Set SheetCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.July 31, 2017 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER - pate: 7-4-1 € CASE #5 -CV-0039 JO CASE NAME: Ss li Maun oe (Lese idle Te.¢h. HEARING TYPE tSmotion Athrice, © foe q L] Demurrer [1] Motion to Strike L] Order for Examination L] Default Hearing [] Other: HEARING CHANGE 4 DROP hearing set F207 e , Dept. 3. : 8236 | (time) BSKCONTINUE hearing set_ 7 #- S~/ & Depts, 970 (time) TO , Dept. (time) [1 Change requested by: {\@A iz Ni cles Phone: RSE- “34 §- eos Representing: A Plaintiff/petitioner L Defendant/respondent Method of request: ‘4 Telephone L] Inperson - Oo Mail . L] Opposing party has agreed to continuance. LL] N/A Document(s) filing date: Clerk Sandor c Notes: “ Hearing may only be dropped by the party who scheduled the hearing.