WorksheetCal. Super. - 3rd Dist.June 9, 2021 DATE EVENT 9-314 Case called by: C] Judge:- (sign, FRISHA HIRASHIMA [] Judge Pro Tem: (sign) Continued to: Plaintiff Present _ [)Absent - [Appearance by: Kayyy Aywoid. Defendant []Present ra] Absent ] Appearance by: JUDGMENT IS ENTERED AS CHECKED BELOW ON : (date) 10//3 JQ] {2 1) J Defendant: (name) Ay turn Creede Vila “shall pay plaintiff (name) LQyoy, Aymond $ 2000 principal and$ 5O costs on plaintiff's claim 2) (J Defendant does not owe plaintiff any money on plaintiff's claim 3) O Plaintiff (name) shall pay defendant ( name ) $ principal 4) ( Plaintiff does not owe the defendant any money on the defendant’s claim 5) (1 Possession of the following property is awarded to plaintiff (describe property) 6) [] Payments are to be made at the rate of $ per beginning on___-i-C™CSCSCCCC and on the____-s- §- -_ day of each month thereafter until paid in full. If any payment is missed, the entire balance may become due immediately, and judgment will be entered. 7) (Dismissed in court [] with prejudice [] without prejudice 8) (J Attorney-client fee dispute 9) [J Other 10)§Payable forthwith 11)0 This is a Court Supervised Settlement pursuant to CCP 664.6. The Court will retain jurisdiction over this matter until the terms and conditions of settlement have been fully satisfied [-] Case dismissed before trial [ with prejudice (] without prejudice Evidence introduced is (_] returned CL] retained by the court ] motion to vacate filed C] Satisfaction of judgment entered PLAINTIFF'S CLAIM ©74%-2|__ AMOUNT ASKING $_A205O costs $ 50+ O= SO DEFENDANT’S CLAIM AMOUNT ASKING $ COSTS $ CASE NUMBER RSCOO 2044 POS FILED ©&-247\ T__ [] No POS FILED