Medical Devices; Reprocessed Single-Use Devices; Termination of Exemptions From Premarket Notification; Requirement for Submission of Validation Data

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Federal RegisterJun 26, 2003
68 Fed. Reg. 38071 (Jun. 26, 2003)


Food and Drug Administration, HHS.




The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is adding nonelectric biopsy forceps (classified in 21 CFR 876.1075, Gastroenterology-urology biopsy instrument) to the list of critical reprocessed single-use devices (SUDs) whose exemption from premarket notification requirements is being terminated and for which validation data, as specified under the Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act of 2002 (MDUFMA), is necessary in a premarket notification (510(k)). FDA is requiring submission of these data to ensure that reprocessed single-use nonelectric biopsy forceps are substantially equivalent to predicate devices, in accordance with MDUFMA.


These actions are effective June 26, 2003. Manufacturers of reprocessed single-use biopsy forceps must submit 510(k)s for these devices by September 27, 2004, or their devices may no longer be marketed.


Submit written comments to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Submit electronic comments to . Comments should be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document.


Barbara A. Zimmerman, Center for Devices and Radiological Health (HFZ-410), Food and Drug Administration, 9200 Corporate Blvd., Rockville, MD 20850.


I. Background

On October 26, 2002, MDUFMA (Public Law 107-250) amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) by adding section 510(o) (21 U.S.C. 360(o)), which provided new regulatory requirements for reprocessed SUDs. According to this new provision, in order to ensure that reprocessed SUDs are substantially equivalent to predicate devices, 510(k)s for certain reprocessed SUDs identified by FDA must include validation data. These required validation data include cleaning and sterilization data, and functional performance data demonstrating that each SUD will remain substantially equivalent to its predicate device after the maximum number of times the device is reprocessed as intended by the person submitting the premarket notification.

Before enactment of the new law, a manufacturer of a reprocessed SUD was required to obtain premarket approval or premarket clearance for the device, unless the device was exempt from premarket submission requirements. Under MDUFMA, some previously exempt reprocessed SUDs will no longer be exempt from premarket notification requirements. Manufacturers of these identified devices will need to submit 510(k)s that include validation data to be specified by FDA. Reprocessors of certain SUDs that currently have cleared 510(k)s also will need to submit the validation data specified by the agency.

A. Definitions

Under section 302(d) of MDUFMA, a reprocessed SUD is defined as an

“* * * original device that has previously been used on a patient and has been subjected to additional processing and manufacturing for the purpose of an additional single use on a patient. The subsequent processing and manufacture of a reprocessed single-use device shall result in a device that is reprocessed within the meaning of this definition.”

B. Reprocessed SUDs Exempt From Premarket Notification

Reprocessed SUDs are divided into three groups: (1) Critical, (2) semicritical, and (3) noncritical. The first two categories reflect definitions set forth in MDUFMA, and all three reflect a classification scheme recognized by the industry. These categories of devices are defined as follows:

These are known in the industry as the Spaulding definitions, and are described in Spaulding, E. H., “The Role of Chemical Disinfection in the Prevention of Nonsocomial Infections,” P. S. Brachman and T. C. Eickof (ed), Proceedings of International Conference on Nonsocomial Infections, 1970, American Hospital Association, Chicago, IL 1971:254-274.

1. A critical reprocessed SUD is intended to contact normally sterile tissue or body spaces during use.

2. A semicritical reprocessed SUD is intended to contact intact mucous membranes and not penetrate normally sterile areas of the body.

3. A noncritical reprocessed SUD is intended to make topical contact and not penetrate intact skin.

C. Requirements for Critical Reprocessed SUDs

MDUFMA requires FDA to review the critical reprocessed SUDs that are currently exempt from premarket notification requirements and determine which of these devices require premarket notification to ensure their substantial equivalence to predicate devices. By April 26, 2003, FDA was required to identify in a Federal Register notice those critical reprocessed SUDs whose exemption from premarket notification requirements will be terminated and for which FDA has determined that validation data, as specified under MDUFMA, is necessary in a 510(k). According to the new law, manufacturers of the devices whose exemption from premarket notification requirements is terminated must submit 510(k)s that include validation data regarding cleaning, sterilization, and functional performance, in addition to all the other required elements of a 510(k) identified in 21 CFR 807.87, within 15 months of publication of the list or no longer market their devices.

II. FDA's Implementation of New Section 510(o) of the Act

In the Federal Register of April 30, 2003 (68 FR 23139), FDA described the methodology and criteria it used to determine which previously exempt critical reprocessed SUDs are now subject to 510(k) submission requirements, including the submission of validation data. First, FDA described how it identified the types of SUDs being reprocessed and how the Spaulding definitions (see footnote 1) were used to categorize these devices as critical, semicritical, or noncritical. (This list, which was Attachment 1 to that Federal Register notice, is being reprinted as Attachment 1 to this notice.) Next, the agency described its use of the Risk Prioritization Scheme (RPS) that it used to evaluate the risk (high, moderate, or low) associated with an SUD based on: (1) Risk of infection and (2) risk of inadequate performance following reprocessing. FDA identified its final risk criterion as those reprocessed SUDs intended to come in contact with tissue at high risk of being infected with the causative agents of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). (These are generally devices intended for use in neurosurgery and ophthalmology.)

This scheme is described in the agency's February 2000 draft guidance document entitled “Reprocessing and Reuse of Single-Use Devices: Review Prioritization Scheme.” The document is available on the Internet at .

Using this methodology and criteria, the devices included in List I (“Critical Reprocessed Single-Use Devices Previously Exempt From Premarket Notification Requirements That Will Now Require 510(k)s With Validation Data”) of the April 30, 2003, Federal Register notice are those critical reprocessed SUDs that were either high risk according to the RPS or intended to come in contact with tissue at high risk of being infected with the causative agents of CJD.

III. Revisions to Attachment I, List I, and List II

A. Revisions to Attachment I (List of SUDs Known To Be Reprocessed or Considered for Reprocessing)

FDA has re-evaluated the list of reprocessed SUDs with regard to the critical and semicritical device designations. In doing so, the agency has determined that all gastroenterology-urology biopsy instruments should be considered critical devices rather than semicritical devices because these devices are intended to break the mucous membrane and come in contact with sterile tissue when taking a biopsy. This includes biopsy forceps covers, biopsy instruments, biopsy needle sets, biopsy punches, mechanical biopsy instruments, and nonelectric biopsy forceps (devices 42-47 in Attachment I). In addition, it was determined that rigid and nonrigid bronchoscope biopsy forceps and biliary sphincterotomes (devices 40, 41, and 55 in Attachment I) should also be considered critical devices rather than semicritical devices for the same reason as stated previously. These changes are reflected in a revised version of Attachment I included in this Federal Register notice.

B. Revisions to List I (Critical Reprocessed Single-Use Devices Previously Exempt From Premarket Notification Requirements That Will Now Require 510(k)s With Validation Data)

FDA recategorized nine device types from semicritical to critical. One of these nine device types, nonelectric gastroenterology-urology biopsy forceps, was also considered high risk under the RPS. Therefore, nonelectric gastroenterology-urology biopsy forceps have been added to List I. Under MDUFMA, manufacturers of these biopsy forceps will be required to submit 510(k)s with validation data by (see DATES), which is 15 months following the publication of this revised list.

In addition, FDA is taking this opportunity to clarify the date by which manufacturers of the other devices in List I are required to submit 510(k)s with validation data. The correct date is July 30, 2004, which is 15 months following the initial publication of the list (the April 30, 2003, Federal Register notice inadvertently identified two dates).

C. Revisions to List II (Reprocessed Single-Use Devices Subject to Premarket Notification Requirements That Will Now Require the Submission of Validation Data)

The only change to List II is to clarify the date by which 510(k) submissions are required by MDUFMA to be supplemented with validation data. The correct date is January 30, 2004, which is 9 months following the initial publication of the list (as noted previously, the April 30, 2003, Federal Register notice inadvertently identified two dates).

List I.—Critical Reprocessed Single-Use Devices Previously Exempt From Premarket Notification Requirements That Will Now Require 510(k)s With Validation Data (to be submitted by July 30, 2004, unless otherwise noted).

21 CFR section Classification name Product code for non-reprocessed device Product code for reprocessed device Product code name for reprocessed device
872.3240 Dental bur Diamond coated NME Dental diamond coated bur
872.4535 Dental diamond instrument DZP NLD Dental diamond instrument
872.4730 Dental injection needle DZM NMW Dental needle
874.4140 Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) bur Microdebrider NLY ENT high speed microdebrider
874.4140 Ear, nose, and throat bur Diamond coated NLZ ENT diamond coated bur
874.4420 Ear, nose, throat manual surgical instrument KAB, KBG, KCI NLB Laryngeal, sinus, tracheal trocar
876.1075 Gastroenterology-urology biopsy instrument FCL NON Nonelectric biopsy forceps
878.4200 Introduction/drainage catheter and accessories GCB NMT Catheter needle
878.4800 Manual surgical instrument MJG NNA Percutaneous biopsy device
878.4800 Manual surgical instrument FHR NMU Gastro-urology needle
878.4800 Manual surgical instrument for general use DWO NLK Cardiovascular biopsy needle
878.4800 Manual surgical instrument for general use GAA NNC Aspiration and injection needle
882.4190 Forming/cutting clip instrument HBS NMN Forming/cutting clip instrument
884.1730 Laparoscopic insufflator HIF NMI Laparoscopic insufflator and accessories
884.4530 OB/GYN specialized manual instrument HFB NMG Gynecological biopsy forceps
886.4350 Manual ophthalmic surgical instrument HNN NLA Ophthalmic knife
510(k)s with validation data to be submitted by September 27, 2004.

List II.—Reprocessed Single-Use Devices Subject to Premarket Notification Requirements That Will Now Require the Submission of Validation Data (Manufacturers who already have 510(k) clearance for these devices must submit validation data by January 30, 2004. Any new 510(k) submitted after publication of the April 30 list will require validation data.)

21 CFR section Classification name Product code for non-reprocessed device Product code for reprocessed device Product code name for reprocessed device
Unclassified Oocyte aspiration needles MHK NMO Oocyte aspiration needles
Unclassified Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty catheter LIT NMM Transluminal peripheral angioplasty catheter
Unclassified Ultrasonic surgical instrument LFL NLQ Ultrasonic scalpel
868.5150 Anesthesia conduction needle BSP NNH Anesthetic conduction needle (with or without introducer)
868.5150 Anesthesia conduction needle MIA NMR Short term spinal needle
868.5730 Tracheal tube BTR NMA Tracheal tube (with or without connector)
868.5905 Noncontinuous ventilator (IPPB) BZD NMC Noncontinuous ventilator (respirator) mask
870.1200 Diagnostic intravascular catheter DQO NLI Angiography catheter
870.1220 Electrode recording catheter DRF NLH Electrode recording catheter
870.1220 Electrode recording catheter MTD NLG Intracardiac mapping catheter
870.1230 Fiberoptic oximeter catheter DQE NMB Fiberoptic oximeter catheter
870.1280 Steerable catheter DRA NKS Steerable catheter
870.1290 Steerable catheter control system DXX NKR Steerable catheter control system
870.1330 Catheter guide wire DQX NKQ Catheter guide wire
870.1390 Trocar DRC NMK Cardiovascular trocar
870.1650 Angiographic injector and syringe DXT NKT Angiographic injector and syringe
870.1670 Syringe actuator for injector DQF NKW Injector for actuator syringe
870.2700 Oximeter MUD NMD Tissue saturation oximeter
870.2700 Oximeter DQA NLF Oximeter
870.3535 Intra-aortic balloon and control system DSP NKO Intra-aortic balloon and control system
870.4450 Vascular clamp DXC NMF Vascular clamp
870.4885 External vein stripper DWQ NLJ External vein stripper
872.5470 Orthodontic plastic bracket DYW NLC Orthodontic plastic bracket
874.4680 Bronchoscope (flexible or rigid) and accessories BWH NLE Bronchoscope (nonrigid) biopsy forceps
876.1075 Gastro-urology biopsy instrument FCG NMX G-U biopsy needle and needle set
876.1075 Gastroenterology-urology biopsy instrument KNW NLS Biopsy instrument
876.1500 Endoscope and accessories FBK, FHP NMY Endoscopic needle
876.1500 Endoscope and accessories MPA NKZ Endoilluminator
876.1500 Endoscope and accessories GCJ NLM General and plastic surgery laparoscope
876.1500 Endoscope and accessories FHO NLX Spring-loaded Pneumoperitoneum Needle
876.4300 Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessories FAS NLW Active urological electrosurgical electrode
876.4300 Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessories FEH NLV Flexible suction coagulator electrode
876.4300 Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessories KGE NLU Electric biopsy forceps
876.4300 Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessories FDI NLT Flexible snare
876.4300 Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessories KNS NLR Endoscopic (with or without accessories) Electrosurgical unit
876.5010 Biliary catheter and accessories FGE NML Biliary catheter
876.5540 Blood access device and accessories LBW NNF Single needle dialysis set (co-axial flow)
876.5540 Blood access device and accessories FIE NNE Fistula needle
876.5820 Hemodialysis systems and accessories FIF NNG Single needle dialysis set with uni-directional pump
878.4300 Implantable clip FZP NMJ Implantable clip
878.4750 Implantable staple GDW NLL Implantable staple
880.5570 Hypodermic single lumen needle FMI NKK Hypodermic single lumen needle
880.5860 Piston syringe FMF NKN Piston syringe
882.4300 Manual cranial drills, burrs, trephines, and accessories HBG NLO (Manual) drills, burrs, trephines, and accessories
882.4305 Powered compound cranial drills, burrs, trephines, and accessories HBF NLP (Powered, compound) drills, burrs, trephines, and accessories
882.4310 Powered simple cranial drills, burrs, trephines, and accessories HBE NLN (Simple, powered) drills, burrs, trephines, and accessories
884.1720 Gynecologic laparoscope and accessories HET NMH Gynecologic laparoscope (and accessories)
884.6100 Assisted reproduction needles MQE NNB Assisted reproduction needles
886.4370 Keratome HMY, HNO NKY Keratome blade
886.4670 Phacofragmentation system HQC NKX Phacoemulsification needle
892.5730 Radionuclide brachytherapy source IWF NMP Isotope needle
Hemodialyzers have been excluded from this list because the reuse of hemodialyzers is addressed in FDA's “Guidance for Hemodialyzer Reuse Labeling” (final draft issued on October 6, 1995).

IV. Comments

You may submit written or electronic comments on this notice to the Division of Dockets Management (see ADDRESSES). You may submit a single copy of an electronic comment to . You should submit two paper copies of any mailed comments but individuals may submit one paper copy. You should identify your comment with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. You may see any comments FDA receives in the Division of Dockets Management between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Attachment 1—List of SUDs Known To Be Reprocessed or Considered for Reprocessing June 26, 2003

Medical specialty Device type 21 CFR section Class Product code Risk* Critical/semi-critical/noncritical Premarket exempt
1 Cardio Cardiopulmonary Bypass Marker unclassified MAB 1 C N
2 Cardio Percutaneous & Operative Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Catheter (PTCA) post-amendment III LOX 3 C N
3 Cardio Percutaneous Ablation Electrode post-amendment III LPB 3 C N
4 Cardio Peripheral Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) Catheter unclassified LIT 3 C N
5 Cardio Blood-Pressure Cuff 870.1120 II DXQ 1 N N
6 Cardio Angiography Catheter 870.1200 II DQO 3 C N
7 Cardio Electrode Recording Catheter 870.1220 II DRF 3 C N
8 Cardio High-Density Array Catheter 870.1220 II MTD 3 C N
9 Cardio Fiberoptic Oximeter Catheter 870.1230 II DQE 3 C N
10 Cardio Steerable Catheter 870.1280 II DRA 3 C N
11 Cardio Steerable Catheter Control System 870.1290 II DXX 3 C N
12 Cardio Guide Wire 870.1330 II DQX 3 C N
13 Cardio Angiographic Needle 870.1390 II DRC 3 C N
14 Cardio Trocar 870.1390 II DRC 3 C N
15 Cardio Syringes 870.1650 II DXT 3 C N
16 Cardio Injector Type Syringe Actuator 870.1670 II DQF 3 C N
17 Cardio Oximeter 870.2700 II DQA 3 N N
18 Cardio Tissue Saturation Oximeter 870.2700 II MUD 3 C N
19 Cardio Intra-Aortic Balloon System 870.3535 III DSP 3 C N
20 Cardio Vascular Clamp 870.4450 II DXC 3 C N
21 Cardio Device, Stabilizer, Heart 870.4500 I MWS 2 C Y
22 Cardio External Vein Stripper 870.4885 II DWQ 3 C N
23 Cardio Compressible Limb Sleeve 870.5800 II JOW 1 N N
24 Dental Bur 872.3240 I EJL 1 C Y
25 Dental Diamond Coated Bur 872.3240 I EJL 3 C Y
26 Dental Diamond Instrument 872.4535 I DZP 3 C Y
27 Dental AC-Powered Bone Saw 872.4120 II DZH 2 C N
28 Dental Manual Bone Drill and Wire Driver 872.4120 II DZJ 2 C N
29 Dental Powered Bone Drill 872.4120 II DZI 2 C N
30 Dental Intraoral Drill 872.4130 I DZA 1 C Y
31 Dental Injection needle 872.4730 I DZM 3 C Y
32 Dental Metal Orthodontic Bracket 872.5410 I EJF 3 S Y
33 Dental Plastic Orthodontic Bracket 872.5470 II DYW 3 S N
34 ENT Bur 874.4140 I EQJ 1 C Y
35 ENT Diamond Coated Bur 874.4140 I EQJ 3 C Y
36 ENT Microdebrider 874.4140 I EQJ 3 C Y
37 ENT Microsurgical Argon Fiber Optic Laser Cable, for Uses Other Than Otology, Including Laryngology and General Use in Otolaryngology 874.4490 II LMS 1 S N
38 ENT Microsurgical Argon Fiber Optic Laser Cable for Use in Otology 874.4490 II LXR 1 S N
39 ENT Microsurgical Carbon-Dioxide Fiber Optic Laser Cable 874.4500 II EWG 1 S N
40 † ENT Bronchoscope Biopsy Forceps (Nonrigid) 874.4680 II BWH 3 C N
41 † ENT Bronchoscope Biopsy Forceps (Rigid) 874.4680 II JEK 1 C N
42 † Gastro/Urology Biopsy Forceps Cover 876.1075 I FFF 1 C Y
43 † Gastro/Urology Biopsy Instrument 876.1075 II KNW 3 C N
44 † Gastro/Urology Biopsy Needle Set 876.1075 II FCG 3 C N
45 † Gastro/Urology Biopsy Punch 876.1075 II FCI 2 C N
46 † Gastro/Urology Mechanical Biopsy Instrument 876.1075 II FCF 2 C N
47 † Gastro/Urology Nonelectric Biopsy Forceps 876.1075 I FCL 3 C Y
48 Gastro/Urology Cytology Brush for Endoscope 876.1500 II FDX 2 S N
49 Gastro/Urology Endoscope accessories 876.1500 II KOG 2 S N
50 Gastro/Urology Extraction Balloons/Baskets 876.1500 II KOG 2 S N
51 Gastro/Urology Endoscopic needle 876.1500 II FBK 3 C N
52 Gastro/Urology Simple Pneumoperitoneum Needle 876.1500 II FHP 3 C N
53 Gastro/Urology Spring Loaded Pneumoperitoneum Needle 876.1500 II FHO 3 C N
54 Gastro/Urology Active Electrosurgical Electrode 876.4300 II FAS 3 S N
55 † Gastro/Urology Biliary Sphincterotomes 876.5010, 876.1500 II FGE 3 C N
56 Gastro/Urology Electric Biopsy Forceps 876.4300 II KGE 3 C N
57 Gastro/Urology Electrosurgical Endoscopic Unit (With or Without Accessories) 876.4300 II KNS 3 S N
58 Gastro/Urology Flexible Snare 876.4300 II FDI 3 S N
59 Gastro/Urology Flexible Suction Coagulator Electrode 876.4300 II FEH 3 S N
60 Gastro/Urology Flexible Stone Dislodger 876.4680 II FGO 3 S Y
61 Gastro/Urology Metal Stone Dislodger 876.4680 II FFL 3 S Y
62 Gastro/Urology Needle Holder 876.4730 I FHQ 1 C Y
63 Gastro/Urology Nonelectrical Snare 876.4730 I FGX 1 S Y
64 Gastro/Urology Urological Catheter 876.5130 II KOD 2 S N
65 Gastro/Urology Single Needle Dialysis Set 876.5540 II LBW, FIE 3 C N
66 Gastro/Urology Hemodialysis Blood Circuit Accessories 876.5820 II KOC 2 S N
67 Gastro/Urology Single Needle Dialysis Set 876.5820 II FIF 3 C N
68 GE/U Hemorrhoidal Ligator 876.4400 II FHN 2 C N
69 General Hospital Implanted, Programmable Infusion Pump post-amendment III LKK 3 C N
70 General Hospital Needle Destruction Device post-amendment III MTV 1 N N
71 General Hospital Nonpowered Flotation Therapy Mattress 880.5150 I IKY 2 N Y
72 General Hospital Non-AC-Powered Patient Lift 880.5510 I FSA N Y
73 General Hospital Alternating Pressure Air Flotation Mattress 880.5550 II FNM 1 N Y
74 General Hospital Temperature Regulated Water Mattress 880.5560 I FOH 2 N Y
75 General Hospital Hypodermic Single Lumen Needle 880.5570 II FMI 3 C N
76 General Hospital Piston Syringe 880.5860 II FMF 3 C N
77 General Hospital Mattress Cover (Medical Purposes) 880.6190 I FMW 2 N Y
78 General Hospital Disposable Medical Scissors 880.6820 I JOK N Y
79 General Hospital Irrigating Syringe 880.6960 I KYZ, KYY 1 C Y
80 Infection Control Surgical Gowns 878.4040 II FYA 1 C N
81 Lab Blood Lancet 878.4800 I FMK 1 C Y
82 Neuro Clip Forming/Cutting Instrument, 882.4190 I HBS 3* C Y
83 Neuro Drills, Burrs, Trephines, and Accessories (Manual) 882.4300 II HBG 3* C N
84 Neuro Drills, Burrs, Trephines, and Accessories (Compound, Powered) 882.4305 II HBF 3* C N
85 Neuro Drills, Burrs, Trephines, and Accessories (Simple, Powered) 882.4310 II HBE 3* C N
86 OB/GYN Oocyte Aspiration Needle Unclassified II MHK 3 C N
87 OB/GYN Laparoscope Accessories 884.1720 I HET 2 C Y
88 OB/GYN Laparoscope Accessories 884.1720 II HET 3 C N
89 OB/GYN Laparoscopic Dissectors 884.1720 I HET 2 C Y
90 OB/GYN Laparoscopic Graspers 884.1720 I HET 2 C Y
91 OB/GYN Laparoscopic Scissors 884.1720 I HET 2 C Y
92 OB/GYN Insufflator Accessories (Tubing, Verres Needle, Kits) 884.1730 II HIF 3 C Y
93 OB/GYN Laparoscopic Insufflator 884.1730 II HIF 2 N N
94 OB/GYN Endoscopic Electrocautery and Accessories 884.4100 II HIM 2 N N
95 OB/GYN Gynecologic Electrocautery (and Accessories) 884.4120 II HGI 2 N N
96 OB/GYN Endoscopic Bipolar Coagulator-Cutter (and Accessories) 884.4150 II HIN 2 N N
97 OB/GYN Culdoscopic Coagulator (and Accessories) 884.4160 II HFI 2 N N
98 OB/GYN Endoscopic Unipolar Coagulator-Cutter (and Accessories) 884.4160 II KNF 2 N N
99 OB/GYN Hysteroscopic Coagulator (and Accessories) 884.4160 II HFH 2 N N
100 OB/GYN Unipolar Laparoscopic Coagulator (and Accessories) 884.4160 II HFG 2 N N
101 OB/GYN Episiotomy Scissors 884.4520 I HDK 1 C Y
102 OB/GYN Umbilical Scissors 884.4520 I HDJ 1 C Y
103 OB/GYN Biopsy Forceps 884.4530 I HFB 3 C Y
104 OB/GYN Assisted Reproduction Needles 884.6100 II MQE 3 C N
105 Ophthalmic Endoilluminator 876.1500 II MPA 3* C N
106 Ophthalmic Surgical Drapes 878.4370 II KKX 2 C N
107 Ophthalmic Ophthalmic Knife 886.4350 I HNN 3 C Y
108 Ophthalmic Keratome Blade 886.4370 I not exempt HMY, HNO 3 C N
109 Ophthalmic Phacoemulsification Needle 886.4670 II HQC 3 C N
110 Ophthalmic Phacoemulsification/ Phacofragmentation Fluidic 886.4670 II MUS 2 C N
111 Ophthalmic Phacofragmentation Unit 886.4670 II HQC 1 N N
112 Ortho Saw Blades 878.4820 I GFA, DWH, GEY, GET 1 C Y
113 Ortho Surgical Drills 878.4820 I GEY, GET 1 C Y
114 Ortho Arthroscope accessories 888.1100 II HRX 2 C Y
115 Ortho Bone Tap 888.4540 I HWX 1 C Y
116 Ortho Burr 888.4540 I HTT 1 C Y
117 Ortho Carpal Tunnel Blade 888.4540 I LXH 2 C Y
118 Ortho Countersink 888.4540 I HWW 1 C Y
119 Ortho Drill Bit 888.4540 I HTW 1 C Y
120 Ortho Knife 888.4540 I HTS 1 C Y
121 Ortho Manual Surgical Instrument 888.4540 I LXH 1 C Y
122 Ortho Needle Holder 888.4540 I HXK 1 C Y
123 Ortho Reamer 888.4540 I HTO 1 C Y
124 Ortho Rongeur 888.4540 I HTX 1 C Y
125 Ortho Scissors 888.4540 I HRR 1 C Y
126 Ortho Staple Driver 888.4540 I HXJ 1 C Y
127 Ortho Trephine 888.4540 I HWK 1 C Y
128 Ortho Flexible Reamers/Drills 886.4070 878.4820 I GEY, HRG 1 C Y
129 Ortho External Fixation Frame 888.3040 888.3030 II JEC, KTW, KTT 2 N N
130 Physical Medicine Non-Heating Lamp for Adjunctive Use Inpatient Therapy unclassified NHN 1 N N
131 Physical Medicine Electrode Cable 890.1175 II IKD 1 N Y
132 Physical Medicine External Limb Component, Hip Joint 890.3420 I ISL 2 N Y
133 Physical Medicine External Limb Component, Knee Joint 890.3420 I ISY N Y
134 Physical Medicine External Limb Component, Mechanical Wrist 890.3420 I ISZ 2 N Y
135 Physical Medicine External Limb Component, Shoulder Joint 890.3420 I IQQ 2 N Y
136 Plastic Surgery Stapler 878.4800 I GAG, GEF, FHM, HBT 2 C Y
137 Radiology Isotope Needle 892.5730 II IWF 3 C N
138 Resp Endotracheal Tube Changer unclassified III LNZ 3 C N
139 Resp Anesthesia conduction needle 868.5150 II BSP 3 C N
140 Resp Short term spinal needle 868.5150 II MIA 3 C N
141 Resp Respiratory Therapy and Anesthesia Breathing Circuits 868.5240 I CAI 2 S Y
142 Resp Oral and Nasal Catheters 868.5350 I BZB 1 C Y
143 Resp Gas Masks 868.5550 I BSJ 1 S Y
144 Resp Breathing Mouthpiece 868.5620 I BYP 1 N Y
145 Resp Tracheal Tube 868.5730 II BTR 3 C N
146 Resp Airway Connector 868.5810 I BZA 2 S Y
147 Resp CPAP Mask 868.5905 II BZD 3 S N
148 Resp Emergency Manual Resuscitator 868.5915 II BTM 2 S N
149 Resp Tracheobronchial Suction Catheter 868.6810 I BSY 3 S Y
150 Surgery AC-Powered Orthopedic Instrument and Accessories unclassified HWE 2 C N
151 Surgery Breast Implant Mammary Sizer unclassified MRD 1 C N
152 Surgery Ultrasonic Surgical Instrument unclassified LFL 3 C N
153 Surgery Trocar 874.4420 I KAB, KBG, KCI 3 C Y
154 Surgery Endoscopic Blades 876.1500 II GCP, GCR 2 C N
155 Surgery Endoscopic Guidewires 876.1500 II GCP, GCR 1 C N
156 Surgery Inflatable External Extremity Splint 878.3900 I FZF 1 N Y
157 Surgery Noninflatable External Extremity Splint 878.3910 I FYH 1 N Y
158 Surgery Catheter Needle 878.4200 I GCB 3 C Y
159 Surgery Implantable Clip 878.4300 II FZP 3 C N
160 Surgery Electrosurgical and Coagulation Unit With Accessories 878.4400 II BWA 2 C N
161 Surgery Electrosurgical Apparatus 878.4400 II HAM 2 C N
162 Surgery Electrosurgical Cutting and Coagulation Device and Accessories 878.4400 II GEI 2 C N
163 Surgery Electrosurgical Device 878.4400 II DWG 2 C N
164 Surgery Electrosurgical Electrode 878.4400 II JOS 2 C N
165 Surgery Implantable Staple, Clamp, Clip for Suturing Apparatus 878.4750 II GDW 3 C N
166 Surgery Percutaneous Biopsy Device 878.4800 I MJG 3 C Y
167 Surgery Gastro-Urology Needle 878.4800 I FHR 3 C Y
168 Surgery Aspiration and Injection Needle 878.4800 I GAA 3 C Y
169 Surgery Biopsy Brush 878.4800 I GEE 1 C Y
170 Surgery Blood Lancet 878.4800 I FMK 1 C Y
171 Surgery Bone Hook 878.4800 I KIK 1 C Y
172 Surgery Cardiovascular Biopsy Needle 878.4800 I DWO 3 C Y
173 Surgery Clamp 878.4800 I GDJ 1 C Y
174 Surgery Clamp 878.4800 I HXD 1 C Y
175 Surgery Curette 878.4800 I HTF 1 C Y
176 Surgery Disposable Surgical Instrument 878.4800 I KDC 1 C Y
177 Surgery Disposable Vein Stripper 878.4800 I GAJ 1 C Y
178 Surgery Dissector 878.4800 I GDI 1 C Y
179 Surgery Forceps 878.4800 I GEN 2 C Y
180 Surgery Forceps 878.4800 I HTD 2 C Y
181 Surgery Gouge 878.4800 I GDH 1 C Y
182 Surgery Hemostatic Clip Applier 878.4800 I HBT 2 C Y
183 Surgery Hook 878.4800 I GDG 1 C Y
184 Surgery Manual Instrument 878.4800 I MDM, MDW 1 C Y
185 Surgery Manual Retractor 878.4800 I GZW 1 C Y
186 Surgery Manual Saw and Accessories 878.4800 I GDR, HAC 1 C Y
187 Surgery Manual Saw and Accessories 878.4800 I HAC 1 C Y
188 Surgery Manual Surgical Chisel 878.4800 I FZO 1 C Y
189 Surgery Mastoid Chisel 878.4800 I JYD 1 C Y
190 Surgery Orthopedic Cutting Instrument 878.4800 I HTZ 1 C Y
191 Surgery Orthopedic Spatula 878.4800 I HXR 1 C Y
192 Surgery Osteotome 878.4800 I HWM 1 C Y
193 Surgery Rasp 878.4800 I GAC 1 C Y
194 Surgery Rasp 878.4800 I HTR 1 C Y
195 Surgery Retractor 878.4800 I GAD 1 C Y
196 Surgery Retractor 878.4800 I HXM 1 C Y
197 Surgery Saw 878.4800 I HSO 1 C Y
198 Surgery Scalpel Blade 878.4800 I GES 1 C Y
199 Surgery Scalpel Handle 878.4800 I GDZ 1 C Y
200 Surgery Scissors 878.4800 I LRW 1 C Y
201 Surgery Snare 878.4800 I GAE 1 C Y
202 Surgery Spatula 878.4800 I GAF 1 C Y
203 Surgery Staple Applier 878.4800 I GEF 2 C Y
204 Surgery Stapler 878.4800 I GAG 2 C Y
205 Surgery Stomach and Intestinal Suturing Apparatus 878.4800 I FHM 2 C Y
206 Surgery Surgical Curette 878.4800 I FZS 1 C Y
207 Surgery Surgical Cutter 878.4800 I FZT 1 C Y
208 Surgery Surgical Knife 878.4800 I EMF 1 S Y
209 Surgery Laser Powered Instrument 878.4810 II GEX 2 C N
210 Surgery Ac-Powered Motor 878.4820 I GEY 2 C Y
211 Surgery Bit 878.4820 I GFG 1 C Y
212 Surgery Bur 878.4820 I GFF, GEY 1 C Y
213 Surgery Cardiovascular Surgical Saw Blade 878.4820 I DWH 1 C Y
214 Surgery Chisel (Osteotome) 878.4820 I KDG 1 C Y
215 Surgery Dermatome 878.4820 I GFD 1 C Y
216 Surgery Electrically Powered Saw 878.4820 I DWI 2 C Y
217 Surgery Pneumatic Powered Motor 878.4820 I GET 2 C Y
218 Surgery Pneumatically Powered Saw 878.4820 I KFK 2 C Y
219 Surgery Powered Saw and Accessories 878.4820 I HAB 2 C Y
220 Surgery Saw Blade 878.4820 I GFA 1 C Y
221 Surgery Nonpneumatic Tourniquet 878.5900 I GAX 1 N Y
222 Surgery Pneumatic Tourniquet 878.5910 I KCY N Y
223 Surgery Endoscopic Staplers 888.4540 I HXJ 2 C Y
224 Surgery Trocar 876.1500 870.1390 II GCJ, DRC 3 C N
225 Surgery Surgical Cutting Accessories 878.4800 874.4420 I GDZ, GDX, GES, KBQ, KAS 2 C Y
226 Surgery Electrosurgical Electrodes/Handles/Pencils 876.4300 878.4400 II HAM, GEI, FAS 2 C N
227 Surgery Scissor Tips 878.4800 884.4520 874.4420 I LRW, HDK, HDJ, JZB, KBD 2 C Y
228 Surgery Laser Fiber Delivery Systems 878.4810 874.4500 886.4390 884.4550 886.4690 II GEX, EWG, LLW, HQF, HHR, HQB 1 C N
N means no.
Y means yes.
† Indicates a change since last publication.

Dated: June 20, 2003.

Jeffrey Shuren,

Assistant Commissioner for Policy.

[FR Doc. 03-16109 Filed 6-25-03; 8:45 am]