Minutes CivilCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.September 14, 2018 #1 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER MINUTE ORDER In the Matter of The People of the State of _ wa California R Lop - DA ¥ Present __ Present __ and Related Cross Action(s) $-CV-0041851 Date: 10/4/18 Divudge [] Commissioner: Alan Pineschi [] Stipulate to Comm. / Pro Tem in open court Time: 8:35AM Clerk: Kim-Harding- K. Garcia | co 1] eee Ky “~y & Department: Department 33 Reporter: Ne-Gourt-Reporter - No Reporter Nature of Proceedings: Petition Hearing Additional Information: To secure witness for out of etato enurt data Trial Date: [] Long Cause [] Short Cause Days Hours [] Jury [] Non Jury [] CTC Time : 8:30 in Department 42 [] Msc Time: 8:30 Check in at Jury Office [] CMC/OSC Continued: Date: Time: Department: [] Case Reclassified to Class New Disposition Date: [ ] Case referred to Arbitration Arbitration to be completed by: { ] Judgment must be entered by the above date | ] Default, Dismissal, Responsive Pleading, or Order for Publication by the above date or [] Sanctions will be imposed [ ] Case to be dismissed [ ] Case Dismissed w/o Prejudice for Reopening the Case for Entry of Judgment on the Settlement or Enforcement of the Settlement pursuant to C.C.P. 664.6. [] Case Dismissed [] With [] Without Prejudice [] By Court [] By Attorney [ ] Granted [ ] Denied alopred . Rin DA, Mint 2) [exe D 2 (2 Sanctions are imposed as follows: $ against (Payment is due within 30 days from the date of the mailing of this order. “ff the court finds that sanctions have not been paid or vacated, counsel/party may be ordered to appear for an OSC re contempt/fallure to pay sanctions, or the matter may be referred to Revenue Services for collection.” Ch Minutes A crane