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Federal RegisterOct 23, 2008
73 Fed. Reg. 63111 (Oct. 23, 2008)


In proposed rule document E8-24269 beginning on page 60658 in the issue of Tuesday, October 14, 2008, make the following correction:

On page 60661, the table is corrected in part as follows:

Registration, recordation, and related services Current fees Proposed fees
*         *         *         *         *         *         *
Special Services
(1) Service charge for deposit account overdraft $150 $165
(2) Service charge for dishonored deposit account replenishment check 75 85
(3) Service charge for an uncollectible or non-negotiable check N/A 25
(4) Appeals:
(i) First appeal 250 250
Additional claim in related group 25 25
(ii) Second appeal 500 500
Additional claim in related group 25 25
(5) Secure test processing charge (per hour) 150 165
(6) Copying of Copyright Office records by staff:
Photocopy (b & w, 81/2 x 11) (per page, minimum $12) 0.50 0.50
Photocopy (b & w, 11 x 17) (per page, minimum $12) N/A 1
Photocopy (color, 81/2 x 11) (per page, minimum $12) 1.50 2
Photocopy (color, 11 x 17) (per page, minimum $12) N/A 4
Photograph (Polaroid) 15 15
Photograph (digital) 45 45
Slide 3 3
Audiocassette (first 30 minutes) 75 75
Additional 15 minute increments 20 20
Videocassette (first 30 minutes) 75 75
Additional 15 minute increments 25 25
CD or DVD 50 100
Zip or floppy disk 100 100
(7) Special handling fee for a claim 685 760
Each additional claim using the same deposit 50 50
(8) Special handling fee for recordation of a document 435 480
(9) Handling fee of extra deposit copy for certification 45 45
(10) Full-term retention of a published deposit 425 470
(11) Expedited search and report service (surcharge, per hour) 400 445
(12) Expedited Records Research & Certification services (surcharge, per hour) 240 265
(13) Notice to Libraries and Archives 50 50
Each additional title 20 20
(14) Fed Ex Service 35 40
(15) Delivery of documents via facsimile (per page, 7 page maximum) 1 1
Licensing Division Services
(1) Recordation of a Notice of Intention to Make and Distribute Phonorecords (17 U.S.C. 115) (single title) 12 105
Additional titles (per group of 10 titles) N/A 20
(2) Filing Fee for Recordation of Licensing Agreements under 17 U.S.C. 118 125 140
(3) Recordation of Certain Contracts by Cable Television Systems Located Outside the Forty-Eight Contiguous States 50 50
(4) Initial Notice of Digital Transmission of Sound Recording (17 U.S.C. 114) 20 25
Amendment of 17 U.S.C. 114 Notice 20 25
(5) Statement of Account Amendment (Cable Television Systems and Satellite Carriers, 17 U.S.C. 111 and 119) 95 100
(6) Statement of Account Amendment (Digital Audio Recording Devices or Media, 17 U.S.C. 1003) 95 100
(7) Photocopy made by staff (b & w) (per page, minimum $12) 0.50 0.50
(8) Search, per hour (minimum 1 hour) 150 165
(9) Certification of Search Report 150 165
New item; fee not currently listed in 37 CFR 201.3(d).

[FR Doc. Z8-24269 Filed 10-22-08; 8:45 am]