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Casetext with CARA A.I. is the legal research experience you know, combined with the A.I. driven research technology of the future.

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Find on-point authorities tailored to your matter in seconds.

Just drag and drop a complaint or brief from your matter, enter a few search terms, and let CARA A.I. find you cases and other authorities that share the context of your matter, including facts, legal issues, and jurisdiction

White & Case
Stoel Rives
O'Melveny & Myers
Cozen O'Connor
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan
Fenwick & West
Baker Donelson
Casetext motion and party type filters

Advanced filters

Narrow results precisely

Use advanced filters like Motion Type, Party Type, and Cause of Action to find exactly the right authorities

Casetext citator


Cite with confidence

Know instantly whether a case has been overturned, reversed, vacated, or superseded with our comprehensive citator

Casetext key passages

Key passages

See and analyze the most quoted passages in a case

Quickly identify the parts of a case that have been quoted most by subsequent cases. With a click, see all cases that cite to a particular passage

Copy text with citation

Copy with cite

You’ve found the perfect quote. Now use it.

Casetext’s copy with cite enables you to copy a correctly formatted citation in seconds

Casetext brief check

Brief check

A digital table of authorities for any brief

When you use CARA A.I., you automatically get a digital table of authorities of all cases, statutes, and regulations cited in the brief. See what’s overturned, read the full case, or print cases to read

Casetext attorney analysis

Attorney analyses

With Casetext’s Analyses, you tap into the collective wisdom of over 1,000 law firms

Casetext has nearly 1,000,000 articles written by attorneys. Authors include firm partners in the Am Law 200, select boutique practices, and government agencies that publish substantive legal analysis. This content provides you helpful context to your primary law research

See why over 30% of the AmLaw 100 subscribe to Casetext