Lower Silver Watershed, Santa Clara County, CA

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Federal RegisterMar 15, 2001
66 Fed. Reg. 15072 (Mar. 15, 2001)


Natural Resources Conservatiaon Service, USDA.


Notice of a finding of no significant impact.


Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 CFR Part 1500), and the Natural Resources Conservation Service regulations (7 CFR Part 650), the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, gives notice that an environmental impact statement is not being prepared for Supplemental Watershed Agreement No. 2 for the Lower Silver Creek Watershed, Santa Clara County, California.


Jeffrey R. Vonk, State Conservationist, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 430 G Street, Davis, California, 95616-4164, telephone (530) 792-5603.


The environmental assessment of this federally assisted action indicates that the modifications to the project will not cause significant local, regional, or national impacts on the environment. As a result of these findings, Jeffrey R. Vonk, State Conservationist, has determined that the preparation and review of an environmental impact statement are not needed for this project.

The project purpose is flood prevention. The planned project includes the floodproofing of two structures and channel work to increase flow capacity along 4.64 miles of channel.

The Notice of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been forwarded to the Environmental Protection Agency and to various Federal, State, and local agencies and interested parties. A limited number of copies of the FONSI are available to fill single copy requests at the above address. Basic data developed during the environmental assessment are no file and may be reviewed by contacting J.R. Flores, Acting Director, Watershed Planning Services.

No administrative action on implementation of the proposal will be taken until 30 days after the date of this publication in the Federal Register.

(This activity is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance under No. 10.904, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention, and is subject to the provisions of Executive Order 12372, which requies intergovernmental consultation with state and local officials.)

Dated: March 9, 2001.

Jeffrey R. Vonk,

State Conservationist.

[FR Doc. 01-6465 Filed 3-14-01; 8:45 am]