ReplyCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.November 25, 20191 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ANDERSON CONSUMER LAW Mark F. Anderson (SBN 44787) 4IO4 24th Street, No. 1005 San Francisco, CA 94114 Telephone: (415) 321 -9655 Email : mark@andersonconsumerlaw. com Attorney for Plaintiff Sinna Sok SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA PLACER COI.INTY Sinna Sok, Plaintiff, VS. CASE NO. SCV OO44O82 REPLY DECLARATION OF SINNA SOK IN SUPPORT OF HER MOTION FOR TERMINATING SANCTIONS OR ALTERNATIVELY FOR AN ORDER ESTABLISHING THE TRUTH OFGhassanAutomotive, LLC, an Oklahoma { _E}145__L_!SHINU I b IK Ir1 ( limiterl liohitifrr n^mnqn' I PLAINTIFF'S REQUESTS FORli ited liability company, ADMISSIONS Defendant. Hearing Date: November 19,2020 Time: 8:30 AM Department: 42 Trial Date: March 8,2021 UNLIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION Sinna Sok declares: 1. I am the plaintiff in this action. 2.I am informed that the defendant Ghassan Automotive,LLC has answered interrogatories denying that it has any record of communicating with me or my fianc6. This seems impossible because my fianc6 and I communicated with owner Mr Ghassan Ali Alneama on many occasions in connection with the two engines we purchased from his company. 3. I am informed the defendant even denies having any record I paid him for the second replacement engine. Attached as Exhibit "A" is a copy of my bank's wire transfer notice for the $6,000I paid him for the second engine. Reply Declaration of Sinna Sok ISO Motion for Sanctions 11/11/2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 lt t2 t3 t4 l5 l6 t7 t8 19 20 2l .la LL 23 24 ?5 26 2? 28 4. In ansu'er to Interrogatory No, 4, Ghassan Autonrotive LLC stated it "has no record olthe subject vehicle or the sutlject engines." lhrless the cornpany burned all its records, this is surely false. I declare under penalty of perjury rurder thc laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and corect. Dirtc: Novcrnber I 1,2A20. Rc'ply Dcclnralion o{'Sinnr Sok lS0 lvlotion for Sarrctiorrs Exhibit ",N" Sok v Ghassan Automotive LLC, No. SCV 0044082 Wiie Transfer Seruices 0utgoing Wire Transfer Request i Wollr f argo llolore ncc lfumher: II'dsfi'ate: i 'hitii ii r (i'l "'i'l .: it. ', , I t rl ':- .*'-' ' maemne 0filccr/Potit"ll0l{umborr tIOILB.IIA Brr*or ftpnn grnd,l'l*bo Brnher AUr ganke' MAC i2lel.'l-s-s--?l9Q iq:ill?i ,.iltitir'i4ol All11i'i-trl: ffiiffi;';ffiffid-nscde(lRf),rnorxtnnsru:iaiiystomiJettisc)rnou''rint mational&nkksountNumbert'18A1{")' Orig&ratodr lnformation Orighrtullaan: ifINM :ecK - Pn:mary l0lype: qITV . ftirnrytDtUCrYlProv: Prirnaty l0 tlerription: lPill Validat ion Prlmory l0lssua Oater J Secondory lD Dercription: Steet Addtelr: iili i;i rir{r}{ tKli I !-rL: Line 2' [.ine 3; urrI, ilfji:KL i- l.i llP/Postal Code: :.j3Cr7 i-.,l,i(iil Honre Phone: q:,s/:.) ii,- I Pilmary l0 Eryiratlon Date: Serondayl0IYPe: rrr.lf iDt'JJ55?i SecurOaylD StatdCountry: Secondary l0 lnue Oate: Sccondary l0 ErPiration Qate: rlA l0 3i 05/ 20 I') irtr0gi:0zt WkeAmountand [reateAr: 0c0040 1 0ebrt Wolls totgo Account: 1 :i I U r l-J i'::4'; l il F is the ulttmate tecip,ent of [he wrre transfer funds] i.tri,0,,10.0'} Eenef iciary/ReciP ient &ndieiarylietipisl l'{are; is;iiAsSAl.i Ai,'f(l-&lO'l I'/E Becelierory /lccount ltimbfffl EAlil {torergnV0l'ABt (Maxico) : r'JC66tl8 96 'Pwposzotiunizi Adrlitlonal lnstrustionr: ,EIi't'I[4fi1i'E l](i. L J]-, I I Name/Addreris Line ?l Namc/Addrc:s Line l: ;':lI.i,'l{A'lf::F'r .1 0emfieiaryPhone Numhel: ! -.. SEte: Counrry: r1a: Buriness Phone: l.ine 'l: SlnklC0tD: ii;;.1i i Wiro Transler Se.vicos Outgoing Wire Transfer Request Bank (fnts is ths rinanciEl inttirution where rhE mgintatn$ thstr sccount.l AOA/BTN i303185813 I ,[rt'tTytip5IlY r]ol,t["llri.ltTY h'r:{-I. L .--.-.-Eenefidary8ankA&rogs: eity: Slate: i ;;TI t,Ll'iATnv $l< Additionrl lnsmctiom: I I ffit:?*ffiX"1$fr:ffirXl'ffi,Iffifr-'frffi#*tfrlil#'d::f,'.i;'fifii"r**ii'**t narrmres Ariditionarree5r'ominrermedratvandbenerniarvbanrsmal llllire Fear reqt esr-UmUs f argo li autlwl$d to rety ori Uro ir*omation on thlr Request in mokirq the ,equcstod funds transfet' Customer Signature originator !{ane ll-I_ryNA so!( il tr Subrnit msnuallY Signature norequrred Date: , f i-r rI ij J / ;.i.:'':!