Investigations Regarding Certifications of Eligibility To Apply for Worker Adjustment Assistance

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Federal RegisterDec 8, 2009
74 Fed. Reg. 64733 (Dec. 8, 2009)

Petitions have been filed with the Secretary of Labor under Section 221(a) of the Trade Act of 1974 (“the Act”) and are identified in the Appendix to this notice. Upon receipt of these petitions, the Director of the Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance, Employment and Training Administration, has instituted investigations pursuant to Section 221(a) of the Act.

The purpose of each of the investigations is to determine whether the workers are eligible to apply for adjustment assistance under Title II, Chapter 2, of the Act. The investigations will further relate, as appropriate, to the determination of the date on which total or partial separations began or threatened to begin and the subdivision of the firm involved.

The petitioners or any other persons showing a substantial interest in the subject matter of the investigations may request a public hearing, provided such request is filed in writing with the Director, Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance, at the address shown below, not later than December 18, 2009.

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments regarding the subject matter of the investigations to the Director, Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance, at the address shown below, not later than December 18, 2009.

The petitions filed in this case are available for inspection at the Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-5428, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210.

Signed at Washington, DC, this 18th day of November 2009.

Richard Church,

Certifying Officer, Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance.


[TAA petitions instituted between 11/2/09 and 11/6/09]

TA-W Subject firm (Petitioners) Location Date of institution Date of petition
72724 Freedom Communications (Wkrs) Jacksonville, NC 11/03/09 10/28/09
72725 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (Wkrs) Austin, TX 11/02/09 09/28/09
72726 U.S Textile Corporation (Comp) Newland, NC 11/02/09 10/21/09
72727 Andrews International (Comp) Benton Harbor, MI 11/02/09 10/29/09
72728 Keiper, LLC (Wkrs) Troy, MI 11/02/09 10/26/09
72729 International Paper, Pineville Mill (State) Pineville, LA 11/02/09 10/23/09
72730 Gateway Corporation (Comp) Corinth, MS 11/02/09 10/27/09
72731 MetLife (Wkrs) Johnstown, PA 11/02/09 10/29/09
72732 Federal-Mogul (Comp) Michigan City, IN 11/02/09 10/30/09
72733 HMX Tailored (Wkrs) Buffalo, NY 11/02/09 10/30/09
72734 Nukote International (Wkrs) Rochester, NY 11/02/09 10/30/09
72735 Colfer Manufacturing, Inc. (Union) Minerva, OH 11/02/09 10/28/09
72736 General Motors Powertrain (Union) Buffalo, NY 11/02/09 10/28/09
72737 GE Transportation (Union) Emporium, PA 11/03/09 11/02/09
72738 Knowledge Networks (Comp) Cranford, NJ 11/03/09 10/30/09
72739 U.S. Steel Tublar Products, Inc. (Union) Hughes Springs, TX 11/03/09 11/02/09
72740 Bruss North America (Comp) Russell Springs, KY 11/03/09 10/31/09
72741 Landmark Automotive, LLC (Wkrs) Lawrenceburg, TN 11/03/09 10/28/09
72742 Cooper Standard Automotive (Wkrs) Bowling Green, OH 11/03/09 11/02/09
72743 Ormet Primary Aluminum Corporation (Comp) Hannibal, OH 11/03/09 10/27/09
72744 The H. B. Smith Company, Inc. (Comp) Westfield, MA 11/03/09 10/27/09
72745 Sanborn Map Company (Wkrs) Chesterfield, MO 11/03/09 10/26/09
72746 Merkle-Korff Industries (Comp) Darlington, WI 11/03/09 10/21/09
72747 Patterson UTI (Wkrs) San Angelo, TX 11/03/09 10/30/09
72748 New United Motor Manufacturing (State) Fremont, CA 11/03/09 10/29/09
72749 Norforge and Machining, Inc. (Comp) Bushnell, IL 11/03/09 10/30/09
72750 Schneider National (Wkrs) Seville, OH 11/03/09 10/29/09
72751 New Mather Metals, Inc. (Comp) Toledo, OH 11/03/09 10/20/09
72752 Arcelor Mittal Steel (Wkrs) Steelton, PA 11/03/09 11/02/09
72753 Galax Energy Concepts (Wkrs) Galax, VA 11/03/09 10/27/09
72754 Speck Buildings, LLC (Comp) Meridian, ID 11/03/09 10/26/09
72755 DW Enterprise of Ashland, Inc. (Comp) Ashland, OH 11/04/09 11/02/09
72756 Hendrickson USA, LLC (Comp) Canton, OH 11/04/09 11/02/09
72757 Intermet New River Foundry (Wkrs) Radford, VA 11/04/09 10/28/09
72758 Wacker Polymers (Comp) Allentown, PA 11/04/09 11/02/09
72759 Donsco, Inc. (Wkrs) Wrightsville, PA 11/04/09 11/03/09
72760 Georgia Pacific (State) Fordyce, AR 11/04/09 11/03/09
72761 Waterfowl Packaging, LLC (Comp) Fort Payne, AL 11/04/09 10/28/09
72762 Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital (Comp) Colebrook, NH 11/04/09 11/02/09
72763 Thermo Fisher Scientific—Matrix Technologies (Compe) Hudson, NH 11/04/09 10/09/09
72764 International Paper Company (Comp) Franklin, VA 11/04/09 11/03/09
72765 Agora Management (State) Baltimore, MD 11/04/09 10/03/09
72766 INFOR (Wkrs) Chicago, IL 11/05/09 05/29/09
72767 Hologic, Inc. (Comp) Redwood City, CA 11/05/09 10/28/09
72768 Solid State Measurements, Inc. (Wkrs) Pittsburgh, PA 11/04/09 11/03/09
72769 Siemens IT Solutions and Services (Wkrs) Clarks Summit, PA 11/05/09 10/30/09
72770 DEX Media, Inc. (Union) Lone Tree, CO 11/05/09 10/23/09
72771 HMC Technologies (Comp) New Albany, MS 11/05/09 10/28/09
72772 Narrow Fabric Industries, Corporation (Comp) West Reading, PA 11/05/09 11/04/09
72773 Clark Engineering Company (State) Owosso, MI 11/05/09 10/14/09
72774 CRH of North America (State) Warren, MI 11/05/09 10/14/09
72775 Spirex Corporation (Wkrs) Sullivan, WI 11/05/09 11/04/09
72776 Masters Tool and Die, Inc. (State) Saginaw, MI 11/05/09 10/14/09
72777 Caterpillar Inc., Building Construction Projects Division (Comp) Clayton, NC 11/05/09 11/03/09
72778 Kenco Logistic Services, LLC (Wkrs) Webster City, IA 11/06/09 11/05/09
72779 Kenco Logistic Services, LLC (Wkrs) Ames, IA 11/06/09 11/05/09
72780 Flametech DBA Xaloy (Comp) Seabrook, NH 11/06/09 10/20/09
72781 Quebecor World (Wkrs) Covington, TN 11/06/09 11/04/09
72782 Amweld International, LLC (Wkrs) North Jackson, OH 11/06/09 11/01/09
72783 Siemens IT Solutions and Services, Inc. (Comp) Clark Summit, PA 11/06/09 11/05/09
72784 RadlSys Corporation (Comp) Boca Raton, FL 11/06/09 11/03/09
72785 Beneteau USA (Wkrs) Marion, SC 11/06/09 11/02/09
72786 Rexnord (State) Milwaukee, WI 11/06/09 11/05/09

[FR Doc. E9-29143 Filed 12-7-09; 8:45 am]