Savelson et al v. JP Morgan Chase & Co. et alMOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice of David S. LesserN.D. Cal.March 20, 2014PRO HAC VICE APPLICATION & ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Plaintiff(s), v. Defendant(s). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No: _______________ APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE (CIVIL LOCAL RULE 11-3) I, , an active member in good standing of the bar of , hereby respectfully apply for admission to practice pro hac vice in the Northern District of California representing: in the above-entitled action. My local co-counsel in this case is __________________________________, an attorney who is a member of the bar of this Court in good standing and who maintains an office within the State of California. MY ADDRESS OF RECORD: LOCAL CO-COUNSEL’S ADDRESS OF RECORD: MY TELEPHONE # OF RECORD: LOCAL CO-COUNSEL’S TELEPHONE # OF RECORD: MY EMAIL ADDRESS OF RECORD: LOCAL CO-COUNSEL’S EMAIL ADDRESS OF RECORD: I am an active member in good standing of a United States Court or of the highest court of another State or the District of Columbia, as indicated above; my bar number is: . A true and correct copy of a certificate of good standing or equivalent official document from said bar is attached to this application. I agree to familiarize myself with, and abide by, the Local Rules of this Court, especially the Standards of Professional Conduct for attorneys and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Local Rules. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: APPLICANT ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the application of is granted, subject to the terms and conditions of Civil L.R. 11-3. All papers filed by the attorney must indicate appearance pro hac vice. Service of papers upon, and communication with, local co-counsel designated in the application will constitute notice to the party. Dated: UNITED STATES DISTRICT/MAGISTRATE JUDGE Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP 7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10007 Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP 950 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Reset Form Melvin Savelson, et al. 4:13-5816-SBA JP Morgan Chase & Co., et al. David S. Lesser David S. Lesser David S. Lesser New York State HSBC Finance Corporation; HSBC Bank USA, N.A.; HSBC North America Holdings, Inc.; HSBC Holdings, PLC Michael Mugmon (212) 230-8851 (650) 858-6103 4072302 03/20/14 Case4:13-cv-05816-SBA Document31 Filed03/20/14 Page1 of 2 ~pp2lbth ~ifrision .of f1t2 ~:upr2nm a!.ourt .of f1t2 ~tan .of ~2fn 1nrlt Jlfirst 3Jubirlal ~2partnmnt ~, ~usanna ~ojas, illlerk of tqe J\ppellate ~ihision of tqe ~upreme illourt of tqe ~tate of ~efu iork, Jlfirst J}uoidal ~epartment, .certift! t4at DAVID SAPIR LESSER fuas oult! li.censeo ano aomitteo to pradite as an J\tiornet! ano illounsellor at 1fiafu in all tqe .courts of tqe ~tate of ~efu lork on IDulu 23, ZDDZ, qas oult! taken ano suhs.criheo tqe oatq of offi.ce prestriheo ~ lafu, qas been enrolleo in tqe ~oll of J\itornet!S ano illounsellors at 1fiafu on file in mt! offi.ce, qas oult! registereo fuitq tqe aoministrati&e offi.ce of tqe .courts, ano a.c.coroing to tqe re.coros of tqis .court is in gooo stanoing as an attornet! ano .counsellor at lafu. 3531 ~n ~itness ~qereof, ~ qa&e qereunto set mt! 4ano ano affix eo tqe seal of tqis .court on ~art4 18, ZU14 -- ~~;~~---