Lamb Promotion, Research, and Information Program

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Federal RegisterJul 20, 2009
74 Fed. Reg. 35159 (Jul. 20, 2009)


Agricultural Marketing Service; USDA.




The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is announcing that lamb producers, feeders, seedstock producers, and first handlers of lamb and lamb products voting in a national referendum from February 2, 2009, through February 27, 2009, have approved the continuation of the Lamb Promotion, Research, and Information Order (Order).


Kenneth R. Payne, Chief; Marketing Programs Branch, Livestock and Seed Program; Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), USDA, Room 2628-S; STOP 0251; 1400 Independence Avenue, SW.; Washington, DC 20250-0251, telephone number 202/720-1115, fax number 202/720-1125, or by e-mail at:


Pursuant to the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996 (Act) (7 U.S.C. 7411-7425), the Department of Agriculture conducted a referendum from February 2, 2009, through February 27, 2009, among eligible lamb producers, feeders, seedstock producers, and first handlers of lamb and lamb products to determine if the Order would continue to be effective. Procedures used in conducting this referendum are set forth in 7 CFR part 1280, subpart E. A final rule amending this subpart was published in the December 16, 2008, issue of the Federal Register (73 FR 76193).

Of the 1,971 valid ballots cast, 1,678 (85.1 percent) favored and 293 (14.9 percent) opposed the continuation of the Order. Additionally, of those persons who cast valid ballots in the referendum, those who favored the Order accounted for 93 percent of the total production voted, and those opposed account for 7 percent of the total production voted. For the program to continue, it must have been approved by at least a majority of those persons voting for approval who were engaged in the production, feeding, or slaughter of lambs during calendar year 2008 and who also represent a majority of the volume of lambs produced, fed, or slaughtered.

Therefore, based on the referendum results, the Secretary of Agriculture has determined that the required majority of eligible voters who voted in the nationwide referendum from February 2, 2009, through February 27, 2009, voted to continue the Order. As a result, the Lamb Checkoff Program will continue to be funded by a mandatory assessment on producers, seedstock producers (breeders), feeders, and exporters at the rate of one-half cent ($.005) per pound when live ovine animals are sold. The first handler, primarily packers, pay an additional $.30 cents per head on ovine animals purchased for slaughter. Importers are not assessed.

State Referendum Results

[February 2, 2009, through February 27, 2009]

Votes Volume voted
State Yes No Yes No
Arizona 5 0 50,794 0
California 126 5 1,099,775 9,188
Colorado 60 7 950,095 18,590
Georgia 4 1 244 12
Idaho 38 1 144,237 1,625
Illinois 26 5 2,689 1,022
Indiana 43 4 3,920 939
Iowa 89 15 409,003 2,353
Kansas 28 7 13,445 1,496
Kentucky 24 1 3,741 450
Maine 15 1 417 4
Maryland 9 2 1,274 102
Massachusetts 7 1 387 41
Michigan 55 9 15,129 1,768
Minnesota 66 16 27,367 4,348
Missouri 39 9 9,605 526
Montana 146 40 120,837 19,733
Nebraska 25 10 5,575 2,112
Nevada 9 1 30,916 6,000
New Hampshire 7 2 844 434
New Jersey 6 0 377 0
New Mexico 15 2 7,459 54
New York 21 10 3,603 5,881
North Carolina 24 1 2,042 307
North Dakota 25 11 8,287 1,425
Ohio 100 24 19,934 5,209
Oregon 51 9 37,179 4,373
Pennsylvania 49 11 5,321 30,607
South Dakota 92 43 69,216 82,413
Tennessee 22 3 1,215 110
Texas 158 6 203,437 47,536
Utah 80 3 161,377 4,457
Virginia 15 7 4,388 997
Washington 35 0 23,677 0
West Virginia 50 4 9,728 278
Wisconsin 28 6 4,232 4,438
Wyoming 72 11 212,224 11,406
Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, & Vermont 14 5 6,092 10,407
National Totals 1,678 293 3,670,082 280,641
To ensure the confidentiality of the voting process, the results of States in which there were not at least 3 votes in total with a minimum of one vote in each category are combined for the purpose of this report.

Authority: 7 U.S.C. 7411-7425 and 7 U.S.C. 7401.

Dated: July 14, 2009.

David R. Shipman,

Acting Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service.

[FR Doc. E9-17032 Filed 7-17-09; 8:45 am]