Minutes CivilCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.June 9, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER Date: November 9, 2021 Time: 8:30 AM Judge: Trisha Hirashima Dept.: LM Reporter: Clerk: WILSON, COURTNEY vs. SUTTER VALLEY HOSPITALS [_] Present (_] Present (_] And related Cross Action(s) Case # S-CV-0046839 Law and Motion Minutes Proceedings RE: Motion Hearing - (J Dropped. (_] Continued to CJ by Plaintiff [.] by Defendant _] by Stipulation (] by Court [_] Matter argued and submitted. [_] Submitted on points and authorities without [_] argument [_] appearance. [J Motion/Petition granted. [_] Motion/Petition denied. [_] Demurrer [[] sustained [J overruled (J without (J with leave to [] amend [J answer. (J Counsel appointed for: [_] Taken under submission. (_] Debtor is sworn and retired with counsel for examination. C] stipulation to (Judge Pro Tem [_]Commissioner executed in open court. (J Counsel for to prepare the written order and submit it to opposing counsel for approval as to content and form. _] Other / \y The tentative ruling is adopted as the ruling of the court, to wit: Motion to be Relieved as Counsel The motion to be relieved as counsel for plaintiff by Marcus Petoyan, Esq. is granted, effective upon the filing of proof of service of the signed order after hearing on plaintiff Courtney Wilson. Counsel is advised that an amended proposed order must be submitted which states VOD NI LE A 4 - complete and accurate information regarding future hearing and trial dates.