Minutes CivilCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.August 1, 2017SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PLACER | Minute Order | Anest, Terry et al vs. Proscapes Landscape Design, _ oe oO Present Inc [_] Present | - | Case Number:S-CV-0039823 [_] and Related Cross Action(s) _ | - | -Date:March 13, 2018. Judge: | py Sebuletee ti , ' ; Comm./Pro Tem in Time: 10:00 AM Clerk: open court Reporter: : &INo Reporter - Dept:Department 40 - | , | Event: Case Management Conference []Long cause []Shortcause LJ Days |] Hours ____ * [] Jury [EJ Non Jury | C]ctc_____ Time: 8:30 in Department 42 []mMsc__.___ Time:8:30 Check in at Jury Office [_] Default Prove Up Hearing | [_] CMC/OSC Continued: Date: Time:___ Dept.: [_] Case Reclassified to Class New Disposition Date: (I case referred to Arbitration Arbitration to be complete d by: [J judgment must be entered by the above date | [_| Default, Dismissal,Responsive Pleading, or Order for Publication by the above date or Ci Sanctions will be imposed [_] Case to be dismissed - | [_] Case Dismissed w/o Prejudice for Reopening the Case for Entry of Judgment on the Settlement or | Enforcement of the Settlement pursuant to C.C.P . 664.6. | ee Dismissed [_] with [_] Without Preju dice [] By Court [_] By Attorney Trial Date: Granted [_] Denied. Other No appearance required. CMC is continued to 6/26/18 at 10am in Dept. 40 It is so Ordered. Signed | Judge Alan Pineschi (_] Clerk [_] Counsel to give notice. ee e e O A fe a a ig ne ca na l gl