NoticeCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.May 5, 2016 : . é ma ne ‘ { . E ; Be . = ot | ' " [ATTORNEY OR.PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): TELEPHONE NO.1 Eric L. Graves SBN 179253 (916) 231-0321 ‘\Bryan Ceglio SBN 312682 (916) 231-0335 po Stone & Graves, LLP 11335, Gold Express Dr., Suite 145 WG-010/EJ-175 FOR COURT USE ONLY FILED Superior Court of California _ Gold River, California 95670 County of Placer ATTORNEY FOR (Name); Plaintiff NAME OF COURT, JUDICIAL DISTRICT OR BRANCH COURT, IF ANY DEC 14 2017 Placer County Superior Court Jake. Chatters xecutive Officer & Clerk By: M. Anderson, Deputy PLAINTIFF: DEBORAH LOWE DEFENDANT:‘KELLI° RIDENOUR, et al. NOTICE OF HEARING ON CLAIM OF EXEMPTION / LEVYING OFFICER FILE No.: | COURT CASE NO.- (Wage Garnishment - Enforcement of Judgment) 2017001934|SCV0037740 1. TO: | | Name and address of levying officer Name and address of judgment debtor - ‘Placer Co. Sheriff's Office ] | Kelli Ridenour : Placer Co. Sheriff's Civil Division 1777 Grouse Run Cir. 2929 Richardson Dr; Roseville, CA 95678 Auburn,. CA 95603 (_} Claimant, if other than judgment debtor i}. (name and address): Fk r- - oT _ LJ Judgment debtor's attorney (name and address): {| L o t bL [-- 2. A hearing to. determine the claim of exemption of. [(X} judgment debtor (.} other claimant will be held as follows: a. date: 1/8/2018 time: 11:00 a.m (X} dept.: 40 CQdiv.: | rm.:: b. address of court: 10820 Justice Center Dr.,Roseville, CA 95678 3. LJ} The judgment creditor will not appear at the hearing.and submits the issue on the papers filed with the court. Date: 12/14/2017 Bryan..Ceglio (TYPE. OR PRINT NAME) - (SIGNATURE OF JUDGMENT CREDITOR OR A TTORNEY) if you-do. not attend the hearing, the court may determine your claim based on the Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement (when one is required), Notice of Opposition to-Claim of Exemption, and other evidence that may be presented. Pagel of 2 Form Approved by the NOTICE OF HEARING ON CLAIM OF EXEMPTION ~ Code-of Civil Procedure, § 703.550, 706,107 dudicial Council of California 2 : WG-010/EJ-175 [Rev. January 1, 2007] / (Wage Garnishment - Enforcement of J udgment) CEB’ | Essential eS soe oe L oe »o Lowe | BB Forms : -_ Mts rt e sen c ma re em un rh st _n ir m- ar ng ar n- we ry e epe tni nte ece s.. . CO 3 ww ae : ; WG-010/EJ-175 SHORT JATLE: a : LEVYING OFFICER FILE NO. [COURT CASE NO.: Lowe v..Ridenour 2017001934|SCV0037740 * PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL lam over the age of 18 and not.a party to this cause. | am a resident of or employed in: the county where ‘the mailing occurred. My residence or business:address is (specify): : ‘ Se 11335 Gold River Express Dr., Suite 145, Gold River, CA 95670 I served the attached Notice of Hearing on. Claim of Exemption and the attached Notice of Opposition to. Claim of Exeniption by enclosing true copies in a sealed. envelope addressed to each person whose nameand address is given below and depositing the envelope in the United States mail with the postage fully prepaid. (1) Date of deposit; 12/14/2017 (2) Place of deposit (city and state): - . Gold River, CA NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON TO WHOM NOTICE WAS MAILED Kelli Ridenour - 1777. Grouse’ Run. Dr., Roseville 95747. , | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 12/14/2017 -_ : Deseree Aguillen “ > (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) , N - (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT). - PROOF OF SERVICE - PERSONAL DELIVERY | am over the age of 18.and not-a party to this cause. My residence or business address is (specify): . . I served the attached Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exemption and the attached Notice of Opposition to Claim of Exemption by personally delivering copies to the person served as shown below. e - . PERSONS SERVED Name , Delivery At . . : , Date: Time: Address: | declare-under penalty of perjury. under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) oO (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) WG-010/EJ-175 [Rev. January 1, 2007] "NOTICE OF HEARING ON CLAIM OF EXEMPTION _- Page 2 of2 2" | Essential: . pe Ee (Wage Garnishment - Enforcement of Judgment) GB f2\Forms- oe a ee of Lowe. w e é