Domestic Sugar Program-2022-Crop Overall Sugar Marketing Allotment, Cane Sugar and Beet Sugar Marketing Allotments and Company Allocations

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Federal RegisterDec 22, 2021
86 Fed. Reg. 72574 (Dec. 22, 2021)


Commodity Credit Corporation, USDA.




The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is issuing this notice to increase the fiscal year (FY) 2022 overall sugar marketing allotment quantity (OAQ), State cane sugar allotments, and revise company allocations to sugar beet and sugar cane processors, which apply to all domestic beet and cane sugar marketed for human consumption in the United States from October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022.


Kent Lanclos, telephone, (202) 720-0114; or email, Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication should contact the USDA Target Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice).


On September 30, 2021, USDA announced the initial fiscal year 2022 OAQ, which was established at 10,370,000 short tons, raw value, (STRV) equal to 85 percent of the estimated quantity of sugar for domestic human consumption for the fiscal year of 12,200,000 STRV as forecast in the September 2021 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, requires that 54.35 percent of the OAQ be distributed among beet processors and 45.65 percent be distributed among the sugarcane States and cane processors.

Some beet processors anticipate that their FY 2022 beet sugar supplies will exceed their FY 2022 marketing allocation, a phenomenon known as “blocked stocks.” Given the expected large amount of blocked beet sugar stocks and current high sugar prices, USDA is increasing the FY 2022 OAQ to 10,802,657 STRV. The revised beet sector allotment is 5,871,244 STRV (an increase of 235,149) and the revised cane sector allotment is 4,931,413 STRV (an increase of 197,508). The revised beet and cane sector allotments are distributed to individual processors according to formulas contained in the authorizing legislation for the Sugar Program, as shown in the Table below (see the column titled “Preliminary Adjusted Allocation”).

The authority for the Sugar Program is in 7 U.S.C. 1359aa-1359jj, 7272, and 8110; and 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c.

FY 2022 Overall Beet/Cane Allotments and Allocations

[Short tons, raw values]

Distribution Increase in OAQ Reassignments
Initial FY 2022 allocation Amount of allocation increase Preliminary adjusted allocation Reassigned amount Adjusted FY 2022 allocation as of December 2021
Beet Sugars 5,636,095 235,149 5,871,244 0 5,871,244
Cane Sugar 4,733,905 197,508 4,931,413 0 4,931,413
Total OAQ 10,370,000 432,657 10,802,657 0 10,802,657
Beet Processors Marketing Allocations:
Amalgamated Sugar Co 1,206,731 50,347 1,257,078 30,761 1,287,839
American Crystal Sugar Co 2,072,759 86,480 2,159,239 -86,480 2,072,759
Michigan Sugar Co 582,071 24,285 606,356 107,669 714,025
Minn-Dak Farmers Co-op 391,421 16,331 407,752 64,580 472,332
So. Minn Beet Sugar Co-op 760,693 31,738 792,431 -77,422 715,009
Western Sugar Co 575,228 24,000 599,228 -47,840 551,388
Wyoming Sugar Co. LLC 47,192 1,969 49,161 8,732 57,893
Total Beet Sugar 5,636,095 235,149 5,871,244 0 5,871,244
State Cane Sugar Allotments:
Florida 2,544,366 106,156 2,650,522 0 2,650,522
Louisiana 1,968,353 82,124 2,050,477 0 2,050,477
Texas 221,186 9,228 230,414 0 230,414
Total Cane Sugar 4,733,905 197,508 4,931,413 0 4,931,413
Cane Processors' Marketing Allocation:
Florida Crystals 1,047,582 43,707 1,091,290 0 1,091,290
Growers Co-op of FL 457,694 19,096 476,790 0 476,790
U.S. Sugar Crop 1,039,090 43,353 1,082,443 0 1082,443
Total 2,544,366 106,156 2,650,522 0 2,650,522
Louisiana Sugar Cane Products, Inc 1,366,493 57,013 1,423,506 0 1,423,506
M.A. Patout & Sons 601,860 25,111 626,971 0 626,971
Total 1,968,353 82,124 2,050,477 0 2,050,477
Rio Grande Valley 221,186 9,228 230,414 0 230,414

In accordance with section 359e of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, after evaluating each sugar beet processor's ability to market its full allocation after the OAQ increase, USDA is transferring allocations from beet sugar processors with surplus allocation to those with deficit allocation as shown in the Table above, in the column titled “Adjusted FY 2022 Allocations as of December 2021.”

These actions will result in a transfer of 304,674 STRV of allocation to beet processors with a deficit allocation, an amount sufficient to allow them to market their entire FY 2022 beet sugar supply. USDA has determined that no reassignment of allotments among sugarcane States and allocations among cane processors is necessary at this time.

USDA will closely monitor stocks, consumption, imports and all sugar market and program variables on an ongoing basis and may make further program adjustments during FY 2022 if needed.

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Robert Ibarra,

Acting Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation.

[FR Doc. 2021-27766 Filed 12-21-21; 8:45 am]