Hydrographic Services Review Panel Meeting

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Federal RegisterDec 22, 2004
69 Fed. Reg. 76690 (Dec. 22, 2004)


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Commerce


Notice of solicitation for Hydrographic Services Review Panel.


This notice responds to the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act Amendments of 2002, Public Law 107-372, which requires the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere to solicit nominations for membership on the Hydrographic Services Review Panel. This advisory committee will advise the Under Secretary on matters related to the responsibilities and authorities set forth in section 303 of the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 1998, (the Act) and such other appropriate matters as the Under Secretary refers to the Panel for review and advice.


Resumes should be sent to the address, e-mail, or fax specified and must be received by February 1, 2005.


Director, Office of Coast Survey, National Ocean Service, NOAA (N/CS), 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, FAX: 301-713-4019, e-mail: Hydroservices.panel@noaa.gov.


Captain Roger Parsons, Director, Office of Coast Survey, NOS/NOAA, 301-713-2770 x 134, fax 301-713-4019, e-mail: Roger.L.Parsons@noaa.gov.


Under 33 U.S.C. 883a, et seq., NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS) is responsible for providing nautical charts and related information for safe navigation. NOS collects and compiles hydrographic, tidal and current, geodetic, and a variety of other data in order to fulfill this responsibility. The Hydrographic Services Review Panel provides advice on topics such as NOAA's Hydrographic Survey Priorities, technologies relating to operations, research and development, and dissemination of data pertaining to:

(a) Hydrographic surveying and data;

(b) Nautical charting;

(c) Water level measurements;

(d) Current measurements;

(e) Geodetic measurements; and

(f) Geospatial measurements.

The Panel comprises fifteen voting members appointed by the Under Secretary in accordance with Section 105 of the Act. Members are selected on a standardized basis, in accordance with applicable Department of Commerce guidance. The Directors of the Joint Hydrographic Center and no more than two employees of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration serve as nonvoting members of the panel. This solicitation is to obtain candidates to replace five of the original voting members whose original two-year appointments expire in late 2005 or early 2006.

The voting members of the Panel are individuals who, by reason of knowledge, experience, or training, are especially qualified in one or more disciplines relating to hydrographic surveying, tides, current, geodetic and geo-spatial measurements, marine transportation, port administration, vessel pilotage, and coastal and fishery management. An individual may not be appointed as a voting member of the Panel if the individual is a full-time officer or employee of the United States. Any voting member of the Panel who is an applicant for, or beneficiary of, (as determined by the Under Secretary) any assistance under the Act shall disclose to the Panel that relationship, and may not vote on any matter pertaining to that assistance.

Voting members of the Panel serve for a term of four years. Members serve at the discretion of the Under Secretary and are subject to government ethics standards. Any individual appointed to a partial or full term may be reappointed for one additional full term. A voting member may serve until his or her successor has taken office. The Panel selected one voting member to serve as the Chair and another to serve as the Vice Chair. The Vice Chair acts as Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair.

At a minimum, meetings occur biannually, and at the call of the Chair or upon the request of a majority of the voting members or of the Under Secretary. Voting members receive compensation at a rate established by the Under Secretary, not to exceed the maximum daily rate payable under section 5376 of title 5, United States Code, when actually engaged in the performance of duties for such Panel and shall be reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of such duties.

Dated: December 13, 2004.

Captain Roger L. Parsons, NOAA,

Director, Office of Coast Survey, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

[FR Doc. 04-27949 Filed 12-21-04; 8:45 am]