DeclarationCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.July 31, 2017 MC-030 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): | Lance J. Curtis SBN: 194445 CARTER WOLDEN CURTIS LLP 1111 Exposition Blvd. Suite 602 SACRAMENTO, CA 95815 TELEPHONE NO.:916-567-1111 FAX NO. (Optional): 916-567-1112 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Jocelyn Carnrike SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER STREET ADDRESS: |()820 Justice Center Drive MAILING ADDRESS: 10820 Justice Center Drive CITY AND ZIP CODE: Roseville, 95678 BRANCH NAME: Howard G. Gibson Courthouse FOR COURT USE ONLY PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Liam Carnrike, a minor 2] /a / ase DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT:Rocklin Unified School District, et al. UL CASE N DECLARATION S&y0039807 The minor, Liam Carnrike, has no general guardian and no previous petitions for appointment of Guardian ad Litem has been filed in this matter. Jocelyn Carnrike is willing to serve as the Guardian ad Litem for Liam Carnrike, a minor. She is fully competent to understand and protect the rights of the minor, has no interest adverse to that of the minor, and there is no other parent, relative, or friend that can or will accept. The undersigned attorney for said minor declares that he has investigated the circumstances and represents to all parties and this Court that there is no conflict of interest between Jocelyn Carnrike and the minor if Jocelyn Carnrike is appointed Guardian ad Litem. | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 3 (=7| 7 Lance J. Curtis (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) NATURE OF DECLARANT) ‘orney for Plaintiff [_] Petitioner [_] Defendant (_] Respondent [_] Other (Specify): Form Approved for Optional Use Page 1 of 1 Judicial Gouncil of California DECLARATION 9 ‘Westlaw Doc & Form Bulider= MG-030 [Rev. January 1, 2006]