NoticeCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.November 27, 2019o O m e N Y D n nr Rh WY O YP N n y N NY N O KF K F KF B e R e B e Re R e ee B P O R R R P B R B R F C e i r i _ i d a a s r R B e e z S s DONALD B. MOONEY (SBN 153721) | Law Offices of Donald B. Mooney 417 Mace Boulevard, Suite J-334 | Davis, California 95618 Telephone: 530-758-2377 Taser | Facsimile: 530-758-7169 : | c . “ Supe r Court ifornia | Attorneys for Petitioner : in “om SATE) Stop Lincoln Twelve Bridges Hotel NOV.27 2019 | ER . va ké oe 5 : _ ‘ | VByA0. Lucatucrio uty IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA | IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PLACER | STOP LINCOLN TWELVE BRIDGES HOTEL, ) an unincorporated association; Case No. (8CV 00441 ii ) ; ) Petitioner ) ) NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF Vv. ) RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS | ) CITY OF LINCOLN; CITY COUNCIL OF ) THE CITY OF LINCOLN; and DOES 1 to 20, +) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Respondents JG LAND & INVESTMENT, LLC., a Limited Liability Corporation; and DOES 21-40 Petitioner Stop Lincoln Twelve Bridges Hotel petitions this Court for a Writ of Mandate, | directed to Respondents City of Lincoln and City Council of the City of Lincoln | (“Respondents”). Petitioner challenges Respondents’ October 22, 2019, approval of La Quinta | Inns & Suites - Conditional Use Permit and Specific Development Plan and Development | Permit (“Project”). The Project is the construction and operation of a four story, 56,9 14 square | foot La Quinta Inn & Suites and associated site improvements on property within the Main | Village area of Twelve Bridges. Petitioners contend that Respondents’ approvals for the | Project violate the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code section 21000 | et seq. (“CEQA”). , | | 0 Oo YN D W BP Ww W DY ww n o No F e F e F O O F O O E e l E S O E S O E S O e l e R B R R R R B R B R B E e w i A a a e k R a o a R B R E S Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21167.6(b)(2), Petitioner hereby elects to prepare the record of proceedings related to this action. The record will be organized chronologically, paginated consecutively, and indexed so that each document may be clearly identified as to its content and source, in a form and format consistent with California Rule of Court 3.1365. Petitioner will include in the record of proceedings all documents, including transcripts, minutes of meetings, notices, correspondence, reports, studies, proposed decisions, final drafts and any other documents or records relating to Respondents’ determination to approve the Project. | DATED: November 27, 2019 LAW OFFICES OF DONALD B. MOONEY NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS