, when finalized.

Agenda topics for the Saturday meeting will include updates by council members, the BLM California Desert District manager, five field office managers, and council subgroups. Final agenda items will be posted on the DAC Web page listed above.


All DAC meetings are open to the public. Public comment for items not on the agenda will be scheduled at the beginning of the meeting Saturday morning. Time for public comment may be made available by the council chairman during the presentation of various agenda items, and is scheduled at the end of the meeting for topics not on the agenda.

While the Saturday meeting is tentatively scheduled from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., the meeting could conclude prior to 4 p.m. should the council conclude its presentations and discussions. Therefore, members of the public interested in a particular agenda item or discussion should schedule their arrival accordingly.

Written comments may be filed in advance of the meeting for the California Desert District Advisory Council, c/o Bureau of Land Management, External Affairs, 22835 Calle San Juan de Los Lagos, Moreno Valley, CA 92553. Written comments also are accepted at the time of the meeting and, if copies are provided to the recorder, will be incorporated into the minutes.


Stephen Razo, BLM California Desert District External Affairs, (951) 697-5217.

Dated: November 5, 2013.

Teresa A. Raml,

California Desert District Manager.

[FR Doc. 2013-28201 Filed 11-22-13; 8:45 am]