StipulationCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.May 5, 2016 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIF ORNIA | Lowe, Deborah’vs, Ridenour, Kelli et al. R GOURT-OF CALIFORNIA ; UPERIOR GO OF PLACER : JAN 08 208 JAKE CHATTERS EXECUTIVE OFFICER & CL ERK By: T. Hinds, Deput a se _ Teoe eo - CASE NUMBER: ' - STIPULATION FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF : * ae COMMISSIONER AS TEMPORARY JUDGE a ~ | $-CV-0037740 S, : Date: It is understood between the undersigned attorneys and parties that the pending matter has been assigned toa . Superior Court Commissioner for the County of Placer, and that his/her appointment as a Superior Court | Commissioner is in accordance with Article Six, Section Twenty-Two f the Constitution of this. State and further that said. Commissioner has*been appointed as a Temporary Judge ‘pursuant to an order of the _ Presiding Judge of this Court under the authority of Article Six, Section Twenty-Two of the. Constitution and Section 259, Subdivision (f) of the Code of Civil Procedure of this State, and that upon such appointment said Commissioner has taken the oath of office. as to all matters assigned. - oo It-is therefore stipulated between the undersigned attorneys and parties that said Commissioner or any . other Commissioner appointed as set forth above. shall hear the within action sitting as a Judge Pro Tempore. . ye BS os . It is further stipulated that said Commissioner, or any Commissioner appointed as set forth above shall, by: this signed document, be vested with the authority to hear any future or further hearings or the trial in this _ ase; whether contested or uncontested, as a Judge Pro Tempore. JANOS 2018 ~~ (@PlaintifPetitioner) ~ ~ «| “B efenidaniRespenden) 7? (Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner) -_ . . : (Attorney for Defendant/Respondent) | cA oe